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Everything posted by JamesBalla

  1. Drop it. This is not a discussion thread, take it outside of the forum, or don't say anything at all. I get all excited to read a new record, but instead it's just people fighting over something that's already been decided. Stop.
  2. Gimme some names of toons my man!
  3. All english teachers hack! When I saw that post, this is how I remember you haha.
  4. I'll be back next week, without the flu. Those numbers will only be higher.
  5. 2nd Highest Hit http://files.enjin.com.s3.amazonaws.com/333325/module_gallery/original/1074186.jpg
  6. I'm on my computer right now. Do you think this is a freaking game?
  7. Video is blocked. WAY TO GO GUILDMASTER.
  8. I still want the progression up there. We're a legitimate group no less. u.u
  9. Very cold. Trust me, If I REALLY want an alt to hit 50 I can do it in like 3 days, but working up the stamina to actually do it takes about 3 months.
  10. You haven't met me I'm guessing.
  11. Server first (?) Xeno analyst II HM. http://i.imgur.com/OT3rkAo.jpg
  12. The best part is because I'm on the servers top Raid team, and the servers top ranked team. Funny how stuff works huh? Edit a bit: I'll reiterate what the guy said before, you have no right at all to tell people to avoid content, just because you're buttmad you lost a match with 1 or 2 of your teammates in PvE gear.
  13. One of the DPS in my guilds group is able to dummy 1920+ I think is what I recall him saying last night, I might be able to get access to a log. He's basically full 63.
  14. Time to semi-necro this thread. Republic pugs are horrible, beyond bad. I have had 10+ warzones in the last week where I didn't know ANYONE. Trust me, I know freaking everyone. It's also a main reason why I havne't been super active. If you guys remember back in november/octoberish Imps were like, terribad. I mean with pugs, the actual guilds were alright. I think all of those less than average joe's re-rolled on the "winning" side. It's pretty funny, but It fluxuates. I'm just raging right now because I lost with nobody I knew on my team, but yeah, republic pugs eat crap right about now.
  15. I've never crashed when running it.
  16. How'd you know?! I would also call you the best tank on the imperial side. THERE I SAID IT.
  17. WTFISTHIS http://imgur.com/CQb6W7K
  18. Just a headsup, I never suggested that filth. Sorry. D:
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