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Posts posted by Lyandria

  1. By all means, continue to whine that it feels like a single player game while also asking for more accounts so you can play alone.


    I mean really, the only reason anyone wants to dual box is to run themselves through instances, which is cheating.


    actually, no that never even crossed my mind honestly - but its mega useful for playing the ah game and crafting in general...


    but as has been said allready - out of the box its not possible.

  2. I have artifice at 400. How do you make a crystal with power rating. (+7 Power)


    afaik they are drop only (full crystal) also there is the magenta recipie (drops off belsavis world boss)

  3. No - when you RE class sets, (or the similar non-set epic gear you get from Hard Modes) you just get a message stating "There's no information about X" and it destroys the item without giving any materials.


    afaik that is only true for non-craftable stuff...

  4. do you mean like crafting orange and getting a critical on it?


    I had a lv35 orange suit last night with 4 slots instead of the usual 3, but I sold them all off as would have cost to much to mod it up properly..


    you had a Orange Armor with an Augment Slot? and sold it?


    too expensive to upgrade mods? lol sorry oO

  5. tbh i believe they just upped the general credit dop rate, instead of the instance credit drops only...


    btw: made ~100k from mob drops yesterday running Kaon Normal... (every other mob had 2-4k creds)

  6. Because the amount of people who chose biochem purely for how good the med packs were or cyber for the grenades, is still lol.


    Sorry, but was still a ridiculous thing for those who dropped skills just to take these 2 for the sole purpose of dominating and not seeing it wouldn't last long.


    If you think Bio chem is still the best skill to have, will leave it at that.


    sorry but i culd give a rats *** about pvp - the med pack was op sure and is still good after the nerf - but its the stims and adrenals not the med-pack that's important and those are just retarded atm - seeing as lower grade stuff than the vendor learned drops in raids and both have bio 400 req. --> nobody needs those drops


    I don't understand the logic on having T3 Recipies on vendors for a meager fee of 20k and still have worse recipies of the same thing (T1, T2) drop...

  7. Rofl, i still cant believe people dropped skills just to take bio chem for this sole purpose.

    When I heard how good it was and people were telling me I should take it, I laughed and said "and have it nerfed in the future and feel gutted?"


    People knew it was op, but they chose to do it anyways. I know BW are a bit slow when it comes to a lot with this mmo, as they are very new to it, but even this one people must have known it would get changed.


    So glad I am not a sheep when it comes to mmo's.


    In future people should remember one simple rule of thumb.


    If something seems to good to be true, it probably is!


    erm honestly - what are you talking about?


    its's stil by far the best crew skill around and the current test server changes even more suppport a switch - seeing as all the good stuff has Biochem 400 now as requirement - even id it dowsn't make any sense progession wise (lower Tier stuff dropping when you can buy higher ones...)

  8. If Exotech and Energized stims and adrenals, as well as Exotech Med Units, are only usable by Biochemists from then on I think this might very well be a relative buff for biochem.


    There is one thing I do not understand, and perhaps someone can illuminate me on this subject.


    Energized and Exotech items are inferior to Rakata items both in power and reusability (at least currently), all of these are exclusively usable by biochemists - why would a biochemist opt for the Exotech or Energized version when he has the Rakata one?

    If I'm not missing something (I'm assuming I am) Exotech and Energized items are effectively useless?


    good post there.


    idd, why would anyone ever want a Exotech Stim/Adrenal Recipe (or even the item itself) if its worse than the Trainer buyable Rakata stuff - if it was the other way around and you can learn the Energized Stuff at the Trainer and Columni/Rakta Drops - sure... but atm its just silly...


    Now if those Stims/Adenals were not reusable, didn't need Biochem and don't need too much mats then sure those would bee wanted (to supply non Biochemists with)

  9. 1. Boss EV-Operation (Droid)

    Normal: Columni Glove Token + Random T1 Non Set pieces, 3 Tionesse

    Hard: Rakata Glove Token + Random T2 None Set pieces, 3 Columni


    2. Boss EV-Operation (Gahrji)

    Normal: Columni Off-Hand Token + Random T1 Non Set pieces, 3 Tionesse

    Hard: Rakata Off-Hand Token (currently bugged) + Columni T2 Belt, 3 Columni


    3. Boss EV-Operartions (Pylons)

    Normal: Columni Leg Token + Random T1 Non Set pieces, 3 Tionesse

    Hard: Rakata Leg Token + Random T2 Non Set pieces, 3 Columni



    Raid Weekly (Normal)

    6 Tionesse Marks

    Raid Weekly (Hard)

    6 Columni Marks


    Finishing Normal Mode (Weekly - kill last Boss in Op Instance)

    6 Tionesse Marks each


    Each Last HM Boss but Malgus (False Emperor) and each Normal Mode OP Boss (but SoA) drop 1-2 Biometric Crytstals - used for the Vendor bought Rakata Recipies

    Malgus and SoA drop the epic Variants used in epic Recipies drop in HMs and Raids

  10. We had two people do this, and they kept getting kicked back out to fleet when the loading bar filled after exiting area and attempting to zone in. Is there any way around that? Cause that would be good to know for next time :)


    we had the same issue and the 2 items assigned to those that couldn't zone back in - well nobody else could loot them either --> no commendations and no loot - we were thrilled to say the least :S

  11. Same thing happened, bugged after being in mind trap. No battle rez available at the bottom. Missed out on main hand lightsaber assigned to me. I opened a ticket, hopefully it gets fixed. :/


    we had that problem yesterday too - we tried the port out and run back in jump die, rezz approch (especiall as 2 items were assigned to 2 Mind Trapped players)


    but well those 2 wern't able to zone back into the instance at all (After Load Screen we would be back outside in front of the "Door"...)


    and what was even more "funny" - our ticket regarding that issues was anserwed with the generic use "Stuck" or the "Emergency Fleet Pass" response -.-


    I hope you get a better response.... :/

  12. we had that problem yesterday too - we tried the port out and run back in jump die, rezz approch (especiall as 2 items were assigned to 2 Mind Trapped players)


    but well those 2 wern't able to zone back into the instance at all (After Load Screen we would be back outside in front of the "Door"...)


    and what was even more "funny" - our ticket regarding that issues was anserwed with the generic use "Stuck" or the "Emergency Fleet Pass" response -.-

  13. Hi


    Ich glaube da ist Bioware auch etwas durcheinander.


    T1 dropt nirgendwo - das kann man für Marken kaufen, die so hohe kosten haben das man full T2 "locker" ist, bis man das 1. T1 Epic kaufen kann.


    T1 "normal" drops (iLvl 126) gibt es in normal mode Raids + hm Flashpoints. (Aber kein T-Set)


    T2 "set" dropt von Endbossen in HM FP und Normal 8er OPs (Bonetrasher/Soa) + 16er Normal mode EV von >jedem< Boss.


    T3 gibt es schon im hardmode der Operations (auch 8er) abzugreifen - kp. Mit Nightmare hab ich noch nicht viel Erfahrungen (gibt aber auch T3 - haben erst 1 auf NM).


    ... das macht für mich irgendwo keinen richtigen Sinn. Aber im PvP ist es ähnlich, wo man auch relativ flott sein "T2" Set hat, bevor mal eine grosse Menge T1 Items angehäuft hat (ausser man hat übelstes Pech bei den Bags).


    das stimmt so nicht ganz...


    T1 Set kann auch ganz normal in Hard Mode FPs dropen (hatten erst gestern T1 Handschuhe beim ersten Boss Imperator)


    T2 Set droppt von jedem Boss in Operations (jeweils unterschiedliche Slots) - auch beim 8er 2 x Columni Token und 2 x T1 None-Set (jeweils zugeteilt) + Random Epic (in der Regel ein Rezept)


    imo ist T1 ein Füller damit man den Set-Bonus früher bekommt (da kann man sich ja dann recht einfach 1-2 Teile über die Marken kaufen wenn man die Dailys/Weeklys immer macht)


    Ich hatte schon vermutet, daß irgendwie das so ist, also das T2 schneller als T1 zu erreichen ist.


    Die T1 Marken gibt es dann wohl bei den täglichen LvL 50 Quests, oder?


    Da man also T2 schneller erreicht als T1, bedeutet das, orangenes Zeug mit LvL 45-50 Mods drin reicht aus um mit OPs, bzw HM FPs anzufangen?


    Ja und nein - hängt imo etwas vom skill level der key spieler ab (tank/heal).


    Manache Hard Mode FPs sind schwerer als die Normal Mode Operations.


    Aber generell Black Talon (oder das Republic Equivalent) ist nie ein Problem und sollte für die Daily/Weekly eigentlich immer gemacht werden - die anderen HM FPs danach einfach mal antesten und schauen wies läuft.



    Fürs erste Mal Bonetrasher würde ich in einer 8er Gruppe 2-3 Heiler einpacken und sonst DDs da der nicht wirklich getanked werden kann.


    Eternity Vault 1-2 Tanks, 2 Heal, rest dds - 1 Turret CCen, Adds (off-) tanken und Boss Missiles Losen - wenn ihr bis zur "Dauer-Rakten" Phase kommt ists nur mehr eine Sache vom schaden/gruppen heal.

  14. Mastercraft Purples are the Critically Successful Purples. Essentially the Purple with an Augment Slot.


    I have RE"d a few crafted purps but nothing higher yet. I usually sell them thats why though.


    well thats true for non Mods - wasn't the question though....

  15. http://i40.tinypic.com/2cekrxf.jpg







    BEFORE I waste anymore Mando Iron, does anyone have proof that T2 artifact exists off items like these? Thanks!


    there was a image some pages back afaik.


    on another note:


    Torhead lists 2 versions of Mods (for nearly every level):


    Advanced (T1 Purples) and Mastercraft (T2? Purples)


    has anyone tried RE'ing Purple Mods yet?

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