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Posts posted by Cameirus

  1. 1. How do you think your Commando spec is perceived by other classes?

    nasty in pvp (which is good!), pretty meh dps in pve, decent tanks


    2. How do you perceive your own spec?


    really fun in pvp, lots of utility lots of control and bursty procs, a nice reactive spec and very fun.


    In pve, could do with some better survival talents, tanking is ok, but range could be better if we are a "ranged" tank.

  2. 1. How do you think your Commando spec is perceived by other classes?

    easy kill. Hammer shot with combat support cell active is just a big "kill me" green beam, just change it to green laser shots, not a giant green beam which highlights where I am.....


    Dps sucks, so static its untrue, and lacking real utility


    2. How do you perceive your own spec?


    a bit clunky, its quite fun, and I like ammo, however its a bit unforgiving when it comes to regen at lower levels if other people mess up and need healing more.


    Way too static. Needs more utility

  3. What are your top 5 reasons why you left the game? Why do you stick around?


    1. Too static world - no dynamic content, mobs just stand there, its all just so setpiece and not a living world (some npc's you cant even click on..they are literally part of the scenery!).

    2. Boring combat - ok its a hotkey mmo, but its also starwars, you expect some decent combat, pressing 1 to swing lightsabre feels, well, disappointing.

    3. Too much voice acting - its spacebar city, its ok for class stories, but otherwise, its a bore, and also give an option to auto skip in instances, its so boring to be forced to sit through the same VO over and over becuase somone in the group wants to watch it, give a "story" and a "action" option in the LFG.

    4. PVP - lol, just lol. Its got some great ideas (tanks and guard/taunt is great), but its so unbalanced its pathetic, its all dps burst, and its a gearfest like wow or rift, oneday an mmo will do non-gear dependant pvp (28th august to be precise).

    5. Too much travel, not enough content - Orbital stations? really? lol. Zones are sometimes big (tatooine) but have sod all content in them, its just boring slow travel between Kill10, kill20 quests...

  4. Give the quitters a 'cowards' debuff which prevents Q'ing up again for 1 hour and make their toons glow pink to reflect their shameful actions.


    15mins maybe.

    And this feature treats the symptoms not the cause. the cause is that the match is not fun or not rewarding enough to stick round if losing. IF it was people woudl stay. By just shoving a debuff on, it does not solve the underlying flaws in teh pvp system


    And make it so I never ever get put in a WZ thats in progress.


    Why should I have to join a losing match because someone else left and then I get a debuff for leaving and looking for a proper competition.

  5. Read the press release and laugh or make up you're own mind what kind of people run this game.





    /insert [head] >>> [arse]


    thats the only explaination for anyone talking so much pure crap as that news post.



    Everytime I think to give this another shot, I get to the launcher, and just give up, its just that bad. And then you read this kind of delusional self congratulatory crap and wonder what game the devs are playing, because its sure not the one the rest of us got.


    Ah well, nm, at least they are happy.

  6. This looks very underwhelming


    Shouldnt a high level agent lOOK like a special ops soldier, or stealthy, or SOMETHING other than these officer pajamas we get??


    I know stormtroopers are a few thousand years away, but at least give us some cool armor like this


    Look, if you want over the top armour, go play wow, or tera when it comes out.


    Personally I find it refreshing that there is at least some realistic armour and weapons in the game.

  7. That's 'your' opinion. I love the voice acting and I really get into the game with it.


    Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it should be eliminated.


    NO ****?


    why point out its my opinion, i'm perfectly aware of it....



    this, incase you have not noticed, is a discussion forum, its ALL opinion.....

  8. It's called 'immersion'.


    its called boring as hell.


    its repetative, and who wants to spend 10mins handing in a quest? There is no real choice or impact of the voice acting, its just a time sink. Its ok for class quests, but I'm damm not listening to the side quests which disguise boring kill X collect X quests and are the same for every damm character.

  9. It's going to be fun when GW2 comes out and people find out that GW2 has ZERO "end game content" and never will.


    I think you misunderstand. It has a huge amount of endgame, as THE ENTIRE GAME is viable at "endgame".


    What you mean is no "raids". and thats fine, its part of the game design. If your view of "engame" is purely "raids" then it may not be the game for you. Then again, try it, try to lose that "wow based" conditioning and give it a shot, you may like it.

  10. We don't want a WoW-clone, or any other MMO clone, becuase that old standard is dead and beating. I like that BW is actually doing something different to break away from the mold.


    it is a wow clone. well no, its a 2004 wow clone.


    Just with voice overs which you end up space barring through pretty soon anyway as its damm repetative and takes ages.


    (I listened to class quests, but the rest is damm annoying)

  11. Its legit.


    I reckon they are worried about retention rates. I dont think its quite as rosey as the Biodrones would have you believe. (I say this as its come quite a while after cancelling sub, rather than was a form at the unsub stage, it just strikes me as strange, but i could be wrong it would not be the first time!)


    I dont reckon its crash and burn time, and lets face it a 10% retention rate would leave it with more subs that most other MMOs, and its almost certainlly more than that! But, due to the cost of production, and licence, and the need to report to shareholders, BW are probably nervous about dropping sub numbers.


    As I've said before, if you are a fanboi, your opinion does not matter as you are a sure sub. BW will take note of the people unsubbing as thats lost revenue. May seam unfair, but suck it up, its the way the world works. You dont spend money on votes you already have, you spend it to convince the undecideds.

  12. Low pop solution - Roll on a busier server - or - server merges


    Faction balance solution - Tell players they MUST roll republic or they cant play.


    1st one might work, the second.... i doubt it.


    free character transfers, as in RIFT would do the job nicely.



    But if it comes down to "reroll", its K thx bai as far as I'm concerned, its tediously boring to go through the same bloody story again, the same side quests and so on. Much more so than other MMOs as the voice overs are more memorable than text, take longer and if you skip its just the same 2 boring quests ad nauseum.


    Free xfers would be fine. I've tried re-rolling, its really really bad.

  13. I dont think they can make a "server merge" now, it's too early and it would "look bad".

    One thing they could do, is authorizing free server migration. Just an idea.


    Free server transfers. Player controlled and instant, with a week CD.


    Rift did this and it worked great. Is your server low pop? Ok move on to another. Entirely up to the player. And avoids server mergers.

  14. I've noticed a definite improvement. Not perfect, but better for sure. They've also said that this last fix was the first in a few to tackle this problem. More will come.


    Been trying to use high impact bolt, it just does not work now, its lit up and ready, but it wont go off at all.


    Right now the only thing I have fun in is pvp and its pretty damm unplayable, what with stealth caps in VS and Ald and huttball being a sage/sorcs wt dream, any sort of ability delay is crippling.

  15. So its NOT fixed then?


    Still getting "instants" interrupted due to animations.


    Abilities still get delayed due to animations


    Casts get interrupted AFTER cast bar is over


    Capture points are interrupted AFTER bar completes...




    This is just so much ******** its untrue. Buggy at launch, still buggy after "major" patch...is this EVER going to be fixed?

  16. ""The Old Republic" delivers a virtual "Star Wars" universe that blunts the level-grinding drudgery that typically saps interest in MMOs with something seen in the best movies and video games — a narrative with genuinely dramatic moments"


    A fair conclusion i think.


    It does blunt the grind, but thats all, its still there. And once you get past the story there is not a lot else.


    3.5/4? I think its too high.


    But overall the review is one of the better ones I've read.

  17. to all morons out there... TB asks questions most of us were curious about in this interview, and frankly stuff we wanted to know. TB does in fact give opinions but he uses logic, and experience and tries to be as objective as possible and he never made any other claim then that.


    All that said... he asked all major questions most of us wanted to know


    yep, its actually one of the more useful SWTOR information pieces to have come out.


    He's pretty annoying, and that whole "I dont raid but am quitting wow because a raid has been nerfed serveral months after it was released" BS kind of made me think he's a pratt.


    But this interview is pretty good really. Of course he cant ask "why does swtor suck balls??" because the interviewee would just leave. He does his best and gets some relevant information.


    He is a fairly crap gamer though, but I suppose those vids of him "pvp'ing" are pretty funny to watch :p

  18. http://www.torstatus.net/shards/eu/trends



    Definately more "light" servers with "heavy" dropping and "full" flat lining.


    But what conclusions you draw from that is up to you. has server pops been steadily increased by BW? Have people stoped playing? Are people just playing less as a normal adjustment of "oh shiny" wears off and we are seeing playtime normalise?


    Who knows? No one but BW. Everything is speculation.

  19. The difference between standard quests with and without spacebar


    Without Spacebar:

    Good Sir! Can you help me! I could really use some help! More inflated text to say hello!


    Really? Great Let me tell you about all my personal problems! Damn Whompas! More inflated text to give illusion of story!


    Ok, well my buddy Ligglewopbingbong somewhere in the Snagglesnarf Desert! I would tell you where that is, but I am currently without a map and am unable to give you precise directions!


    Ok, fine I will tell you where he is! But don't what I want you to do


    Ok, here you go! Thanks for helping me out! See you Soon!



    Quest Received - Kill 10 Whompas


    With Spacebar






    Doesn't matter what side you chose because you should have Biochem/Biotech/Diplomacy anyway and can change sides whenever you want



    Quest Received - Kill 10 Whompas

    15 minutes saved


    Nothing changes




    And, apart from class quests, unfortunately true.


    Choices do NOT matter, nothing in the game world changes as a result of your choices, you spend 5 levels on a planet supposedly fighting imperials/republic, you supposedly deliver crippling blows, and nothing changes.....


    Even WOW managed to phase stuff so things changed. For a story driven MMO surely that should have been damm important.


    Class quest are ok, not amazing, but enough to be moderately interesting, but side quests are verrrrry tedious. Esp if you've already leveled one character, no way in hell am I listening to all that again.

  20. Whilst MMO's to promote multiple players being in the same world at the same time, they aren't just exclusively dedicated to group based activities. There is a difference.




    I agree. Alternate advancement systems are just one way of providing activities for people of different playstyles.




    This is what I like about inworld dynamic content of another mmo, you can go do it when you want, you dont need to have a group. its casual, pick up and play gameplay that caters to that kind of player. Sure you can also raid and group and pvp and so on, but if you just want to knock about and have a bit of no pressure fun, its there.


    So far, that kind of alternative progression paths model is not in swtor, and I'm not sure how it woudl be put in.

  21. Definitely. I noticed it on the character select screen for crying out loud. Even IT ran smoother for me. Then I jumped in and tested the ability delay, and while it isn't perfect yet, it is significantly and noticeably better


    Loading screens are much longer now than previously for me.


    Had a massive issue even getting past the launcher.


    Ability delay by animatins is still there.


    This stuff needs to be sorted asap.

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