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Everything posted by SirSlayAlot

  1. Are you for real? You do realise talking like an 8yr old who lives in a trailer park is not cool anymore. Time for you to get original kid instead of piggy backing off a 4 year old joke. Litterly... 4 years... that's how far behind you are.
  2. Ya, my only regret in this game is.... I subbed for 6 months and not 6 days
  3. Not saying anything otherwise I'll just cop more of those parking tickets handed out like free samples
  4. SWTOR's model and how it is right now, is a dead man walking. Bio needs to improved 10 fold on the 1st expansion if they wan't to make an impact in the MMO market. 1.7mil subs is pretty pathetic in todays market. Having said that, I think SWTOR will top 2mil subs and won't go any higher unless drastic changes are made. I for one regret getting a 6month sub, should of only done it month by month. Because if I did, I wouldn't have been renewing it next month. I'm bored *****less.
  5. I will personally bump this daily to get a Oceanic Update from a Yellow.
  6. 2mil subs divided by 1550 ratings = 1.3% representation. Pretty conclusive.
  7. Do you login to the forums from work during the day from your work computer daily? I believe the security questions are random, like once a week maybe at most, but if the system detects multiple computers logging into the same account then it will always ask the security question if the computer IP is different from the last computer IP to login. So in short, if you don't login forums or the game itself other than one PC then I would be concerned and change your password, after checking for keyloggers.
  8. Oh so sad, so no more constructive posts from you?
  9. Lol.... WoW is instanced, it just doesn't have big green doors because Bioware are amatures at MMO and Blizzard are Pros at it. Just because you can't see big green entry points in the world, doesn't mean it's not there. Remember in Wrath in Dragonspire (don't think that is right) zone where you defeated an army at the gates of something or other and after that, all the NPC's were gone and new ones were there, and you got a title from it. The was all instanced to you and only you. Other players who were in the same area, but not completed the quests, saw the original NPC army still there. If you played WoW for 5 years and never picked up on this then............ ouch....
  10. It is pretty logical why you can't send anything to your Imperial from Republic toon on the same sever (or vise versa). For that to be your biggest gripe of the current state of the game then......
  11. The Fleet should be full of little "pet" droids scooting around, making it feel alive.
  12. Night all, thanks for the convos. People are starting to lose sight of the original discussion. /done.
  13. Again, you've added absolutely nothing to the topic at hand. Are you the captain of the Costa Concordia?
  14. Way to come in at the end of the conversations and miss all the ones in the middle Einstein. Keep up the good work.
  15. I have a full time job that pays very very well... sorry if you aren't as efficient with your time as I am. P.S. Aussies don't have basements, only fat anti social Americans do. Save your stereotypes for your own kind
  16. WoW did this, then many more games did this. Now SWTOR is doing this. First it was original, a Star Wars MMO, now people are catching on that this dead horse has already been flogged.
  17. First post was a retaliation, then I edited it to be more inline with the questioning. Then you added nothing to it.
  18. Not once did I say we should have this and that RIGHT NOW... not once...
  19. Sure they do, that's why there are several replying posts, or, did you skim over them... silly you. Ahh the ol'basement line... I'm pretty sure even the 11yr olds stopped using that last year. Assumptions... can either be your best friend.. or your reputation nightmare.
  20. The guy I was responding too, wasn't referring to you, so why would you inject yourself into a conversation that had nothing to do with you? You lost me, are you trying to climb to the highest branch here? Or you just trying to bring up something again I've put to bed 3 times now? Open Space pvp would be different IN SWTOR. That is what we are talking about here... SWTOR and variety, not talking about the current stock market predictions. Do you try and walk on water because it is there to be done or do you, like I would, take the easier option and get on a boat? Just because it is there, 1 piece of gear, doesn't mean it HAS to be done that way and if you don't get it done then you haven't done EndGame.. is that what you are implying? I'm not going to bother with with fiddly pointless thing like that when I can easily pick it up in an OP. But by all means, you go ahead and pour hours apon hours into mind numbing dailies for that massive reward. Then why on earth are you opposing otherwise? You don't need to min/max everything to be unsatisfied with endgame. That's borderline psychotic. No.. sad is when you completely missed the point.
  21. Don't all RE's only yeild BOP? (Synthweaving)
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