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Posts posted by Oreget

  1. I was born in Russia some russian curse words are being used in the west regularly.

    Those people have no idea that in Russia using this kind of word to someone would result

    you getting beaten to death.These are just words to you.For example calling someone's mother @@#@#@.

    In Russia you will be beaten to death in best case in worst simply killed on spot.

  2. I passed that mission from second try.I admit I hated that part but that mission is playable.

    All you need to do is use walker's abilites for fit situations.

    For example there is an ability that puuls enemies together.U use that and afterwards you use mortar ability.

    Also different enemies.First ones need to be taken out is an rpg enemies because thet are mosr dangerous.

    But I admit i hate that part and wish it can be skipped.

  3. There is a master datacron which player can buy and jumps him to level 70

    But what if there were lesser datacrons that would level the player to levels 30 40 and 50??

    This would be great for skipping the main storyline and starting Makkeb Yavin and other expansions.

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