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Posts posted by Covent

  1. Although not quite as lengthy - this MAY be easier for the developers to stomach. I support your post OP, but I feel like it would require more change than Bioware might be willing to commit to. At the very least - perhaps my thread will be a stepping stone to getting to your thread. It would provide a more immediate solution. I would appreciate feedback on my idea as well.


    Please check out the PVP forums for


    Suggestion: A Simple Way to Fix Ilum




    Please show support if you like it!! Please spread the word to other active PVPers, especially battlemasters!


    VoTF quit SWTOR, it was felt that with so much ineptittude and an unbelievable amount of lack of organisation in a game with 5 years in the making, it would take an impossible amount of time to create worthwhile pvp or fixes that this game requires.http://www.votf-online.net/index.php?app=uportal

  2. This game really doesnt facilitate worthwhile pvp. I know its a hard pill to swallow after buying the game and spending time lvling etc. But to be honest, get out now before you feel more crushed in several months after the game coughes out more garbage.
  3. After zero acknowledgement from Bioware that this thread even exists, or would even entertain listenning to the players. I am under no illusion that within the next couple of months, subscriptions from predominantly pvp focused players will drop off dramatically.


    Come on Bioware, start acknowledging or at least responding to stuff on these forums as your lack of presence around here gives the impression you just dont give a rats ***.

  4. how about only crafters with the right mats can make it.


    But this is such a small vision.


    Is gear really the only resource you can think of? You are not even fighting over gear. you are fighting to get gear. Shift your resource to something less selfish and more meaningful. What happens when you have all hte best gear? gonna whine at BW for more levels and better gear. tiresome.


    WOW. go back to WOW.


    Where did you get gear in daoc?


    If you are looking for a problem in what im saying you will find it im sure.


    If you are looking for better PvP than you had better learn more about history and why folks fight.


    Please no GearWars..


    I tell you what.. Go write up a way of getting this games pvp out the toilet and try and help rather than ***** at something you havent experienced in swtor or this innovative redesign. Because if Bioware dont do it, then EA will come down hard on these guys jobs in regards to future funding of projects. As the shareholders in EA will be chomping on the asses of bosses there.

  5. I appreciate what you want, but you are underestimating the time it takes to implement even relatively minor changes. They can change small things like the output of a class ability in a couple of weeks, but what you're talking about (even restricted to Ilum) is more on the scale of 1.1. That took almost a year to make. They didn't need to create new art assets for it either. They had all the skins and models (maybe minus a couple) in the game already.


    Additionally, this is a major corporation and a multimillion dollar project. They won't ever take major design suggestions from the forums. I'm not trying to be mean. It's obvious you've put a lot of time, and creative passion into this idea and I want you to have a realistic expectation of what they'll do. Every person who posts in the PvP forum could /sign this, and Bioware wouldn't implement any of this.


    They have talented, creative people working at their studios. And those people are working on upcoming content as well as trying to fix content that isn't working properly.


    If Ilum is fixable, they will come up with a solution, but the truth is that if it isn't, it's because of decisions made years ago, decisions that cannot be changed any more. There are fundamental design mechanics built into the structure of the game, and they can't take those out. The major problem with Ilum is faction imbalance, and that isn't something that can be changed at this point. That ship has long since sailed.


    With the loss of playerbase this game suffered since launch, they either implement changes fast and get Bioware SWTOR department doing overtime and working weekends, or the game flops harder and faster than Warhammer and they lose 75% of the department in several months and the game goes ftp. The situation IS that bad. Its no drama, its common sense. In an economy where you throw millions into making a game and it fails very badly at the basics, you better believe investors will be kicking arses.

  6. I'm sure they're going to make changes, and given the history of Bioware games, I'm sure those changes will be well thought out and positive in aggregate.


    If you're looking for something as radical as what the OP suggests, then you don't really want this game. It's unrealistic in the extreme.


    He's not suggesting more warzones, or big tweaks to the existing structure of Ilum, he's suggesting a complete redesign of core game mechanics.


    If you want to hope for things, hope that the March content patch will give us more well-designed warzones, hope that in the next few months they will come up with solutions for making Ilum competetive and fun, hope that they don't overdo class teaks.


    Otherwise, this isn't the game you're looking for.


    You may be right, but something needs to be done and fast to enrich pvp. You need to feel encompassed by the MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER online community in an MMO, as thats an aspect of why mmo's are played. Because at the moment its a very single single player game with little else. This initiative could be a start in the right direction. Anything less and SWTOR becomes a transit game for other upcomming MMO's.


    Also, i certainly wont be resuscribing to a game touted to have alot of pvp but get some weak warzones..and a lagfest in an open environment. Not into wasting money on something that just doesnt give me what i am looking for nor am i into waiting 12 months for a glimmer of hope. To get some other crappy warzone or anything they come up with that isnt worthwhile.

  7. I applaud the effort and it sounds fun (which is why a lot of people are responding so positively), but I think we all need a little perspective about the scale of what you're proposing.


    Essentially what you suggest (which again is an interesting concept) is an entirely new MMO and the time and resources it would realistically take to create, code, write, balance, etc. all of this is unfeasible.


    Again, I think this is a remarkable display of creativity and passion, and I applaud you for it, but short of a paid-for expansion, nothing like this will ever happen. If Ilum is going to change in the short (6mo-1yr) term, then they will have to make adjustments within the framework already established.


    The game has a core architecture that cannot be radically changed at this point.


    You can't simply clone a planet and make it into a PvP zone. Look at the development history of any good (or not so good) PvP map and you will see that they take a significant amount of time to develop, test, balance, and fix, and fix, and fix.


    And that's just one of the many areas where Bioware would have to spend time and money if they were to try anything like this.


    It's a beautiful dream, but it's never going to happen in this game.


    We can but hope that changes are made or, its just a case of moving onto another MMO.

  8. instances are the only way to have actual balance.

    health tweaking is interesting but its an untested game balance issue. Bolstering is not the same thing as creating a character that has 5-10 times the HP of any normal character.

    It will require considerable time and effort before it becomes usable.


    a viable current solution is forced population restrictions and instance utilization.


    Not to be dismissive, but you cant really comment fruitfully if your characters arent even entering illum. It suggests that you have little knowledge of the problems affecting this owpvp problem nor induldged in the potential that could be bought about by this solution/project.

  9. I appreciate all the replies guys. Keep them coming and lets get something like this on Bioware's priority list. They listen to our feedback to tell them which should be the most important thing they implement... Well this is it! :)


    A heap load of hard work and effort. Great job!

  10. lol how do you know he dosent?


    I'm a doctor and I make my share of credits and yes my girlfriend doese model in local magazines.

    You have no clue who your talking to.

    We dont all live in moms basement making love to a Farah Faucet poster.


    Showing your age mate ;)


    suprised you never said raquel Welch and Gina lollabridgida too ;)

  11. I totally support Aneu, Kebab and Shalinas efforts aswell as what our server tried to achieve.


    If Bioware arent running around like hamsters on a wheel trying to fix these problems fast, then i can only imagine Mr Lucas might wade in and realise some douches at BW and EA are ruining his franchise with incompetence.

    I imagine there are plenty of other people that would snap theese guys jobs up fast.

  12. Seriously? Your friends need to grow up then. I can't believe people would cancel an entir subscription after one bad patch and 6 hours of gameplay with it. Seriously, it's pathetic.


    Its not just the bad patch. Its the whole complete pvp game. its none existent. The worryingly poor foresight by Bioware. The lack of testing, the ignoring of its player base.


    My guild has an active 30-40 guys who want pvp. Who came here with opimism in the hope that there would be some signs of a new beginning. 85% have unsubbed and see no hope here for pvp. poor engine, poor foresight, little imagination and terrible imbalances.


    Would you really pay for this poor poor quality in the hope that in several months it may get fixed, i certainly wont. Its unfixable. it requires a completely new engine, but bioware couldnt be bothered to get it right from the start and rushed it out before xmas in the hope they could gain from the unsubbed players from WoW after mists of pandera was revealed and the still to be announced release of GW2 or any other potentially decent mmo on the horizon.

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