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10 Good
  1. I'm using the Balmorra Resistance Gear from the social vendor on Balmorra. You need social 2, but it's a nice soldier-y set that is super cheap and I believe it's the first male social set available.
  2. The problem is that Tank companions like Qyzen don't get any boost to their survivability past a paltry 15% shield chance when in their tank stance. Every PC tank stance comes with a sizable boost to armor, threat, and other perks. Obviously PC tanks should be more effective than companions. But, looking at the numbers, the Tank companions are only marginally beefier than the DPS companions (and this survivability is based on shield chance, not armor) and can't put out nearly as much damage. I believe that in beta they had an armor buff in their tank stance and that would do a lot to fix their current issues. As a tank-spec Shadow at level 19, I have ~27% armor for kinetic and energy in my tank stance along with 14% dodge and 20%/20% shielding. That feels pretty beefy, a few story fights aside, especially since this is before the huge jump in mob difficulty after Alderaan. Qyzen? Admittedly, I haven't geared him out much past the quest greens. I can't afford to. Still, I would hope for better than 12% armor. He doesn't even get the bonuses to defense I get. If I don't throw Guard on him, he can't even handle grabbing Strong aggro, let alone Elites.
  3. I received the title "Baroness" on my female BH a few days back after appointing the son, Raffid. I don't recall using any of the flirt options, though I chose the second option in the final bit with Raffid. The flow of the conversation was something like: everyone presents their case > I choose Raffid > marriage offer > accept > say general nice things until the dialogue ends. Character Screen/In-game Codex Entry
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