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Everything posted by EverymanCgy

  1. The suggestion was that they make Level Scaling an optional feature, for those people who wish to keep grinding through content that they've already beaten. I realize there are those who appreciate the feature. I am not one of them. I think the easy way to keep everyone satisfied is by making it optional. And it's only hollow if I have no intention of following through. And though I realize that my "ultimatum" means next to nothing to the bottom line of a giant, faceless corporation, I still feel the need to voice my complaint. It will be acknowledged or ignored, one way or the other. I can't change that. But I will say it, because I enjoyed this game for a long time, and was really looking forward to getting back into it. Now I do not wish to. C'est la vie.
  2. Well, they might if they knew the proprietors of the gym stood a chance of reading their suggestions/concerns there. Hence, the "Suggestion Box" forum. Seemed an apropos place to make my case.
  3. I'm not interested in trolling and I'm not interested in bickering with anyone, but I want to have my two cents in, in the hopes that BW will acknowledge that many of us are unhappy with this completely unnecessary and obtrusive alteration. I have seldom posted in the forums, even though I have played this game since it launched. Never felt the need before now. I have been on hiatus from this game for about a year, and I just came back to find a change that I have absolutely no interest in navigating. I don't like level syncing. I think it's a crude, ham-handed attempt to make old content relevant, stall content development, and moreover, I think it's an ugly story killer. I spent a long time levelling many toons, and don't want to have them busted from Dark lord of the Sith down to raw recruit. It nullifies the role-playing experience utterly and completely. And I don't want to be caught, as I am right now, spending valuable time grinding through Makeb, for instance, even though I'm level 65, just because I want to speed finish the content before KotFE locks me out of it forever. Hence, even though I just paid for subscription, I'm thinking I might cancel it and stop playing this game for awhile, until Bioware revisits this policy and makes level scaling optional, for those players who wish it. It was a bad move, and I know I'm not the only one who thinks so.
  4. Not interested in trolling, not interested in bickering with anyone, but I want to have my two cents in, in the hopes that BW will acknowledge that many of us are unhappy with this completely unnecessary and obtrusive alteration. I have seldom posted in the forums, even though I have played this game since it launched. Never felt the need before now. I have been on hiatus from this game for about a year, and I just came back to find a change that I have absolutely no interest in navigating. I don't like level syncing. I think it's a crude, ham-handed attempt to make old content relevant, stall content development, and moreover, I think it's an ugly story killer. I spent a long time levelling many toons, and don't want to have them busted from Dark lord of the Sith down to raw recruit. It nullifies the role-playing experience utterly and completely. And I don't want to be caught, as I am right now, spending valuable time grinding through Makeb, even though I'm level 65, just because I want to speed finish the content before KotFE locks me out of it forever. Hence, even though I just paid for subscription, I'm thinking I might cancel it and stop playing this game for awhile, until Bioware revisits this policy and makes level scaling optional, for those players who wish it. It was a bad move, and I know I'm not the only one who thinks so.
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