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Posts posted by Madbent

  1. RNG absolutely sucks. I still don't have complete sets... and forget about min/max after endless WZs and GSF matches. The previous gearing system was far superior.


    I suppose Bioware doesn't want us to ever use multiple characters actively? Why do the grind? It isn't worth it.


    RNG, what a f***ing fail.

  2. Congrats to my peeps in Revan's Legacy at Star Wars Celebration in Orlando Friday night! We were the only guild capable of taking down the new Ops boss! The boss designer and other Bioware peeps drank with our team after... and the boss designer said hi to us in TS! Great job guys!!


    [url=<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The first Guild to take down Tyth this weekend at <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/SWCO?src=hash">#SWCO</a>!<br><br>Will you and your squad be next? <a href="https://t.co/CAsnLJPrPf">pic.twitter.com/CAsnLJPrPf</a></p>— The Old Republic (@SWTOR) <a href="

    ">April 16, 2017</a></blockquote> <script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script&gt][/url]
  3. Hey guys we all know you are damn good, and all your team are almost unbeatable, but roaming in Unranks like you guys are doing is just killing the fun of ANYONE facing you.


    They have made Ranked Warzone for people well organized as you, why arent you in there, instead of rapping face non stop.


    Like I said you guys are good, really good, but maybe too good for unranked




    Join an organized guild then!

  4. Revan's Legacy is recruiting! We do it all:

    - All the perks of course

    - Immense resources to fund events, progression, and other fun stuff

    - Scheduled and structured Ops process and HM Progression Teams

    - One of the tops few conquest guilds

    - Ranked PvP nights

    - A large population that can dominate competitive events and world PvP... against everyone else

    - A stable leadership structure that keeps us operating eternally. Others collapse all the time. We never will.

    - If you like RP, we do that too - check out our guild movies on our home page!


    Our history:

    Revan's Legacy is a guild that has been in continuous existence since our beginning as Morpheus' Legacy in the Matrix Online in March 2005. When SWTOR was announced, MxO closed down and we reformed as RL in preparation for this game. We have been involved since the early invite betas. Our first server was Helm of Graush, then were moved to Pot5, where we were the number one guild on that server. As the server continued to decline, we made the decision to move to Shadowlands and quickly established ourselves as the largest active guild here.


    Feel free to reach out to any of our members or visit us at revans-legacy.com!



    GM, RL

  5. Greetings SWTOR Community!


    Revan's Legacy has created a movie based on our flagship, the Revanant. It started off as a simple tour of our completed flagship (which by the way is pretty kick-***!). However, this being SWTOR, we thought we needed some story... and the project grew to a movie of around 40 minutes in length. We released it in three parts, part three below.


    It's cut from around 1000 total Fraps shots - many were unfortunately useless due to various graphics, lag and engine bugs. SWTOR is quite challenging of a platform to produce fan movies actually. We added additional sound to make it feel more alive. We had a lot of fun doing it and it has been a labor of love!


    The movie is set before the Shadow of Revan storyline. It features many of the core members of RL, and perhaps 100 members are in the movie as main characters or extras.


    We hope you enjoy it!


    Part Three:

  6. I've always hated it when people said "Pot5 is dead!" and defended it until the end - and as much as I hate to admit it, the end is here...


    The population on Pot5 is probably at it's worst point ever, and after the release of the new instancing thing (next week?) it will probably get even worse. Since every server will have both PvE and PvP instances for every planet, there is no longer that last little reason to stick around (open world PvP).


    It got to the point where during prime time we were waiting 20+ minutes for a WZ pop and then when it finally popped, we were lucky if there were 8 people to fill a team. Half the matches after 10PM would end in 30 seconds due to lack of players.


    Afternoons are even worse - you have to be extremely lucky to get a WZ pop pub side before 4PM, and even imp side (which has about 2+ times the population as pub side) is having issues. I was in queue imp side for over 2 hours in the afternoon about 2 weeks ago before finally getting a pop - the first thing someone said in the chat when I loaded in was "Wow, I've been queued for over 4 hours and this is the first WZ to pop all day!"


    My guild finally had to give up and move to a larger server just to have WZs to play in. I log in to Pot5 each night to see if anyone is on that didn't see the "We Are Moving" MotD to let them know where we are, and while I'm there I do some /who checks. About 65-70 total lvl 65 players pub side each night, and only ever one WZ running at a time (and usually only 6 or 7 people in it).


    As much as I hate that I'm now one of those people I've been fighting against for so long, I have to say Pot5 is not the place to transfer to if you're looking for something to do - it isn't "dead" but it isn't the place to be if you're looking to do any group activity.


    Agree with all of that. As you know we have been die hards, but at times our online members are more than half of the fleet count. Sometimes it is all RL teams vs RL teams in PvP.


    We are moving to the Shadowlands effective 5/3.

  7. Greetings SWTOR Community!


    Revan's Legacy has created a movie based on our flagship, the Revanant. It started off as a simple tour of our completed flagship (which by the way is pretty kick-***!). However, this being SWTOR, we thought we needed some story... and the project grew to a movie of around 40 minutes in length. We will be releasing it in three parts.


    It's cut from around 1000 total Fraps shots - many were unfortunately useless due to various graphics, lag and engine bugs. SWTOR is quite challenging of a platform to produce fan movies actually. We added additional sound to make it feel more alive. We had a lot of fun doing it and it has been a labor of love!


    The movie is set before the Shadow of Revan storyline. It features many of the core members of RL, and perhaps 100 members are in the movie as main characters or extras.


    We hope you enjoy it!


    Part One:


    Part Two:

  8. Hello there, I am currently looking for new members to join my guild. My guild is The Republic Avengers. My name is Heiboca and We are on the republic's side. I just recently acquired this guild, as the other members were inactive, so the previous owner gave me leadership. I just got one person two days ago, and I am looking for new people to join. Our guild does not yet have a focus on what we would like to do. I would like to save that judgment till after we get enough people inside of it. Right now the other person and I have been doing flashpoints and our class story. In the future I would like our guild to be able to participate, in guild wars, pvp, and operations.


    Pointless to start new guilds. Too many tiny ones out there as it is.

  9. Greetings SWTOR Community!


    Revan's Legacy has created a movie based on our flagship, the Revanant. It started off as a simple tour of our completed flagship (which by the way is pretty kick-***!). However, this being SWTOR, we thought we needed some story... and the project grew to a movie of around 40 minutes in length. We will be releasing it in three parts. It's cut from around 1000 total Fraps shots - many were unfortunately useless due to various graphics, lag and engine bugs. We added additional sound to make it feel more alive. We had a lot of fun doing it and it has been a labor of love!


    The movie is set before the Shadow of Revan storyline. It features many of the core members of RL, and perhaps 100 members are in the movie as main characters or extras.


    We hope you enjoy it!


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