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Posts posted by Oreget

  1. Unsubbed fir the second time and this time final.

    I dont know nor do I carer about whatever direction Bioware wants to take this game.

    But they have destoryed my star wars fantasy.

    They took all the epicness out of sith jugg with retarded new ravage animation.

    I hate it so much it hurts my eyes.

    I dont play pvp nor do i care for it.Remove from the game all the same to me.

    I lost interest in the game.

    Bioware do what they want and not what the players want and thats final

    nail in the coffin.

    So goodbye I won't be coming back ever again.

    I want my op companions back so i can enjoy the game and not getting killed by mobs.

    So if you dont want to let me enjoy the game i will take my monet elsewhere.

    Money is the only language you understand.

    You could have had many players if you bothered to put lousy russian subtitles but you're too lazy for that

    Or may be you dont care Bioware.Fine then.

    See ya.BTW I heard your anthem is a total fail hahaha.You deserve what you get.

    Well no wonder since all the talented people have left the studio including the founders.

    Wish you all the worst ex sub player Alex.

  2. Do you think they only on star forge?

    Pointless to argue with them.

    Their heads filled with lies and they are too lazy to check the facts for them selfs.

    Add main media who always takes one side in middle east conflict.

    And as result we get what we have.

    Almost forgot those UN screamers who love big words like apartheid and genocide.

    They know the power of those words to europe.

    Add constant lying from Palestinian authnomy.

    Whos children are tought hate from kindregarden.

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