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Posts posted by Sempronos

  1. Well, as luck would have it, I ran into a Marauder last night while doing my Heroics and the guy actually took the time to explain a few things. First of all, he suggested playing Fury spec. I said I don't PVP but he said that's fine, the Fury spec works great with PVE, you simply need to switch your companion to tank, so you don't get hit. On harder fights, with multiple strongs or elites he switches the companion to healer.


    So I did this, and at the same time watched a few YouTube vids, to understand my rotation and I have to say I was impressed. I went from 60 where I had given up, all the way to 65 in one evening of some fun quests. Yes, a few times I was in trouble for pulling mobs off my companion, or getting an add or two and I dropped to almost dead, but the Mara has some good defensive perks, and I was able to survive without a death.


    Of course, all my gear is outdated, so I spent a bit on the market and bought up to date equipment. Made a huge difference. I appreciate your time, and thanks for the help guys.

  2. I have a 70 Sentinel and a 60 Marauder and to be honest, I just don't get this class. I kill much faster and effectively with my Guardian or Juggy in PVE, but when I try my Sentinel or Mara I never get through my rotation to make really big hits. I feel like I'm trying to time my attacks more than just killing mobs with abandon.


    Plus I feel so squishy, constantly having to pause after a fight to heal up. How are you guys playing this in PVE? I've looked for YouTube videos but they are all from several updates ago. I'm not looking forward to the last ten levels on my Marauder.



  3. Shame. From what I had been able to gather, it happened usually when someone spammed the space bar. If everyone behaved and went for the cinematic approach, they'd have no issues.


    Plus how many times can you run through the same Fp before you memorize every line and have tried every convo option? Spacebar through the speech is the only way to stay sane.

  4. Just curious because last night I was chatting with a guy while we waited for a 3rd person to arrive and the topic came around to credits. I mentioned that I am going broke trying to outfit my alts. He said its not really a problem for him because he has about 8 million credits.


    I was shocked. The most I had on my main was almost 2 million. From running dailies, selling loot, selling purple crafted items and slicing boxes.


    So whats in your wallet?


    p.s. and how did you get so rich?

  5. I didn't even notice the timer. Just strolled around grabbing the bombs and the wondered why I blew up. :D


    I used to grab the bomb and sprint into the cantina and find someone or a group standing there...and wait.


    After the explosion and my death I would tell the people near me to avoid the hot wings, they have some kick.

  6. The beginning flashpoint Esseles.


    Guess what happens to people STILL, after 2 years of the game being live? People get dropped during the final scene and lose credit for the entire thing. Last night yet again, we lost 2 players right at the end.


    I cannot believe after taking a year off and coming back that this bug is still happening.


    I wonder how many of those new players decide maybe SWTOR isn't for them? Bioware stop being lazy and fix this.

  7. I had no idea this thread would take off like it did when I made it. Wow some great stories. I generally try to be helpful to people, but sometimes we all fall short.


    Last weekend I got a little drunk while starting a new Sith pure blood Jedi Knight. On Tython, I found a wonderfully organized group of people doing an RP event that I decided to crash. Strippin nekkid I danced around their leader, set off firecrackers and holo dancers. I thought to myself in my drunken stupor that I was being funny, but I ruined or at least took away from their event. For that I am sorry. Waking up with a hangover and a memory of what an *** I was made me think ya its nice to help people but also easy to be a real jerk.


    Generally though I try to help new players, or explain how a fight boss is taken down, and usually I give low level crafted things to people. Sometimes I will fill my bag with droid parts I made and hand them out on Tython for people to save until they need and can use them. One guy I handed some crafted items to logged in his main and mailed me some stuff he had crafted. So what goes around comes around.

  8. I find it fascinating that you had this happen but now fail to provide the specifics of what you changed such that another person might take advantage of it and thus create an act of kindness. Hope this just isn't some kind of mind trick to get people to tell you how to make specific builds.


    No not at all. I am just back after a year away, so the event I was recalling was well over a year ago. The specific advice I do not recall, but the event is still memorable to me. Just the time and effort this person took to help me out stayed with me.


    Any Sniper advice I give now would be out of date after all the patches and updates since I last played. I hope you understand this. Cheers!

  9. A facepalm moment for me was during a flashpoint. I always use a hotkey to instantly target the nearest enemy so I can force leap towards it. I need to mention that first to make what happened make sense.


    We were just finishing off a small group of adds when our healer says "afk 2 min phone", at the exact moment I pressed "target nearest enemy" and then force lept to what I thought was the one remaining mob we had been fighting.


    Imagine my surprise leaping across the roadway suddenly into a spawn of elites! The entire group of them turn, look at me and roar their displeasure. Oh crap!

    I ran back across the road, fists pumping, light saber raised, as fast as I could. Upset I disturbed their slumber the entire spawn decides to give chase. At this moment I also see the tank had written "afk bio" in chat. Double oh oh.


    Well we got a complete wipe. Our tank and healer were chewed up as they stood zombie-like. Then our healer quit. I felt terrible.


    I honestly wasn't doing a Leroy Jensin style charge, I just hit the target nearest keybind and force jumped into a bad spot. Needless to say we didn't finish that flashpoint and I was called a lot of things I cannot repeat here.

  10. I know I am revealing my age, but back in the day before WoW was even born, there was a game called Dark Age of Camelot. They implimented instanced dungeons.


    You could go in solo, or with a group, regardless of your class or level and it would instantly make a dungeon to suit you. Casters got long hallways, while melee got lots of corners and turns.


    It was a great system and lots of fun to do.

  11. Ya I had a similar story on my Jugg. This was over a year ago before the level increase because I took a year off but now I'm back.


    Anyhow, I am 50 in mostly free gear and some purple items. I get into some group dailies with a couple of really decked out Juggs, I mean their health bar was miles ahead of mine and their mitigation was amazing.


    So we run in and right away these two Juggs start pulling everything! I immediate freak out. How can people with such top level gear be such *******? Before I can jump in and start tanking, all the mobs are dead.




    They continue to run, I scoop the loot and follow and they clear the next room. This went on and on and on, basically run and scoop loot while they machine gunned the entire thing. I was so stunned and amazed.


    Stunned that a Juggy could do that kind of damage while taking next to nothing in damage themselves, and amazed at how crappy my lowly level 50 Juggy felt. I was really down, but one of them took the time to explain they run hardmode and nightmare mode ops and such and have the best gear plus they know what to do.


    I took their advice, and switched out items that gave me a boost to hit points and looked for items that gave mitigation and I am forever thankful to those guys for that.


    The reasoning is if a mob hits you for 10K you might only take 3k damage from it with mitigation, but if you just focus on lots of hit points, you take the whole 10K, plus you work your healers harder trying to keep you alive.


    It was a valuable lesson and I am glad they took the time to even talk to a noob 50 in free gear.

  12. As for the same sex romancing, no, it has not been implemented yet. I wish they would though, and make all companions romanceable, even if they don't make sense. Just for kicks. Would love to romance khem val, or t7 for instance, just for the hilarity.


    Ok you crossed the line. Its one thing when Kirk kisses a green alien girl, but you want to romance a beeping garbage can? I'm pretty liberal but even that makes me cringe.


    On a serious note I would like to see same gender romance options because most of my toons are hot females. Ya, I'm that guy who plays a female online. I don't wear dresses in real life, but if I am going to spend 55 levels watching my character from behind, I sure don't want it being a dude.

  13. Ok I am going to roll a BH Mercenary tongiht. When I finish on Hutta what spec tree should I use for shooting missles into baddies?


    I just watched a youtube video of a BH doing level 55 dailies that was posted a few days ago and she was face melting everything, rockets, missles, jet pack in the air artillery blasting, and she was mowing everything down.


    I want to do that.

  14. Great story, great thread!!!


    I can't name the countless people who have helped me in one form or another in-game, nor can I thank the writers of of the many guides enough for their extra effort here on the forums...I don't have a simple story I can think of that made me smile, I have hundreds of random acts of kindness I've encountered that keep me smiling.


    Let me just say that the good people, imo, far outweigh the few trolls. We have a fantastic community and I do what I can to repay and show my gratitude.


    To everyone who has helped someone else, THANK YOU! YOU are what keeps me playing! YOU are the type of person I want to spend my free time with! We're lucky to have you all!


    Great reply, I am kicking myself, I should totally have said what you did too.

  15. After reading another interesting post about people who bother you in game to PL them or give them stuff, I thought about my reply and decided we need a thread telling stories of nice things people did for you in game that you totally didn't expect.


    I will start off with my favorite. While playing my sniper and trying to level, I found I was constantly dying or being forced to run away and try again. I couldn't understand why I was having such a hard time. One day a high level sniper was passing by and had been watching me once again barely escape death and as I was resting, she sent me a tell.


    She asked my spec and what was my rotation. After informing her, she was quiet for a while then gave me a suggestion on a better skill tree to use, what stats to look for when getting items and a much better roation. I wasn't utilizing my strengths and was ignoring some of my tools.


    I took it to heart and immediately went to the GTN and swapped out items I used to think helped. I did a respec and changed my hotbar. Eager to see the results, I went back to the same levelling grounds and to my amazement pulverized the mobs. I was so over joyed that I eagerly sent a whisper to the person, but they had logged off.


    I thought it was such a nice thing to do. She didn't have to stop, she didn't have to take the time, but I am glad she did and it really put me in a happy place. Not everyone on the internet is a troll.




    So what is your story?

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