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Everything posted by Drownhan

  1. I feel like dps was fine they should not have touched it. Only thing that made the class perform overpowered was the defensive cooldowns. They can heal up to full health 3 times before they die. This is what people were ranting about . I have other classes in my NiM group that pulls more dps such as Marauders and Snipers.
  2. I wish there was a way to get pve components so I can upgrade my 242 gear to 248 and not do pvp. Trust me buddy I hate doing pvp to farm UCs so I can get better gear for ops.
  3. I use HK 51 as my dps companion mainly because all of his abilities are single target and that channeled missile hits 3 times more than the %30 execution skill.
  4. only reason why I bought treek is for crewskills. she costs 300k to unlock on any character and I have only completed eternal throne on 2 characters so rest of my characters can have max companions working on crew skills with treek and ship droid which makes 7 so I dont have to play expansions. It was money worth spending.
  5. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=606110 in this thread u can see that shadow dps is down at bottom, on top of that they are nerfing us in 2.0. Why there is hate against us?
  6. well played BW f**k up the class which is already down in to the ground rather than balancing the retarded dps gap between us shadows and sentinels/vanguards
  7. Hi I am a returning sorc player I would like to go DPS can anyone give me talent tree distributions and rotations? thank you
  8. can you fix the talent tree links? when I click on them they show that u only spend 4 points
  9. another quick question where do I start the dailies?
  10. Hi I am a returning player and I was curious about gree armor and I still get them after the event or do I have to do the event right now?
  11. soooo.... which side is usually winning warzones?
  12. hi I am a returning player, when I was playing I was farming EV and palace (when they first came out) to its been a looooooooong time. I have Commando and Guardian chars I was hoping that one of u would tell me how their dps is at the moment or should I just reroll (since I am returning I am willing to lvl up a char )
  13. I wonder why I didnt think of ride the lightning...
  14. What would your Sorc theme music would be? I think I will go with Sweet Dreams http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6VojYGrnpg&ob=av2e
  15. thats all I need to hear bro, thx for proving my points of being useless in pve. in pvp u can pull off hybrid **** but in pve nope
  16. anyway... nice post I want you to continue... there are lots of people who would like go hybrid but I cant change their mind... WE GUARDIANS are also lacking a sticky tank post so we can help newbies You can quote from my other post http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=267605 and enchance this post so we can have a solid sticky... I want people to see both hybrid and solid defense tanks point of view so yea keep up the work
  17. Sage pull decreases your agro for %20 you guardian leap you lost %20 agro... keep losing agro? cause I wana pull of acrobatic cool looking movement... awesome
  18. no, just no... I even hate vigil hybrid tanks atleast they have some deffensive skills... your is just a big NO NO!
  19. dude I am hard core mmo player for 10 years as a tank I can see you point but I can also realie which tree is tanking tree at first glance...
  20. yea I realize that but you get LEAPs dmg reduction you need range between you and the boss so you can have your %20 dmg reduction for 4 seconds... only way to do it is leaping on a ranged then frogging back... this might cause boss to turn his face to melee... swipe or back to melee cause he already passed melee and kill em ( karragas ) and making whole raid to get ready due to your frogging is just making things harder than u being stationary and move the boss... do you really want to move and position (lets say 5 melee in 16 mans or like 3 in 8 mans ) people just cause you can have some ego boost?
  21. + vigil hybrid tank just feels like a noob trying to pull of dps while tanking... never tried it... I hate hybrid builds... (maybe thats because I had bad experience with people who were hybrid in my group ) still frogging just seems not reliable since it decreases your agro... and totally blocks you from using guardian leap, well on the other hand you can taunt the boss right away but that 3 second( due to global cd ) might wipe one of your melee dps or whatever.. hybrid class seems like some kids wants to dps cause they rolled a tank ( due to their guild or what ever or screwed up when picking advanced class )
  22. I agree with you but most of the pve build in the game requires you to be stationary. I would like to see a guardian frogging while tanking karragas and turning boss back and forth ad wiping melee dps
  23. Let me guess you are one of ``those`` hybrid tanks trying to make your self believe that your talent is awesome in reality getting owned by natural pure tanks... it goes both ways bro see?
  24. You realize that you are also losing %20 of your agro when you guardial leap on someone right?
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