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Posts posted by Cameirus

  1. Do you want them to remove the animation?

    \Whats the point? Damage is done before the animation so.....

    Clicking your next attack happens quicker, so....


    I don't see the issue.


    yes if it means equal play and responsive abilities.

    dmg is NOT done before the animation...go look at mortar volley. Dont post if you are clueless please.

    umm, *** is that about? Try mortar volley, still a 2 sec animation delay, still last shot fired 2 secs after cast bar ends.....


    Then you must be blind.

  2. Many people out there saying they fixed the ability delay and trying to get peoples hopes up. Its not fixed and the game still feels as clunky as ever. This issue is clearly gonna require more time from Bioware.


    nope, not fixed round here either.


    Try again BW, but next time dont screw over the launcher and log on servers for some of your playerbase at the same time./

  3. I guess all of those naysayers who quit becuase they couldnt fix the delay bug will come back in droves now.. I wish bioware could force them all to write an appology to get back into the forums.. there were far to many people ranting about the delay without giving them a chance to fix it.


    As soon as BW apologise for releasing a game with these bugs in it in the first place.


    Besides, I'll wait until later when I get to actually test it to see if its worked or not.

  4. Not mine. This isn't high school or college. Idc. Like you really use half the stuff you learned.


    Seriously, thats a tadge, impenetrable. Its just a big block of text.



    But, no I cant personally make a beter game, but then I dont have to, there are plenty of other developers out there who can.


    I cant make a sports bike either, but I know which are crap and which are good and if I bought one that did not perform, I'd damm well *****. And then go and get a better one from somewhere else.


    Your, very badly formatted, arguement holds no weight as SWTOR was not developed in isolation, but in a competitive market.



    I'm not going to pick you up on typos and stuff like other people round here, but if you present your post in a better manner, you may get a better response.

  5. Similar to what Rift has, and what Guild Wars II will have. Would give us something else to do besides running around hitting spacebar on non class quests, and kill x amount of enemies bonuses. Forgot, even FFXI has a couple dynamic battle systems...




    I have visions of a planet in half in empire half in republic control, with a massive battle spread out over many "hardpoints" across the midfield and with republic and imperial fortifications at the ends.


    I see forces being dropped in by shuttle, walkers assaulting imperial bases, those big imperial tank like things pushing back. I see players having to react by capturing hardpoints with defensive weaponry. Or capturing shuttle pads to deploy in other parts of the zone.


    I see hoth like battles, or EP2 end type conflicts. Where the combat is dynamic, but also player influences.


    Bases could base attacked in a manner similar to onslaughts in emberisle in rift, with forces dropped round the edges in shuttles to attack and the players havingto defend.



    Or maybe a new world with voracious wildlife, which builds up to attack outposts of the factions.


    With its turrets and sci-fi feeling, its got a lot of scope to go down that route. IF the hero engine could handle it.

  6. Threads like these don't help the game in any way either. Unless you think full on bashing of a guy who works for BioWare will somehow help the game? Have you ever seen an interview with a game dev (who is currently working on the game being discussed) badmouth their own product? I sure haven't.



    No one expects them to badmouth the game....



    However, acknowledging bugs would go a long way to building confidence. There ARE problem, and they need fixing. I dont think anyone expects that to happen tomorrow, but if Ohlen comes out with this crap, we get the impression the devs are not playing the same game...and we wonder why they kept the decent version for themselves.


    He can be diplomatic and positive, sure. But the picture he paints is not so much rosy, but delusional.

  7. The complexy of SWTOR and RIFT can't be even compared, the questing system, the VO, the cutscenes, the size of the worlds, etc etc. That's why RIFT is extremely polished in therms of systems.


    Personally I think Rift is more complex. its got dynamic content model built in which is being expanded. its designed to allow quick updates and content uploads without major patches. I think the quests are better and the zones are better, the graphics are certainlly better. It not a corridor linear wworld like much of swtor....


    Swtor does some things well, the voice overs, the space combat, and such.


    But thats a mater of opinion.


    What you say about polish is right. Rifts is much higher. and I dont think that there is any excuse for a low amount of polish, no matter what your features are, what the content is or what the game is like, it should be polished for launch. things like major graphical bugs (green planes), fps performance in WZs and ability/animation delay should not exist at launch.

  8. Yeah, It's just a shame Areanet have said they don't feel like their game needs any endgame raids ect.


    Good job there is no subscription.


    you misunderstand the "no endgame raids" thing.


    Endgame =/= raids.


    infact I'd say alot of what went wrong with wow was that endgame = raids and nothing else for far too long.


    I'm not going to try to convince you to play gw2, just wanted to point out that you are basing your comment on a false premise.


    With regards to swtor, I really really hope they look at alternative progression paths other than raids (ops). Maybe go look at Rift a bit, they have solo/duo instances, dynamic events, instant quest grouping, multiple teir instances, casual raids, hard raids and a specificly harder max level zone with on demand dynamic events. Not saying swtor needs to copy, but I do think BW should really look at alternative progression models other than large group instanced set pieces. No matter how good raids are, there are only so many times you can move out of "generic fire effect 3" before it becomes a bit samey.

  9. I suppose the weak link is built in the structure of the game, because we have to be at fleet to let others know that we are looking for a group for a flashpoint. I know one can flag themselves as LFG but for some reason this is not popular with players, not many players flag themselves, even though they want to run FPs, also many dont know that they can flag themselves.





    I think an LFG is needed personally, at least an auto match system for quests and FPS on the same server, but preferably cross server.


    The game has put in lots of 2/4 man quests its a shame its hard to find a group for them.


    Its also weird that with the specific inclusion of group quests in every zone and FPs for most planets, that there is both no LFG AND no cross server chat. BW are really making finding groups a pain.

    They say LFG is left out to promote community, I dont agree but if thats their stance, fine. But if thats so why leave out the tools to speak to that community? Right now it relies on people sitting in the fleet spamming chat to form a group, whereas the goal surely is to get people out in the game world enjoying the content. otherwise they've just desinged a lobby game with optional planets to go to if you are bored spamming general chat.


    At the very least cross server chat is needed to allow groups to form for people questing more easily.

  10. "Don't accuse people of trolling?"


    Do you even know what trolling is? Is blatantly obvious that you're doing it. You're quoting people out of context in an attempt to get an emotional reaction out of people. That's a textbook definition.


    No. You may feel that, and fine thats ok, but please dont pretent to know my thinking.


    I quote that as I think its a relevant point. I think Ohlen himself if correct. Players dont understand.


    This forum is full of, how shall we put this....slightly rabid supporters of swtor? who use the tired "its only just released" and "you cant compare it to XXXmmo, its been out XXyears, you need to give SWTOR time" arguements. Which that quote from Ohlen shows is NOT BWs approach.


    Thats why its my sig. It shows BW dont think that way.


    Now you can disagree with whether its fully featured, or whether features will come "soonTM" or not, But thats your opinion, I am entitled to mine.


    I do worry that you call people trolls based on your own interpretation of a quote of Ohlen himself. Defensive much?

  11. So, if you're not looking to troll, what with the out-of-context signature? If that's not a prime example of trolling, I don't know what is.


    Funny how you just chopped of the next sentence: "It's been a big challenge making sure that we can put in all of those features into our game at game launch or shortly thereafter."


    The features are not in, and they are not going in shortly thereafter. At best a few may go in at 1.2, but its not looking promising.

    I dont think I can fit the entire article in my sig, but feel free to go look at the interview yourself, of do you think people cant do that?


    I'm not looking to troll.


    I'm quite prepared to accept you have fun with the game, and I respect your reasons for doing so.


    Personally I am disappointed that a supposedly AAA mmo is lacking in so many features and polish that it feels like it belongs in 2004 not 2011. I am disappointed that a star wars MMO of such promise turned out like this.


    If you cant handle that, fine, if you disagree fine. Dont accuse people of trolling. Or shall I just call you a biodrone fanboi?



    How on earth can ANY dev meet the outrageous number of demands you're all making? Take a moment to step back and look at the big picture. You want them to completely redo PvP, fix every glitch, make it 100% compatible with every computer configuration on earth, and so much more... in a month?


    Go play RIFT, Trion produced a fully featured MMO with a fraction of SWTORs budget. Whether you like the game or not, its much more advanced feature wise. Sure not all features were in at launch, and I can live wiith that with SWTOR, but Trion were very upfront about when they would be in, and what would be in. They admitted mistakes they made and dammwell fixed them asap.

    Its not so much that SWTOR misses features, which is does, its that the devs seam to be in a complete dreamworld where everything is fine and every one is happy. Reality check, they are not.

    Go read Ohlen's IGN interview, and when you stop laughing come back and post again.

  13. I am amazed how trolls such as yourself whose EVERY post is more or less troll like, are still subscribed to this game.

    Hilarious really.


    Really? it says why in my post, maybe you could try reading the posts you quote.

  14. He never mentioned wow, so I'm not sure why you brought it up. For some planets/factions finding a group is becoming rarer and rarer. I highly doubt it was Bioware's intent for people to spend a week in fleet spamming general for a flashpoint run.


    dont worry, only biodrones mention wow in threads for some reason, I've never really worked out why.



    Nearly 200people in the fleet on my new server (imp side), not one LFG flagged, chat full of the same 5-6 people spamming for a group, they dont seam to be having much luck.

    No other chat at all in general.


    Oh the community in this game is....indescribable.

  15. OP is right.


    I was going to unsub, but some RL friends convinced me to re-roll on a more populated server.


    I can barely bring myself to log on, even with friends playing, its just such an insipid gaming experience, playing the same quests over again, listening to the same voice acting over and over and over again, its like watching the same crap movie on repeat.


    If I spacebar, its just endless kill X collect X boring quests.


    Not sure I'll last the week, let alone the month.

  16. The other challenge was to live up to and push beyond the expectations that MMO games like World of WarCraft have created. Players aren't going to understand if you don't have industry standard features.




    let me try that again..



    really? you thought that and yet still released this crap. No lfg, which would be ok, but there is also no cross server chat channels....

    Half the ingame menus dont work

    GTN is apalling

    Standard features? do those include responsive controls, interesting quests and decent graphics? because you missed out all 3.


    So lol its untrue.

  17. create a non-boring game.

    some ideas?

    1. some variety in quests

    2. reduce travel times

    3. Make it so you actually change the world by your actions (yeah I know its not going to happen in swtor)

    4. fix pvp, its still ********

    5. allow ship customisation

    6. create some non-human races, all of them are pretty much humans

    7. put in the graphics the game was advertised with, right now it looks *****

    8. Fix bugs and ability delay

    9. fix melee to be useful

    10. dymanic content - maybe planets under attack, vechiles like walkers and such...

    11. .......could go on but htat will do for now.

  18. Why you kiddies just have to come here saying stupid stuff? Maybe some people PAY for this game just the SAME as you do but have LESS time than you? And we want to be able to do the basic stuff like all else. DAILY means that - you come after work and you have time to do your dailies and some other general stuff. BROKEN DAILY is what BW created trying to "promote" the PvP in Ilum. Only thing that can actually do anything about the PvP on Ilum is if they STOP people from creating empire chars and that is not going to happen. So why not just scratch that daily?


    If you don't have to anything constructive to say about the Ilum daily but your ****** opinions like "roll republic" or "it's meant to be farmed for 10 hours" then go and create your own thread.


    again,....roll republic.


    Not a lot BW can do about faction balance now. So either suck it up or quit.


    Its not a broken daily. Why should other people not be able to roll empire? you were allowed to. Your answer is basically "others should roll rep, but I (you) should be able to be empire".

    Unless you are volunteering to go republic, your idea of preventing empire characters being created is selfish and born of a sense of entitlement.


    But you are right its not going to happen.


    So what is left? oh yes provide an incentive for republic characters in the hope people choose to re-roll. how do you do that? make quests that rely on faction balance and are easier to do if you are not the zerg faction.....

  19. I hear the Agent is pretty good.


    gosh darned Imperials though.


    Edit: Oh, haha. The censor has a sense of humor.


    IA ia awful. Its just so black and white, no nuance at all. why would my agent kill people he can keep alive as an asset? its a pretty shallow boring and predictable story.

  20. As title says - after 25 mins being on Ilum I have killed 1 republic and managed to find and get only 1 armament (like 20 more Imps camping the armaments). Where's the "world" pvp in this and why I should spend like what it seems 3+ hours to do a SINGLE daily? This needs BW respons immediately!


    My suggestion is to lower the requirements to 10 and no more.


    What you think about this guys and gals?


    you went sith...and you are complaining? lol.


    You knew that sith was the zerg faction, you knew this would happen and you complain?


    Why woudl reps go to illum? So they can get chain ganked by 20 imps and just spend their time ressing? Screw that.


    faction imbalance will kill pvp in this game, the zerg faction gears up faster, gets better gear and dominates pvp matches, people roll with the zerg making it worse and worse...eventually there is only 1 faction on a server.


    In wow there were horde or alliance servers, but very rarely was there a balanced one. But in swtor, I've yet to come across a server where republic outnumber imperials, some are better than others, but a 60/40 split is the best I've seen and many are 80/20 or worse.

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