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Posts posted by Wrevan

  1. Nightmarish grind for XP? In WoW? Are you joking? WoW is probably the fastest game to level in.
    I didn't say it was slow :p


    It is just largely pointless - There is no goal in questing/dungeons/PvP but xp xp xp.. nothing to advance but your level until you cap. WoW is heavily biased towards the endgame, with no cohesion or theme between way too many disconnected quests. No point in any uncapped Profession either as no one stays in any level range long enough for most under-85 player crafted items to be useful.

  2. Slightly off point to the whole thread but I feel for you. Starting in Cataclysm would have been horrific. They really gutted the game with it.
    I know, I've had that feeling myself, even without others telling me that. I've watched the older raids on youTube, like the Ahn'Qiraj one with whole servers needing to come together and the Old God bosses and everything, and they seemed a lot more exciting than the battle with Mr. Dudwing.



    A contract is a contract. If you don't pay because you removed payment options, it's not going to end well for you. Be careful.

    Other people on their forums claim to have legitimately cancelled by saying they had to be deployed overseas and whatnot. I had a unique reason myself that rendered the game unplayable for me on one of my main characters: "too much gold" to transfer out of a heavily-overpopulated server, so

  3. See, it makes sense. It's less time I could be playing and for little good reason.


    NNNOOO. I LOVE having to walk through those huge spaceports! They really do a part in the whole sci-fi feel.


    jeez why so impatient? Don't tell me the tugging for dumbing-down has already begun?? Next thing we know you'll want Quick Travel between planets!


    I don't see why you'd be flying so often for it to be a pain anyway.

  4. Sweet stuff. I do understand why someone would want to get the annual pass. Diablo 3 is pretty tempting, but I believe you made the right decision in the long run. It's a way for blizzard to 'lock in' subscribers for a year and It's probably a lot cheaper just buying D3.
    Depends on what D3 finally costs, and any Deluxe/Collectors' editions etc. The Annual Pass was adding up to around $180, so that's almost twice the price of D3 on its own, but including a full year of WoW. I guess it's good for those who were going to play WoW anyway, but I felt gypped for letting myself get locked in :\ for an obvious attempt at keeping customers away from their competition.
  5. People spend more time in this game talking about wow then people in wow talk about wow.


    it's like one big AA group for former wow players who are trying to convince themselves/others that they are over their addiction.

    I don't know about your WoW server, but people on mine talk about SWTOR often, and most of the times WoW loyalists don't come up with anything in WoW's defense, other than "den wy ar yu steel playing this" as if you could only play one MMO ever :rolleyes:



    but yes, TOR draws on WoW's strengths, and adds some things better. It's only natural to compare, AND SCREAM OUR REJOICING TO THE WHOLE WORLD FOR FINALLY, OH LAWD FINALLY BEING FREED FROM THAT TRAP OF MEDIOCRITY, if you're a former Warcrafter :p

  6. Sadly I don't forsee endgame in TOR being any different, cap your warzone stuff do your dailies, do the OP's and FP's


    MMO's are basicly all the same at heart.

    I haven't seen TOR's endgame but I see what you mean.


    However TOR lets you experience the game more differently the 2nd time around with other classes than WoW does, because of its story and path choices.


    TOR also has more potential for adding totally new environments in patches (unlike WoW which only introduces new areas in expansions) simply because the setting is based across planets instead of continents.



    One thing I'll give WoW, is the different starting regions for each race. I was disappointed in having to go through Dromund Kaas on my Sith Warrior just like I did on my Bounty Hunter.

  7. That's right, the supposedly-irrevocable contract for continuing to pay for one whole year of World of Warcraft (it's almost as if Blizzard knew they were going to lose players to SWTOR huh) by removing all forms of payment from my Battle.net account.


    Why did I ever get into it to begin with? Diablo 3 of course (I was hoping for a secret increase in chances of getting into the beta) but I'll buy that on its own when the time comes.


    Having played since the launch of Cataclysm, I was fed up with WoW breaking down into a mind-numbing weekly routine between patches after you hit 85: Cap your Valor & Conquest every Wednesday, run Baradin Hold and the latest raid (FL/DS) by Thursday, and .....that's it.


    Between point caps and the raid all you see is LFMs for legacy content just for Achievements or vanity gear.


    PvP'ers will argue but I don't believe in playing an MMORPG just for PvP - I have better-balanced and more-competitive games like StarCraft for that.


    BEFORE cap, oh hell don't remind me that nightmarish grind for XP with absolutely zero options in the way you do a particular quest or dungeon. I know, at least that's about 100% more options there are in character customization...right? *cough*




    In SWTOR, I'm having fun playing just for the sake of playing, although I do miss being able to actually sit in chairs, and that's all for my contribution to TOR love today. Thanks for reading :)

  8. I agree. No dumbing down of the game constantly in an intention to gain/please more customers.


    My very first thread on this forum was about this, a plea to BioWare to not simply give in to the whiners.


    Just provide a smoother curve up to the bar, for those that need it, but please don't set the bar lower for those that can handle it.

  9. I could go from Darnassus to Stormwind by walking, flying without stupid loading screens.
    You can't go from Darnassus to Stormwind without loading screens.





    In SWTOR there are more opportunities, and requirements, to group up with other people that WoW ever did before cap. In fact, in WoW's last patch they explicitly REDUCED the need to group up before cap.


    Did I say Trollfail?

  10. Same. THANK YOU BIOWARE! preordered Dec 7 and I got in today.


    The intro was just mindblowing, and an easy reminder whose game I was playing :D


    Loving it so far. Thanks, congrats and best of luck to BioWare. Now back to my booty hunter

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