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Everything posted by Mishmashmoo

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4eNrgpVp70U&feature=related
  2. I'm 100% in the same boat as you. On top of that i had to create a new form account because my last account was bugged and i couldn't enter my code GG bioware. ALSO, THE COLOR STONE SUCKS SO BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S LITERALLY THE WORST CREATION IN THE HISTORY OF STAR WARS
  3. There is good reason to complain. The fan boys just can't bring themselves to turn on their poor old BW
  4. Well this is a great start! Inequality and lies from the start
  5. the server list on the website is a lie. They are all Standard/Light
  6. Yeah i'm watching a live stream and the guy showed than All servers are either light or Standard. What the hell?!?!?!?!??!?! LET YOUR CUSTOMERS PLAY THE GAME BIOWARE
  7. Waves is a stupid idea. Let everyone in and let us que, this is a unfair and bad way of giving access. Another problem with this method is that people won't be able to play on their friends servers because they will be full. Make more servers, admit all at once and problem solved
  8. This is clearly true. I'm so stupid to forget about this approaching doom
  9. Does anyone else feel that titles should be shown on a new line of text instead of the same line as your character name. I think that having the title on the same line is ugly and makes it harder for players to see the actual name of other characters. Having titles separate like in WAR is much more aesthetically pleasing
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