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Everything posted by Ancaglon

  1. No, I misunderstood what you were trying to say -- I thought you were trying to present stats on the Faction imbalance, NOT overall server populations, probably due to your mention of Republic on 1 server vs Empire on another server. I believe I've seen some automated statistic gathering on server populations, but I can't now recall the URL; if I find it I will post it here.
  2. Gear for Companions increases the market for crafted items too, so supports deeper gameplay. I understand what the OP is saying, but generally you only need to keep 1 or 2 companions "properly" geared to support your own game role, and the rest generally hang around on the ship doing crew missions
  3. A "smart need" system can easily see if the item level is at least the same as your currently equipped one before permitting it. While this can be gamed somewhat by taking something that would be an upgrade for you but then give it to a Companion, or by deliberately wearing poor gear just before the item is rolled for, it's still better than the current system. Upvoted.
  4. Agreed. And on Qyzen Fess, he now has a trooper helmet but bits of his head stick out of it (snout, ears)... at least Chewbacca er Bowdaar is hardcoded to ignore that stuff.
  5. Not every ability needs to see cooldowns. Mount/Dismount your speeder, for example, or Stealth/Unstealth, or "stances", or your general recovery ability. Not having to put those things on visible buttons would be a big saving of space for those abilities that DO need it.
  6. I don't understand why you can't just make 1 level 1 character on each side of the same server and change the filter part in the "Who" window -- you can then just check the server population counts very quickly by level groups, although at 50 you may need to check by each advanced class.
  7. See mega-thread in General forum if you really want to see the gruesome details. 'nuff said.
  8. I read it the first time. Blaming the system because it allows people to need on stuff that's not "needed" is just fatuous.
  9. If someone pulls this sort of ******* move on a group with me, I will not group with them again, I don't care how they justify it to themselves, unless it was a genuine mistake and they apologize to the person they screwed over. Reputation matters, ninja-looters are not wanted.
  10. I did Taral V on my male Scoundrel with another female Scoundrel as healer... it was constant cackling. I suppose it could be useful as audio feedback but it it'll take some getting used to.
  11. The Imperial Dancer set from the Empire Security Key vendor has a different model/textures from the Hutt Slave one.
  12. Thre should be a way to bind abilities directly to keys without having to be on a clickable action bar. Having said that, I support the OP's request.
  13. Agreed and upvoted! I missed this on my Shadow's story, so on my new BH alt I'm using FRAPS to record all the class stories -- the downside is, even at half size the video files are HUGE. Being able to view those scenes by, for example, clicking on the Holoviewer on the ship, would be beyond awesome. (I believe all the "significant" storyline choices are recorded, so there's no real problem of you "making a different choice" in the dialogues either, those dialogues could easily be locked to have just the choice you made before as the sole "option").
  14. If anyone is in any doubt, I mean the giant sloping one that leads to the very last section of the Flashpoint. I mean, really? I can understand game designers wanting to have fun, but this thing is a pointless sadistic deathtrap. WHY does it stop at every level when those levels have nothing of any interest? So, at the very least, change it so that it moves down steadily all the way from the top to the bottom, then stops at the bottom for 10 seconds or so before going back up. This wouldn't be so bad if the re-entry spot was after it, but if you die on on or after that elevator, and you have to go down it AGAIN. If you actually happen to die ON it, like the first time I went there, your corpse is not revivable by your party.
  15. Two suggestions: 1) If one of the mid-level skills in the Kinetic tree (Darkness for Assassin?) gave the ability for Combat Technique to regenerate charges of this whenever we got a critical hit (either melee or force, don't know which would work better), with a limit of 1 per X seconds, there would be no need to keep mashing the button. The ability could then be used every so often to "top up" the charges, but it wouldn't be necessary to constantly refresh it -- so a 30 seconds or 1 minute cooldown might be adequate. 2) Focussed fire etc. should be treated as 1 attack for the purpose of deflection, it would probably reduce server workload to code it that way too. This would give us more time to react tactically and actually see what's happening around us without having to just watch our buffs and cooldowns so manically.
  16. If you want to talk mismatched, you should see Zenith on my ship - Twi'lek sniper with the cowboy hat, and the headtails coming out of the back of a cowboy hat is just... odd. The simplest option would be to add this companion gear as rewards to daily Heroics at each level, as for example one of the Belsavis Heroics gives top-end moddable Companion weapons (except for the poor suckers that have AIM-based melee weapons.... sorry Qyzen, no mods for you).
  17. As long as we're doing "other things" (we have other windows open that would be forced to close by the mission reward screen, or we're in combat (be it warzone, space or otherwise), the reward should be set pending, with voice confirmation. (And while we're at it, please make sure what the voice says matches the result. "Well, that could have gone better" should only be with a failure, etc).
  18. So wrong on so many levels (even leaving aside spelling and grammar). I play a Shadow Tank. If I want to DPS or PVP as a Shadow for some content, I should run through the whole 50 levels and REPEAT the entire storyline and levelling? Madness. I want to play a Sage at some point, but a big deterrent is the fact that the Class storyline is the same. I actually favour having MULTIPLE skill sets available, at increasing costs -- possibly matching the speeder training costs, and at the same levels? i.e. 2nd spec at 25 costing 50k, 3rd spec at 40 costing 210k, 4th spec at 50 costing 330k.
  19. A few favoured companions at least get to do the betrothal on the Bridge, but it seems most of em are stuck in the depths of the ship...
  20. Actually, that discovery was just the capstone on what we discover as Republic players DURING the Taris part -- the story seen through the cairns is just heart-wrenching -- that NOTHING that Revan (that is, you, the player of KoTOR) did on Taris has achieved anything beyond prolonging the suffering of one group, and may well have been the cause of the deaths of billions by driving Malak to bombard the planet. And that again is echoed with us freeing Revan from the Maelstrom prison, only for him to head for the dark side and then be killed off (maybe...) by an Imperial strike team. Pretty depressing stuff for the Republic, and possibly part of what lead to the server population imbalance, if the Empire is portrayed generally as winning AND as being "cooler".
  21. Ancaglon

    Revan's Voice

    In KoTOR, you, the player, chose what he looked like (and his gender, for that matter ), which is why the mask matters so much -- I believe the Empire players have a whole Revanite storyline on Dromund Kaas, which I've not yet played through. I agree about the scars etc. on the SWTOR Revan, he does look like a man that's been through hell (and isn't out of it yet). I'd have loved to see his arrival on Tython and his meeting with his umpteen-times-great grand-daughter being the head of the Jedi Council One thing though, the events of KoTOR 2 don't seem to have been incorporated into SWTOR, other than the character of the Exile -- from the Epilogue of the Revan novel, it's clear that Bastila wasn't hunted down in the Jedi Purge, and indeed all of those events seem not to have had an impact: Revan's torment does seem to have worked to give 300 years of peace to the Republic.
  22. I agree. At the very least, there should be one hour of real time between those conversations, I wouldn't have been averse to having it be one stage per real day. As for offspring between species, there seems to be a certain ambiguity. On the one hand, we "know" that the original Dark Side force users interbred with the Sith species, but on the other, we don't see any mixed-species people in the game. Perhaps Sith Sorcery or other "extreme measures" are required for such things -- but by the end of Chapter 3, the player characters are in a position of having some very powerful contacts capable of pulling off some pretty spectacular stuff.
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