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Everything posted by SaintLegend

  1. Does anyone else find it funny that there are more people viewing SWTOR being played then there are players/subs? Sodapoppin is live streaming SWTOR on Twitch right now and has 17k viewers watching him play.
  2. Can we get another Gree Event anytime soon? Kinda sucks waiting this long for someone to flip a damn switch
  3. Alright I don't normally complain about anything in this game but when it comes to solo ranked in this game it is down right ridiculous how bioware can sit by and let people just trash the whole system up. If someone leaves your team and makes it 3v4 youre just stuck with a loss and if someone joins your match with no pvp gear "to bad". Why?
  4. Hi I am sure that there are quite a few players with the same complaint that I am bringing to your attention. Quite frequently players are queuing undergeared characters into "Ranked" arena matches. They have been using this as a form of harassment and take away from the projected outcomes this game originally intended. The consequences of such actions have been left to the team mates of the encounter taking away from any good experience that was intended. We are left with no real options on the player side to handle the situation due to the fact that if we quit the match we lose more then staying and having no option to kick and get a replacement we are stuck with the harassment. Please help your fan base this has been going on too long Lol who thinks Bioware will actually ever do anything to help this stuff from happening? Or do we just deal with it when we solo queue?
  5. For those that don't know be mindful of multiple queuing while queued with Ranked matches. Especially space missions in which your toon stays in place. If this happens when a queue pops for a Ranked match your toon will go into the match without your knowledge of it ever occurring. This just happened to someone our last match which was no fun 3v4 without a healer.
  6. Im glad they finally started doing this, thanks bioware. never let what happened in season 2 rewards happen again...
  7. Bioware, after watching the last dev twitch episode it was mentioned that while in warzones players will not be able to switch "disciplines" and the reasoning behind this decision as put by the developer is that during a ranked arena it would prove unfair because you guys use an algorithm to match roles. I agree with this very good decision (if it to worked..). The problem that exists now is that there is NO role matching for regular warzones. Quite often players on a team with no support classes find themselves in matches where they are up against a well compositioned team that includes tanks and healers as well as supporting dps. If that opposing team uses common sense during that warzone chances are your team will lose. The ability to change your discipline during a "regular" warzone would help to alleviate this problem. Hence I say, separate your fix for one problem from the "TWO" that exist. What say you community?
  8. My suggestion if any would be to be able to obtain mass generators, exotics, and isotopes when we reverse engineer 72 and 78 gear since that is what it takes to make those items. Why haven't we seen something like this implemented Bioware?
  9. Why wasn't a NM version of TC put out in the 2.7 update that drops Dread Forged gear?
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