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Posts posted by Lyandria

  1. Last night we killed him in two attempts, the first one he was bugging out with his platforms spawning across the lava with no bridge. When we killed him, the platform he was currently on dropped into the lava and his corpse dissappeared resulting in no loot from him.


    yeah happend to ous too - well not the corpse despawning part but the corpse in lava one


    just try to time our kill after the jump to his next platform (call for a damage stop if the current platform starts to sink when he's below 5% or somthing)


    and for that other bug - if he starts jumping and won't stop at the beginning of the fight than you somehow skipped his first jump-phase --> the new platform will appear and start to sink soon after but he stays on the first one - just ignore the new platform and resume the fight as usualy once he stops jumping.

  2. You can tell something about statistic as much as you want. But having our smuggler with full 5 sets of Rakta compared to some who never saw a single piece will tell you that there is something wrong.

    Last 3 Runs, 75-95% smuggler loot. With only one, sometimes two smuggler in raid, its really not fun anymore.


    well we've had anything from 90% Inqisitor loot to 90% Sith Warrior Loot - ofc its not fun if gear drops for classes that aren't in your Ops-Group but well honestly gearing is way too fast in swtor anyway so who cares...


    In addition most Rakata Gear uses worse mods than their Columni counterparts...


    Nowadays when we run Ops most gear goes to some new player or is used for Mods or as 2ndary Set (Heal/DPS, whatever).


    And what i'm trying to say is: Top Gear Drops are way to common - if we take a "perfect" 16m Ops Group with 4 of each class - you get 4 Top Tier (Raka) Drops per Boss - now those might not allways be the ones you seek but lets say Half are usefull each ID --> 8 Weeks and your fully geared most even faster...


    Now sure most groups won't have a perfect class distribution but well that isn't the games fault...

  3. No it is not.

    I am fully Columi-geared with the occasional 58 mods and use a crafted belt, crafted focus, crafted implants and a crafted earpiece.

    I barely get over 15k hp(15,7k with merc-buff) but I have 1800 willpower selfbuffed.





    while that is true - your a sorc and your gear has a lower end-baseline (on unmodified T2/T3 Gear) than lets say a merc.


    as a Merc-Heal i have like 18-19k hp atm - Mix of Columni/Rakata pieces (actually have all Rakata Tokens but cba to exchange all those crap Mods in there atm)


    using 2 End Use/Proc-Relics (could exchange 1 for a Matrix Cube)

    crafted Ear-Piece and 1 crafted Implant (+ 1 Rakata Implant) - Orange Belt/Bracers (using 58 Armor/58 Mod ~ same as crafted Rakata with augment)

  4. true, there are loot issues in HMs and Normal OPs - but honestly once you start doing Hard/NM Ops it gets worse...


    couse after your able to clear boteh Ops in Hard Mode - guess what - each Boss drops 4 T3 Rakata Tokens --> if your really unlucky it takes maybe 3-4 weeks (or as few as 2 if your lucky) to get your full T3 Set and what then? you don't need any more tokens and keep playing to get some Mod/Enhancement Drops to replace those terrible ones currently in the Set


    --> the loot drops are fail too - way too much drops - its offset in Normal mode atem due to assigne loot but there just isn't much incentive left to do those ops after your T3 geared...

  5. so what you're telling me is you farmed 2-3 weeks vs of rakata gear in 8 before going back to 16. That MIGHT account for some of the ease you perceive.


    for some maybe true


    but still we didn't exchange any tokens befor we went for SoA for example and we had 2 new 50s with us (both in blue levling gear) and another was rezzed in front of the op entrance and well he just went down anyway.


    I'm not saying 16m isn't harder in general (e.g. Trash and therefore Phylons - allthough those have been nerved too) - just that most Boss fights are about equal or easier (SoA).


    the real "hardship" might be just to get 16 ppl that know what to do.

  6. hmm, actually i tend to disagree a bit.


    We startet out trying 16m and converted to 2 x 8m (couse of the EV Robot Double Damage Bug in 16m back in the day).


    But last ID we switsched back and imo for us it was like this:

    Trash is harder in 16m (well the Drones anyway) but apart from that the Bosses are way easy.... - we just 1-shot every EV Boss in 16m Hard...


    and don't get me startet on SoA - the encounter in itself is buggy as hell but atm its a joke in 16m - we basically 14 manned him (1 died in P1 and was rezzed to the Ini-Entrance and 2 others were new 50s in leveling Blues...) and we easily downed him before enrage...

    in 8m losong 1 or 2 ppl is usually "try again"


    Kaggara its a bit more challenging in 16m vs 8m - true but well nothing hard there either....

  7. Trash:

    16 man is harder than 8 man



    imo about the same but some have poor scaling - e.g.:


    Bonetrasher 16 is imo harder than 8 (since more ppl can make mistakes that affect the whole raid)


    SoA 16 is easier than 8 since you can bring more dps and you don't have double the meachnics to worry about (3 Balls in P2 and only 2 Balss in P3 + Mindtraps have same life as they do in 8 man)

  8. You're right, I accidentally grouped Artifice and Armstech together thinking they worked hand-in-hand like Armormech and Synthweaving. But yes. Armstech < Biochem < Artifice < S/A < Cybertech at the moment.


    actually i disagree a bit


    Armstech - true - useless

    Biochem - even after the Nerf still the best crewskill around - if your an PVE endgame player (The dropped Biochem Recipies are now worth something!) - for PvP depends on your cash stockpile but still useful.

    Artifice - apart from Augment Relics not that usefull atm (make and relearn)

    S/A- same as artifice

    Cybertech - ok but not that good after the grenade nerf.


    as far as the Biochem nerf goes in general:


    imo the only way to go - was just unreasobale before, seeing as the dropped Raid-Recipies were worse than vendor bought ones...



    Eternity Vault Bugs:


    2. Council : Sometimes the bosses here do not link correctly to players, causing them to be basically immune to damage. Not sure what causes this, has happened to several players of different classes and none were doing anything that could aid another player.



    This happens when the Debuff put on the player when he attacks a boss doesn't drop off after a Boss reset.


    Keep the same target or reset the instance.



    Other Bugs:



    When someone is kicked into the poison and dies there and gets rezzed the dot stays on that player and he instantly dies after the Rezz.

    Solution: If you have aggro stay near the middle (but face him away from the rest of the op)

  10. actually it has nothing to do with auto-loot - happend to us too last night.


    if the Loot is set to "Free for all" and everyone passes on all loot drops the next guy regardless of "auto-loot" setting will loot everything.



    btw the reason you don't use "Master Looter" on Operations is that if you do - no Crafting Mats drop from any Boss...


    --> Get Everyone to Disable Auto-Loot (and Area Loot as well just to be sure)


    Let the Leader open the Loot and just start the Roll-Process for each Item seperatly.


    So if I understand it right, there are no problems if only the Raidleader loots (without auto-looting/lootmaster) and everyone clicks need/pass whatever. When every lootpiece is out of the mob ppl can start to grab their columi-marks, right?



  11. We spent over two hours resetting and reclearing EV last night (after trying many times the night before) because the puzzle just will not complete as it becomes unclickable on the third level. We took breaks, read the forums, and tried every tip and trick suggested but nothing worked. So sad and frustrating to get that many people together to run something and then to wipe 2 dozen times due to no fault of our own.


    Last night was our last raid night for the week so to end on that note is disappointing. I guess hitting reset doesn't actually reset the bugs - just the trash mobs.


    we only ever had that occour to us once - and that was when we had both sides finish at the same time...


    what we usually do is left, right, right left (aka finish north first, then south, then south and last North).


    Allways wait for the Red screen message to show up bevore starting to click the last one on the other side.


    and if you didn't do it yet - then i suggest you note down what you have to klick for each level to finish on each side bevore yoo start the encounter.

  12. I just ran a Black Talon HM last night. Basically all 4 in my party were new to HMs: two Sorcs, a PowerTech, and a Sniper.


    All the boss loot drops were Strength items (med and hvy) except the final boss which dropped an Inquistor bracer token. Is this normal?


    all loot in HMs in genral is random (class not slot).


    Only the last Boss drops a T2 Gear Token.

    Some T1 pieces (set and none-set) may drop from bosses bevore that.


    and neither has to be for any class in your party (rng might like you though).

  13. I rolled a damage dealing spec character on game launch, and had very little issue finding groups for pretty much all heroic missions on planets over the course of 3 weeks of levelling. But now that the population has died off somewhat, it's near impossible to find groups for Heroic missions, even so on either of my tank and healer alts which I find surprising, as it's apparent it's not a shortage of roles. I have left Balmorra with 6 Heroic missions in log (stayed around for Bonus series too), and Nar Shaddaa with 4.


    If Bioware don't plan on doing server merges, should Heroic +4 missions on planets be downtuned to Heroic +2 difficulty, and perhaps a few of the existing Heroic +2 missions downtuned to solo?


    no, especially as these are repeatable and not one-time only.

  14. Hi,


    This issue will be fixed in an upcoming patch. (Not 1.1.1)


    Items already acquired by players will be upgraded automatically to the fixed versions when that happens.


    hmm, that could be tricky considering the mod system:

    Does that include allready removed mods or just the item as a whole?

    aka does the game track where a mod has been removed from?


    btw speaking of mods - there are a couple of mods that have the exact same name but different stats (eg mods from Tionesse Armor and Mods from T1 Weapons) - i'm guessing the weapon Mods should have been named Masterwork (they are iLv 52) and are mislabled as Advanced (iLv 51)


    why not 1.1.1? it's a simple fix and all us raiders are stuck with junk rakata weapons until you do it -.-

    see above - replacing the vendor weapons with correct ones should be really easy true - replacing existing ones correctly might be a lil challenging (depending on the exact implementation of the mod system).

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