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Posts posted by Kunkoh

  1. 6:30 PM, logged in. 27 people on the fleet. No one standing near the PvP vendors.... Only one in my guild logged in. Should be prime time gaming; but with nice weather out, other games that just released it seems like a lot of people have something else to do.
  2. Survivability cooldowns shouldn't allow you to run straight through hazards. I've seen far too many people in Huttball run right through the fire pits on ramps because they've got a survival cooldown up. This is not a matter of canon 'oh, but Jedi and Sith are cool enough', or 'my Powertech's shielding is totally thick enough'. I come from an RP realm. I believe in roleplaying and immersing one's self in the universe.


    If the Sarlac pit didn't stop Boba Fett, you can be sure a measly fire pit isn't going to stop Bubbafatz. I have the armor AND enough fat to just slide right through. Sure, I'll sizzle like some bacon; but that's not gonna stop Bubba! You can roleplay gimp, but I'm gonna roll play myself awesome right to the finish line and one of my hot, cousin Mandalorians.

  3. How would a game that will not have competitive PvP and balanced only around PvE kill swtor PvP?


    Straw that broke the camels back? Not everyone that PvP's is a hardcore PvPer that only plays games with PvP. A lot of people like to play new games when they come out (like Skyrim, ME3, etc) and will spend the 1st week or 2 of those games release playing those new games, rather than their primary game - in this case SWtOR.


    Now, that being the case and you combine the servers already being low with a lot more people leaving (even if they originally only intended for it to be a week or two), you have servers that are even MORE dead. Queue times that go from long to non-existant. People that were on the verge of quitting before (but aren't interested in whatever X new game is) may hit their tipping point and go back to their old game just so they have an active server with pvp.


    By itself Diablo probably won't "kill" SWtOR, but it can certainly help the situation along by escalating a serious situation that the dev's don't seem to be solving as quickly as they may need to (with server merges and cross server queues).

  4. It would be nice if it would cycle through all the enemies in the area, spinning in a spiral clockwise pattern. As it is, there doesn't seem to be a rhyme or reason to it. I've seen it bound to one person, and then bounce right back to the first person it targeted completely avoiding the other 3-4 people in the area, or when you're chasing someone it'll and they are the only visual person it'll bounce to someone behind a wall or no one at all!


    This wouldn't be an issue if clicking on someone with your mouse was an option; but there are issues with that as well (sometimes it takes multiple clicks to get the person you want, which is really infuriating in the middle of a WZ).

  5. Assassin/shadow=rouge


    rouge is make up usually applied to the cheeks.


    And people will never stop the QQ, because people are much to skilled to ever lose unless the other class is overpowered, hacked, or zerged them. Their skill more than makes up for their less than recruit gear and horrible spec.

  6. I move almost exclusively with the mouse as well, however, since not all heals are instant, and you have to stop moving to cast using the raid frames isn't an issue; just like it wasn't an issue in any other game. Even when I'm being chased non-stop (which is pretty common on my healer).


    I have every single ability on my 3 hotbars (other than my mounts) tied to hotkeys (keyboard + mouse + control covers them all).


    Works just fine. Like I said, you have to stop to use several of the heals, but I have no problem hitting auto run while being chased, and bubbling, cleansing, and hotting as many as possible as I'm doing my laps pillars or something.

  7. Yes. Sometimes you enter and people don't play now. Sometimes BEFORE, you would enter and people would just auto leave if the group looked fail.


    On the other hand, people that wouldn't join before because they felt their "daily" was more of a "weekly" and their "weekly" was an "eternity" are queuing up; which is creating more games for everyone. More people queuing up, means more games, and also less likely you're going to run into a pre-made (or worse the same pre-made) team every game.


    I personally would rather have it like this. Logged on, queued solo on my healer - finished the daily. Then logged on my tank and finished the daily and almost the weekly before people started logging for the night and the queues started getting long.

  8. As long as winning is superior to losing, people will still try to win, so this change only benefits the game.

    Bingo. Winning is still superior to losing. This benefits the game. This can encourage people to queue, because they see they can still improve their toon - where as before, they could spend an hour and get virtually nothing for it, including no fun. On the whole, this is an improvement for everyone.

  9. This is a false dilemma. It doesn't have to be this or that, either or, you're with us or against us. The truth and best answer, like many things with life is somewhere in the middle.


    I don't think just getting equal gear right off the bat works for multiple reasons, just like I don't think making a huge grind works for multiple reasons. I think right now SWtOR is somewhere in the middle - it takes a while; but they've made it quite a bit easier to gear up. This is a good thing for everyone. Those that need/want to constantly be improving their character can (which is what pulls in a lot of people, and keeps them logging in), and those that don't want to have to do that can still get decent gear. The better and more skilled people will still win, and still get the best gear first; but those less skilled still have a chance at the gear and improving their character.


    In the end, it evens out and skill comes into play, and people learn who the better players are.

  10. 99 Comms for daily/weekly is NOTHING. That's less than winning one good game. So losing 6 times, with maybe one medal each time, is going to net these people less than trying and losing 6 times. You're making up a problem that isn't real, because losing your way to gear is not at all effective.


    ^ This. The people that were trying before will still try. The people that weren't still won't. BUT, the change may encourage NEW people to start PvPing again which is a good thing. Especially considering the Queue times a lot of people complain about.


    The change is good.

  11. It's my least favorite.


    Part of the reason is the team that starts down (short players) at the beginning, is hurt more than any of the other warzones. Say you're short and attacking, due to the ease of defending you may never get through; where if you had a full team? Or if you're short and defending, and they get through due to this - once they have that running lead, you can't make up that ground. Then when it's your turn to attack, it's now "even"?


    The others don't matter quite as much. So they score 1 point in huttball, but then 2 people join; you can make up that point. They have a lead, but not insurmountable. It's easier to defend in CW but you CAN take a turret back and win; same with NC.

  12. Great day for the game.


    If you do that, what you're describing, you'll get ~ 30 tokens. As opposed to winning, which will be ~ 4 times that.


    This doesn't hurt the PvPers that go to PvP no matter what, because they are there anyway - no matter what. It doesn't hurt the pre-mades, because they were already going to roll people for a few hours till they got bored.


    What this DOES do, is make it easier for those going up against those pre-mades, or who are undergeared to have a shot at finishing the daily. Especially so on the smaller servers where all you hit is the pre-mades over and over, and sometimes go an hour or more without a win.


    It also helps the Premade and other PvPers because if people aren't getting frustrated, they are more likely to queue up for Warzones. So maybe you wont see the same people every single match.

  13. Like discussed in the other thread, this will also result in absolutely horrible WZs- with no intenitive (or how thats spelled sry) to win. "I will just lose my way to the gear than..." attitude and that kind...

    The incentive to try to win is you get more valor for winning than losing; so you get your nice gear faster. Or to break it down the motivation to win is still there = win make gud stuf fast; loose take long timey.


    In addition, like others have mentioned people will be MORE likely to stay in a losing WZ because at least they'll have credit for the match to go along with the daily quest. Before, the daily actually encouraged them to leave a losing game, and get into another queue faster (and hopefully with a better team).

  14. Jalez, DAoC had incentives. ;) Some of them are/were very subtle though - others not so much.


    Kill Spam - broadcast zone wide, who killed who. As such, you KNEW when there was an enemy in the area and you knew WHO that enemy was. The incentive to PvP - FAME


    Realm Rank - The more you killed, the more RR you got, which lead to titles. People could tell by looking at you if you were a rookie or someone to be feared by your title. (SWtOR does this too). It also had another function later, they added Realm Points to it which you could use to buy abilities to your dps, crits, make you harder to CC, and allowing you to BREAK CC. The incentive - Fame and POWER


    Claiming Keeps - Status symbols of your guild. The more powerful guilds that PvP'd constantly could hold them indefinitely as they generated plenty of realm points to pay for them, or at least till another guild was able to take them away. But it was always harder to take a more powerful guilds status symbol (they could keep theirs at a higher level). Incentive - ... you see where I'm going with this.


    In addition, there was also more money AND xp from mobs in the frontier; so farming out there could be very advantageous; but very dangerous. Even more so if you were doing it near a keep owned by your guild or an allies guild. And don't forget relics and relic raids, those could be BIG incentives. ...

  15. I'd personally love to see objectives and reasons to have open world pvp. There are a lot of ideas and ways to have open world pvp mean something, and constant that could be implemented on Ilum. Saying "if you want incentives, you don't want pvp" is not helping a situation. You want open world PvP? GIVE people (not just PvPers) a reason to go out there. If there are no deer, the wolves starve - which is what's happening now.


    Crafting nodes that are high end - would draw all the crafters and farmers out there hoping to make money. If they have a reason to go there, PvPers will go there to try to gank/kill them. Now those same crafters may need to bring "body guards" to assist them; and suddenly you have some big competition.


    Objectives that matter - As an example DAoC had keeps (castles) in their pvp area that guilds could claim. This got guilds invested, and even bluebies would come out to help defend their property. SWtOR could have Outposts/Towers that guilds could claim, and would fly their guild emblem. This would help invest those guilds in the world, because they would "own" something. It would also form guild rivalries - friendly and not. Same faction guilds would hope to hold theirs the longest, defend theirs the best, etc; other realms guilds would constantly be trying to take other guilds. You get to know your opposition.


    In DAoC you could only keep your keep as long as you had "Realm Points" that your guild received from it's members PvPing. Guild valor could be used the same way - you don't pvp, you run out of guild valor, and you can no longer keep your tower. Another guild will then claim it. Or, obviously if it's an enemy faction; they could just conquer it!

    Graphics - Give people who PvP and defend an extra graphic, rather than letting them buy new uber gear. Like in Planet Side, they would get gold emblems on their gauntlets. Or maybe they could have a shoulder cord (like what the US Infantry wears on their class A uniform) - give it different colors and maybe a larger size. Stuff like that as they go up in valor rank. It helps get PvP away from gear as a symbol (which just makes the strong stronger, and keeps the weak down). Or maybe medals on their chest - like were frequently worn on SW uniforms.

  16. I remember joining a WZ (Huttball this game) w/ my Powertank and my friend on his Healagent when we were in our mid 40's. Someone on our team before the start said, "sorry" to us. I asked him why, and he responded that he was sorry because everyone else on the team was pre-20. My response to that, and what I sincerely believe is that pre-50 (where expertise comes in), " Don't worry about it. It's not about levels pre-50. Everyone gets a boost. It's about playing the game and helping your team." This is especially true in Huttball.


    Levels can help because you get new abilities that can be very useful to your group; but everyone gets a health boost, they get a dps and healing boost to make them all ~ 49. So no one should ever feel bad about joining a WZ at a lower level. As long as you play the game, help your team, and keep your head on a swivel (situational awareness) you can be an asset - class and level aren't as important as those things.

  17. Current pvp food chain as I see it:

    Top: Best geared, highly skilled players

    Middlin: Adequately geared, better than average skilled players

    Bottom: Ungeared, scruburritos

    That's the short of it. Elite players that work hard to get good gear, know their class (and spec'd it accordingly), and work well on their team will always be better and more useful to their team no matter what class they play. Every game there are under-geared people who complain about having to work hard to get gear, and if just everyone had the same gear they would be awesome. Then if they aren't complaining about the gear and the time (effort) to get it, they complain about the other classes being OP because there's no way it could possibly be their skill, lack of knowledge of their class and lack of effort to learn (and get improve) that's setting them back.

  18. I agree, that's super frustrating. Until they merge servers (and/or cross server warzones); there isn't much they can do. Because of this I really hope that is one of their primary focuses for the next patch. Just having more people queuing means you're less likely to see the same premade again and again.


    A massive pvp zone would also be nice, something like 40vs40 (or 20vs20 if the game can't handle that). The smaller the matches the more a great player in great gear with 3 of his best great friends can influence the game. The more people in, the more that elite's squad's ability is diffused - though they can still be very effective. It also makes it more likely the other side gets their own if multiple 4man teams are queuing.

  19. Coming in Game Update™ 1.3 aimed for Soon™


    I wish they would let us know when this soon is. I think if they were able to give SOME date it may give people something to look forward to. Just listening to general chat in the fleet is not pretty. Very few people even talk about SW, all the talk is about other games and how few people are around.


    Though, if they missed that date....

  20. I really love my PT for protecting my healer friend, but I'm tank spec'd for utility to do that.


    Jet Charge + Grappling Hook + Stun + AE stun + Snares on attacks + taunts + guard.


    Makes it pretty easy to either peel a couple people away (jet charge and grappling hook have a root affect), or at least greatly reduce their ability to damage him with all the damage reduction abilities.

  21. Great post because it's informative and rather than friendly. I would love to see this stickied on the forums. It doesn't deride new players but tries to help them. I'm not the best PvPer, but I love it and am always trying to improve; so there are always things I'm trying to work on - and these are those things (my tips).


    1. Keep your head on a swivel/Situational Awareness: zoom your camera out as far as possible and constantly pan the camera if you're not currently engaged in a fight. It helps with your situational awareness by allowing you to see people running up behind you, so you're more ready for any situation. This is probably the largest key to anything in life - Situational Awareness.


    2. Keep your eyes on the prize: Doors, Computer console, Flags, etc - If you're fighting, pan your camera or turn yourself so that you can see if someone is trying to ninja it behind you so that you can interrupt them.


    3. Don't get tunnel vision: You aren't a "MOB", don't let them pull/lure you away from what you should be guarding. Use your head, and play for the win; not your kill meter.


    4. Kill their support to win: Mark and destroy their healers first. You aren't going to kill that DPS target if there is someone sitting behind them healing them.


    5a. Assist your allies: DPS - Attack the same target to maximize your teams DPS. If you come up on a fight in progress, combine your DPS with another on your team to quickly and efficiently eliminate targets - especially their healers.


    5b. Assist your allies: Support - Your own healers are fragile but are crucial to victory. By keeping your "head on a swivel", you can see when they have dps on them. Use guard, taunt, pulls, pushes, stuns, snares, and anything else you have to protect them and get the dps off. They can't heal you well when they are running for their life, and they heal even worse when they are waiting to respawn.

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