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Everything posted by BragoKing

  1. Hey all, so I been around the forums lately, and notice people saying it's possible to SOLO Heroic 4 missions. Now I've never tried this, fact do to me playing with my buddy (Doing a whole co-op sort of thing). But I was wondering about how many levels above would you have to be to solo a Heroic 4? I'll probably crunch these numbers into a something a little lower so that I can do this with just me and my friend. Also, does the class you play effect the level you have to be? I suppose it does depending on if you're playing Healer, Tank, or DPS. PS: I play a Healer on my side, and friend is a Tank, we can EASILY do Heroic 2's, so that's why I'm asking about Heroic 4's.
  2. Haven't played as a Jedi Knight before, but speaking from a Jedi Shadow's point of view, I say you go with that. If you use it well and get good armor, you can easily take down almost all enemies. They get good stealth moves to avoid some mobs, and of course since it comes from the Jedi Consular tree, you get the Force Speed move, which comes in handy. As for a Jedi Guardian, I have no idea what they actually get, but my friend is playing as a Sith Juggernaut, and I suppose they get the same moves as a Guardian. He hasn't shown anything interesting so far (we're both only level 29), but I think they might have some better moves.
  3. So its just natural that we get it a lot....Thanks for the replies guys, really wish their was a way for us to choose which Warzone we would like to do. Like a list, and we put a check next to the warzones we'd like to do, and uncheck the ones we don't. Would be a handy feature, hopefully Bioware take this into consideration.
  4. Hey guys, I been playing on my Sith lately with a friend of mine, and every time we queue up for a Warzone, they end up sending us to the same one every time (The one where you have to secure the pylons, team with the most points in the end wins). For some reason this Warzone area is bugged for me and I can't turn in my Daily and Weekly challenges at the Pvp terminal. I would finish the warzone and queue up again hoping to get into a different warzone where I can turn in my quest, but they put us in this exact one like 7 or 8 times. Not sure if this is some kind of event or something, but can someone tell me if the game is being a complete *** to me, or is this a event? Thanks.
  5. That's like if you stop playing a single player game because the storyline is too long........
  6. Yeah, I won't really see myself doing anything with the housing, it all sounds nice and looks really great, but when me and my buddies get on, we like to do missions, and gain money and new items! A completely new DLC like the Rise of the Hutt Cartel would have been great for people like us, but not everyone is interested in the same thing
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