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Posts posted by Rekar

  1. With the expansion, and the republic and empire pretty much defeated. What about the Sith Order? I mean we get Lano and Darth Marr as companions. If your playin any republic class or BH and Agent it makes no sense. Anyone else got any ideas or anything?
  2. I have wondered if this is possible. Like in your guild banks you can deposit money in there and it hold money. Why cant we have something similar in legacy bank. It would be much easier at the end of the day deposit your money in your legacy bank so other toons of yours can access it. Anyone else think this would be a good idea?
  3. I just have a strong feeling that Disney will mess this up. The whole lightsaber is one of the biggest things that made me pissed when I saw the trailer. I for one grew up with the originals. Granite I wasn't around when they were in the movie theaters but I had the VHS ones. When 1-3 came out I was like alright cool whatever. The trailer for the new one looked good and if they mess up the iconic Lightsaber then they lost me. I will be there at the midnight release and just hope they fix that
  4. Well I wanted to ask on here since I've been hearing so much about this. I have been hearing many people talking about SWG is returning and being revamped. Has anyone heard this?? I mean can these people be talking about Swgemu or is this game coming back??
  5. So I was rumbling old pics of SWG and saw my vet rewards from that game. Why doesn't SWTOR have a vet system?? Set up a good way to set aside the months it takes it to get the rewards. What are yalls opinion for it??
  6. In their forecast for this game earlier. They said there was going to 2 expansions this year with one being like the starship pvp stuff. If that's true is this Housing one of the expansions??? I mean I like it an all but if its going to be this and a space one, they should add more to it then just this. Anyone have any other ideas??
  7. Hey yall,

    Been here since launch and have 12 50s on another sever. I am wanting to try somthing new and try a rp sever. I play on both sides and would like to find a guild that I can have fun with. Also one that does HM's and OP's. Thanks for the feedback



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