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Everything posted by SykoTavo

  1. What I mean is that the healer you do need does not have to be healer specced. Examples of specced vs non-specced healer/tank Specced Healer: Combat Medic Commando Non-Specced Healer: Any other Commando Specced Tank: Defense Jedi Guardian Non-Specced Tank: Any other Jedi Guardian Non-specced classes are those that can somewhat do the job but are not purposefully specced towards it.
  2. I'll be short and to the point. For now, I have not encountered a HEROIC mission that absolutely needed a tank specced tank (TsT) or a heal specced healer (HsH). Off-tanks and off-healers can carry those roles fine in these types of missions. The problem I'm seeing is that people don't know how to correctly deal with large groups of elite and semi-elite mobs. Most people think: "cc the weaker one's, we can deal with those later'" THIS IS VERY WRONG!!! The correct way to take down a group of mobs, even without a TsT and HsH is this: Picture a mob group of 3-4 yellow star elites (strongs) and 2-3 silver star elites (weaks). 1) cc as many strongs as the group can...NOT THE WEAKS!!! 2) tank the remaining non cc'd strongs...DO NOT DPS YET!!! 3) burn down the weaks...DO IT FAST!!! 4) burn down the tanked strong NOW! 5) burn down the rest of the strongs, re-cc'ing as necessary. This quickly eliminates the threat of 2-3 weak mobs that may be killing your healer or inflicting unneccesary damage on the non-specced tank (or anyone else) and allows the non-speecced healer to better focus his/her heals on the tank who is supposed to be taking most the damage. I understand this may not work in 100% of the situations but it should be grafted into everyones playstyle as the go-to strategy for most mob groups in HEROIC missions and even some trash in Flashpoints. In fact, even with TsT and HsH, this is still the best strategy to bring down mob groups.
  3. Anyone ever use noxxic.com for WoW? I hope they bring one up for SWTOR =-D
  4. ...whatever you put in your first quickslot button (left to right and bound to '1' by default) also gets bound to your right-mouse button.
  5. Ok, but are either of them really worth spending credits on?
  6. I feel overwhelmed by the amount of abilities (and the similarity between a lot of them) we get. As a level 13 Trooper Commando I already have more abilities than I know what to do with. I can't imagine how many I'll have at end game!!! Any suggestions? Are some abilities supposed to make others obsolete or am I supposed to be using them all ? For example, right now I have 3-4 AoE abilities. I can understand when to use Pulse Cannon (close distance AoE) and Explosive Round (no more than 3 enemies AoE). However, Mortar Volley and Hail of Bolts are very, very similar...both offer AoE for groups of 5 enemies at most. One is a Trooper ability (Mortar Volley) and the other is a Commando ability. So, am I supposed to be using both? Or do I substitute one for the other? PS: Posted this on general because I'm sure this is the same situation with all classes.
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