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Everything posted by ELLERD

  1. I'm sure I's been said, but the Ranked rewards weapons! I hate to say, but not only has it felt like the ranked community is overlooked at times, but to have an awesome feature like weapon tuning not be applied to Ranked rewards is a stick in the eye. Yes they are unique in their own right, but I just keep imagining my Gladatorial saber with tuning and think "dayum" lol. Also, maybe more people would indulge Ranked if it offered the tuning option and possibly unique tuning design rewards as well ^.~
  2. "Best mount yet"?? This Nexu flourish better be a leap that knocks enemies off their mounts...60m range. THEN it would be best mount yet!!
  3. First off, I very much like your idea and have been saying it among friends for months. A toggle system would be awesome. I've won hundreds of ranked games and have been tier-one every season and top 3 VG S3, and i've never seen more problems with the ranked scene but from a lack of consistant player participation. Allowing to harnes the vast population that normally plays casually to support ranked content would certainly help if not solve the vast majority of problems. QUIT USING BANDAID FIXES BW, solve the REAL issue. Second, who the heck are these "bad feeling podcast" guys? Do they have ANY reason to have a voice in competative PvP?
  4. I agree but would rather see "top three" for each server regardless of faction, i.e. top three VG/PT on each server. I've posted on this before, if they dont do this its equivelent to awarding a Canadian football team as world champion over an American team while never letting them compete (because they are in different countries...mmm servers). Please consider this BW.
  5. I agree with you Aristore. I know we've had our back and forths, but literally no-one likes to wait for 30 minutes only to be put against some powerhouse team, but since you have 1600+ rating, you fricken' lose 17 Elo anyways. I don't blame you for hopping over to the Pub side to get some ranked in, honestly with such a low population, who the heck wants to get with/against the same people over and over? NO-ONE. Server mergers are AN ABSOLUTE MUUUUUSSSST! Little math for ya... as a result of a dying Pot5 population... I sit in queue 20 minutes + get matched against the same two or three "good" (+1500) players + because if my rating, get paired with one or two (-1200) players = I lose upwards of 51 Elo per hour. How long does it take to get that back you say? Well, on a good day, I average +5 Elo per win. That's 20 minutes of waiting + increase of 5 Elo = about 3.4 hours of constant playing to make that all back! What a joke, please fix this broken system.
  6. Hello, I have a suggestion for RWZ top 3 class rewards, PLEASE MAKE THEM PER-SERVER. I understand people can hop back and forth, but how is it fair that I cant compete with European players. That's like saying I'm in the winners bracket but I don't actually get to play the top player for the position. Not only that, but I can't just simply hop onto another server and compete if the dang server doesn't even get queue's to pop. And lets face it, if your not playing on Pot5, your playing easy mode. Anyways, please consider this request. Thanks.
  7. I like this idea as well. Definitely for 4's. I wonder if they just look at it from the perspective of, 1) is it worth the time paying someone to develop the system for it, 2) will players actually participate in rated more if this were to happen. If they are willing to make ranked dailies/weeklies to encourage players to queue, why not this idea?
  8. My Character is not showing on the leaderboards AT ALL. I gave him a name change, and he doesn't show in the leaderboards under the old, or new name. I have put in a Bug report and submit a ticket, still no solution. Please help out one of the few still ranked q'ing!
  9. Question: Why would you want to run Iron Cell instead of High Energy with your "alternative" build? I am running something similar but taking advantage of Cell Generator and Combat Tactics for more damage dealing?
  10. Not only do they have issues with mask+hood combos but they also disable hair when a hood is worn. Its really irritating to make my character look bald under the hood. I sent a help ticket in for this and they replied with a seemingly canned statement that states they were looking into it.
  11. Have any of you figured out how to use the holocam and where the pictues go??
  12. Where do my holocamera pictures go??
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