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    Developer, Analist
  1. Your name is on every post I've read so far. busy life you have. Nothing to do and nothing to say. Except for crap.
  2. - What I would do If I was responsable for a game like wow or Rift. As soon as a powerfull potential game like SW:TOR would come out. I would invest tousands to contract hundreds of posters to poison the forums on SW:TOR. It would be massive, everyday dozens of threads would be created breaking all the softs on the game. Until the comunity slowly starts to colapse and blindly support my contracted fellows. .... Think for your self, have fun and enjoy the game. This is just the beginning.
  3. I would like to constructively underline that I also experience, skill lag, response delay, animation not flowing on damage result, skill stuck. I rather have less complex animations then then huge delay on damage result. When using mutiple skills im not sure witch skill do what damage because everything is just messy. I think this is easy to solved. Lets get to work.
  4. Hey guys I would like to know if I'm alone on this subject. I hate the fact that my evil assassin ONLY wears girly skirts. I was looking at all the gear available for assassins and guess what assassins don't get to use cool outfits, light armors, cloaks or anything similar they kill in a long skirt. Bioware, I love the gameplay of the assassins but I hate the fact that my only option is to use a skirt. Its not even a Robe looking outfit. You have a cool looking top but then you put a skirt on. Please make us some pants I want pants!!!!!!!!
  5. For each WZ you make you win around 1.5k. Last time I heard about about slicing being OP it was 5k an hour, so even so it seams like making PVP is much much more profitable since you win money, EXP, PVP currency reputation and Valor.
  6. Guys this isn't a Chat room. If you have something important to add, please do, otherwise sit and wait. I'm trying go to make some logic of what is told but everything I refresh the page 7 new pages show up. Senseless.
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