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    Rufty Tufty North Sea Tiger
  1. I played plenty "mediocre" games while i waited for this to come out, each to there own i guess
  2. I've been visiting this forum on a fairly regular basis since December and cant help but be amazed at the amount of negative threads/posts i've read, it might well be down to me being easily pleased or due to the fact that i'm an old git and have always been a bit of a Star Wars fanboy but i actually enjoy the PvP side of Swtor and the following ramblings will explain why......... Lets begin with my leveling experiance, i started of by rolling a BH, i did this mainly because i spent a lot of time as a kid running about with a saucepan on my head and an empty washing up liquid bottle strapped to my back (irrelevant i know but it's good to share) i then hit lvl 10 and realised that i could que for a warzone ! now this is not the first MMO that i've played that allowed lowbie PvP but it is the first one that managed to lump everyone in together and not feel too one sided against the higher lvl players in the game, in general i enjoyed leveling with a mixture of story and PvP warzones, even though as an Imp i had to play a fair bit of........ Huttball !!!! i have a feeling i may be in the minority here but i'll say it anyway "I <3 Huttball" it took me a few goes to figure out what the hell was going on but after i did and i realised what my classes strengths were (spam tracer missiles and hope nobody see's me) i really started to enjoy the game, sure sometimes my team get steamrollered and a couple of classes appear to be better than others at actually getting the ball over the line but in my opinion BW's first attempt at a fresh idea for a WZ is pretty damn good, they could easily have gone for a couple of WoW BG clones and really given the complainers something to whinge about, thankfully they didn't and as far as i'm concerned we got a fast flowing fairly well balanced warzone and along with the other two which are also none to shabby......... I managed to hit 50 ! i should point out here that due to the fact that i suffer from the wifeandkids nerf i didn't make it to fifty until much later than most people who have the lotsoffreetime buff PvP became a little bit harder at this point mainly due to the fact that lots of people had PvP epics and i was rocking a set of gear straight out of the Star Wars equivelant of Primark even so i stuck to my natural habitat (the back) and went about my business as usual (if they see you run like you just stole there wallet) and still managed to enjoy myself 99% of the time, by now of course it became clear that if i wanted to compete with the Champions and Battlemasters i was going to have to get myself some......... Bags ! ok so this is the part where i might complain just a lil bit not about the warzone daily and weekly, it's not a problem to obtain and i enjoy doing it, no what i'm going to talk about is the Ilum daily & weekly, when i first went here i had no idea what the hell was going on, fortunately one of my guildies explained it to me on mumble and i set off again full of hope thinking this will be brilliant ! sadly as has been pointed out in various threads this generally is not the case, on my particular server we out number the Reps by a fair amount and the majority of the time it ends up with a huge group of us camping outisde the Rep base, just out of range of that huge cannon waiting for some Jedi hero to leap to his death, this becomes tiresome pretty fast and i usually retreat to the middle and join the magic roundabout, jumping off now and again to click a little box, this i have to agree is without doubt the worst quest i have ever had to do on a daily & weekly basis but being a glass is half full kinda guy i live in hope that someday they might make some changes for the better.......... Anyway after a few weeks of grinding out dailys & weeklys, i now have almost a full set of PvP epics and can compete with most of the people i meet in PvP, i'm still enjoying the Warzones and find the class balance in general is pretty good, i agree a couple of classes are a little OP but you'd be hard pressed to find an MMO game where thats not the case and as in the past the usual cycle will continue i.e. Class is OP> roll OP class> OP class gets nerfed> complain for a week> re-roll class that was buffed> wait for nerf what i'm trying to say is choose a class you enjoy playing and try to have some fun doing it, dont be too concerned with what the other guys got or how hard he is to take down and if he's picking on you get your mate to help you hand him his *** Well thats the story of "Why i like Swtor PvP" sure it's not perfect and a couple of tweaks and a bit of extra content would be lovely (incoming apparently) but considering it's only 3 months old i'd say things are looking pretty good so far, if you really dont enjoy it and it makes you angry enough to continually post negative stuff about it then maybe it's just not the game for you or you should give the PvE side a try, as you can probably tell from this long winded post i kinda like it Feel free to disagree o//
  3. bigsafej


    Agreed, it kinda removes the PvP element entirely and turns it into a really crap quest that nobody enjoys.
  4. bigsafej


    Ilum has been a poorly thought out mess from day one and just to complete the misery it now appears that kills dont count due to a bug, this has removed the PvP element and turned it into a Nascar box clicking event that i doubt anybody enjoys. You could of course try the various "fixes" posted in here i.e. hit ctrl-alt-delete while performing a 360 speeder jump off the biggest cliff at mid whilst singing Dixie like a chipmunk...... Personally i'd rather not
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