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Posts posted by OGsam

  1. I agree, and there are 2 other classes that shall remain nameless that can do this also. The fire pit should just be instant death. No ticks, just instant death,


    Terrible idea, that makes harpoons/pulls and knock backs extremely over powered. All that needs changing is that no skills can mitigate/resist it. For example it takes 25% of your HP per tick full stop.

  2. Welcome to Wotlk 2.0?


    Do you think the high damage you see is coming from the new expertise change?


    Considering I went from 12% damage increase to 23% damage increase AND went from 12% mitigation to 9% mitigation, expertise is a HUGE factor.

  3. This patch is so retarded. You can kill ppl in 2 hits, and you die in 2 hits. All your cooldowns barely do anything at this point. Stun durations are still full length, and you die in one duration. Whoever gets the jump on someone wins.


    Bioware really messed up on this one...


    My views exactly, I am VERY curious to see what BW has in store to fix this mess. Unless, of course, their intention is to have zerg-pace-based PvP TDM facerolling, in which case I will either move on to another game or get some fresh air! I'm not one for all the nay-saying and QQ unsubbin threats, but this change has made PvP no fun at all for me.

  4. I mean, what the hell were they thinking? Nerfing healing, reducing the amount of heal boost from expertise, and increasing everyone's damage?


    How does that make any kind of sense?! Ugh.


    Don't forget REDUCING the damage reduction granted by expertise.


    BW obviously doesn't realise if you have a play ground see-saw and you move it 15cm to 1 side that means that side is 30cm longer than the other.

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