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10 Good
  1. In warzone u applied system for kicking ppl afk, smart idea. But like most smart ideas when Bioware try it = stupid result. When i am logged to battle in progress before i see warzone, in loading screen, im in warzone for game system. After log i see "leave area..." and when i try do it i see only this stupid shield and cant... And i am kicked from warzone to Imperial Fleet as deserter and must back to my area using this "smart" system with 1500 corridors to my ship and back to planet. Lost time and my nervs becouse some very "smart" man in Bioware can't use brain.
  2. Very simply. Some nice ppl with big brain thinks: we open server wait to full and open new, its so good idea. But they forgot about little "problem", guild system. My guild start at offcourse new empty server. Now some like 10% ppl from guild playing, all other not. Looks like for all servers playing, for example, 1000 ppl from guilds + 4 000 random ppl = server full. And next 10 000 guild members with later early access, or without, wait for this stupid full server and cannot open new becouse need join to guild. Finally servers are always full . Looks like big empty brains start this stupid idea and now we all can only cry and blame with no any chance to fix this idiotic situation.
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