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  1. Also gerade habe ich eine Quest hintermir, dass ich glaube, die Questdesigner waren high oder hatten was gegen Soldaten ... Ich habe die Faust erledigt, so weit, so gut. Danach wird man nach Coruscant geschickt, labert mit Garza, von der zur Republik Flotte um einen NPC anzuklicken - es gibt nicht mal ein Gespräch! - und dann wieder aufs Schiff zum Holoterminal und wieder Coruscant. Gehts noch? So langweilig kann mir gar nicht sein, dass das sinnfreie Hin- und Hergefliege und gerenne Spaß macht
  2. All this is not about whether the eula ist correct and binding or not, because that does not make any difference. Especially as this may differ from country to country. Here in germany if you buy a product in a box and afterwards are obliged to accept a eula to be able to play the game, you are not legally bound to that eula no matter where the servers are located. It's all about the product that is sold here. The current problem isn't about the scheduled maintenance times. They were said to be once a week, about 8 am to 3 pm here in germany. The problem arises because there are many more maintenance downtimes, almost every week there's a second day with servers down. Depending on the times you are able to play - I for example can only play from the morning the early afternoon - the downtimes can mean you won't play a whole day. If its once a week, always the same time and day, for planned maintenance it's fine. But if there's so many added downtimes like in this game it gets very annoying and makes one reconsider continue playing and paying. I really cannot understand why people say "get a life, make something else" or "is 15$ that much to you" or "that's stated in the eula so accept it". Ever thought about that it is exactly that what makes companies like ea/bw act this way? Because the dumb player accepts almost anything the company makes. This way the companies will never learn that they should listen to the customers and make anything possible to satisfy them. No, instead they learn that they can do anything the way they like, no matter what disadvantages this has for their customers. Crediting us one or two free days would at least show a sign of "we are sorry about those massive downtimes". But as it is now I think they don't care the least.
  3. Leider war, i.d.R. ist es so, dass man von Spielern mit solchen Namen nicht viel halten kann. Zumindest kenne ich es aus meiner WoW-Zeit so, da galt zu 90%: dämlicher Name=dämlicher Spieler. Auf Exar Kun sind mir bisher u.a. Biogurke und das Paar (wobei ich das noch halbwegs kreativ finde) Sehnix und Sehauchnix begegnet.
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