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Posts posted by tsupra

  1. I realize that this is going to come across as a QQ, but so be it.


    I've spent most of the day today in warzones (pre-50) and every single time, without fail, it has been just overrun with lowbies and, every single time, we just got steamrolled because of it.


    One memorable game today had 3 (THREE!!!!) people who hadn't even chosen their AC, and fully half the team didn't have Sprint.


    This game really needs to be slightly more bracketed. I'm not arguing for the 10 level brackets that WoW has, but two brackets just isn't enough. Getting owned is fine if the other team plays better, but getting owned because you are the only person on your team above level 15 isn't.




    The 5 lvl brackets wow has are permitted due to 5x(+) population plus cross server que's!!The first is just impossible and the second is on its way(many people are contrary and however bw doesnt seems competitive enough to implement soon). The only way to fix what you describing seems to be implementing an ac restriction to join a wz plus giving sprint earlier!poor tho since more talents and abilities are gamebreaking at 1-49

  2. This doesn't exactly instill a vote of confidence for me.


    I'm not impressed with warslammer PVP'ers yet. Don't know any that are worthy fights.... yet anyways.


    high rating wow players is an oxymoron at best


    My definition of a PVP server, is active wz's and active world PVP at all levels.


    And not just active world PVP in illum that place is the armpit of SWTOR... But I'd love to world PVP on other planets.


    Warzones are very active both for premades and solo!as for the general world pvp you mention dont fool yourself except if you missposted on the wrong game!can find a couple of battles while you levelling but thats all,specially on voss if you are after it

  3. It must be Tomb of Freedon Nadd, cause there's many good pvp guilds from Warhammer/ Dark age of Camelot.


    But we dont want more ppl, because we got 5-6 hours queue sometimes


    On Legions of Lettow there's some high rating wow pvpers.


    Hard to know how's the pvp on the other servers.


    This! except of that the que times are an exageration:P


    Btw how this one came up here?:p

  4. Uhm, PvP should be about competition and skill not whoever has the best gear. Killing undergeared enemies just isn't fun. I can't believe people really enjoy killing undergeared people over and over o_O The most fun and interesting matches are those against equal geared and skilled enemies.


    What you described is an fps mmo!while i agree that killing undergeared players is no fun(all video posters might disagree),gear/char progression is one of the reasons some people pick mmorpg over the other kind of mmo's out there!!

  5. I would like to comment the changes as a watchmen sent!cant say i am happy (i like the no cost abilities but they where not a problem to use anyway)!what i am concerned mostly,is the removal of the damage immunity(talented) at force camo witch translates that any decent pvper will be able to pop us out in any moments!


    Camo as gap closer looses potential and it gonna hurt more than our 50% snare or our free awe could add!!oh and if i was marauder instead of sentinel would be arguing against the swap in trees of transcendence increased speed(in huttball is a win/win situation)


    Overall i believe that the changes are meh(for watchmen,cant say for the other specs) and if i had to bet i would put my money into :our life is getting harder

    1.2 =

    1.2=the same till now-valor requirements+some epeen rating!!more changes ofc but have nothing to do with pvp forums!!


    Please release a new game,someone:(((

  6. Most of the classes in this game has a skillcap for 5 y old and that is why it feels so balanced!Dont get me wrong overall balance i mean,not that there are not hardcounters out there!


    6 out of 8 ac's out there can only get in and spam damage with max just having some positional perception! what game cant achieve balance when is oversimplified like this one

  7. I dont think you're understanding what people are saying.


    If you have to open with a charge then don't fight them. LOS and go away, cut your loss. It's only the terrible players at PvP who think they can go rambo on everyone. What separates the people like you who come and whine on the forums and those who will continue to dominate you is the sense not to fight in situations where its unfavorable for you.


    The people who beat you will continue to beat you because you fight when the situation is favorable for them. As a marauder if you cannot open without charginig, do not face a sorcerer. That is asking for you to get facerolled unless they rolled hybrid.


    Marauders are the best 1v1 class hands down. Its purely a learn to make smart decisions issue for you.


    You didnt read anything!let me reasume to you!For starts i almost never loose to a sorc/sage!i recon tho that i win cause almost all of them are playing poorly!


    Scond if you dont open with charge the only thing you ll manage to do is to hit them for the 6 rage(assuming that they are stupid enough and wont switch to you once you get at 15ish feet) then get knocked back/sprint eventually!!The fact that you have to open with charge is set in stone,except for some rare positional occasions

  8. I gave a good way to deal with sorcs above even if using charge as the engaging attack. Some times it is crucial to lead in with charge of course to stop a bomb plant/ball carrier or to get yourself up to another level above you. Using force charge from a higher area up to a lower is pretty much always a waste. But yea if you can just run up on them and open up on them you always have your charge ready to close the distance if they run.


    But like I stated up above, between a nice aoe cc, some roots if spec'd carnage, some well timed disrupts, and using your 5 second force camo to stealth and close distance, vs saving it to run if you end up losing the fight later, all our good tactics to close the gap on fleeing sorc's/ sages IMO.


    Carnage is a whole different story,have roots, root breaker,increased speed etc makes it much more powerfull against a sorc than anihhilation!!

  9. Yeah but you get 99% reduction for 5s while he doesn't. Use a brain to figure out who'll clutch out the fight. And by that time your leap is up. If you actually vanished/undyingrage correctly you wouldn't be qq-ing about sorcs.


    Hence the cc,use your brain before you tell me to use mine,genius!


    Seems you miised a couple of my post where i am saying that i dont have a problem to kill a sorc!But the only reason is cause 99% of the sorcs are really bad,these posts prove it

  10. The entire series of action/movement that culminates to the single moment when you decide how to approach that sorc/sage sucker, is what decides who is a good player or who is a sucky whiny dolt.


    Picking out juicy targets, using terrain features, LOS, faking movement to make them think you are not targetting them, using momentary distractions are ALL part of your attack plan.


    In your case, you don't have a plan. You see enemy, you Force Leap.


    Hence, you PHAIL.


    The 'reasons' you have given are stupid and flawed, and if you insist I will explain, but I prefer not to dwell into n00bsy stuff.



    If you are expecting certain melees class to be able to just jump into any situation without regard to how the enemy is behaving and moving around, then you really shouldn't be playing melees, or PvP in the first place.


    Play with AI mobs.


    Yes explain cause i wanna have a good laugh!3 post and still no facts just random idiocy

  11. You are talking about sorcs. I'm teaching you to USE YOUR CDs correctly. So what if you cc the marauder? If you had a working brain you'd know to pop a medpac after using your 99%.


    And the bubble stun / KB-root has to be SPECCED into. They're not free.


    ofc i use a medpack like every dps sorc will spec into this spec,cause is the most rewarding!You cc him so he dont go all derp while unkillable!what dps points are you talking about>?full mid tree?cause if you mean to fill up the last tree its actually a dps los!


    Thanks teacher but you are late at least a month!you ca use a medpack too and all gets even

  12. what dps points are you talking about?i am not complaining ,not yet at least since almost all sorcs are really bad!gonna be soon some good around tho and then we can talk again!


    How about you cc the marauder when he goes godmode?l2p is your issue as i recon

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