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Posts posted by oaceen

  1. It makes absolutely NO sense to seperate the Merc/Commando Specs according to their use in PvE/PvP.


    don't worry; they don't. every spec is intended to be useful in both PVP and PVE


    as for the thread, i don't think the answers here really touch on the why.

    if you dislike something, simply say 'i don't like this because...' and explain how you really feel about it as a player.

    saying vague things like 'these nerfs seem too harsh' or 'nerf one, not both' aren't really actionable feedback tbh. go on the ptr. test it out. give feedback for how things are working differently from live. whether you really can live with the changes or not, but don't just look at the math on the patch notes

  2. pushback is good and all for PVE, but the main skill that needed it was full auto, so....

    the difference between 25 and 30% is actually a really huge difference when one results in 2 ticks and the other still results in 3 (in fact, pushback with 75% reduction is actually preferred, since it cuts out the 'dead time' of the channel but anyways)

    and curtain of fire should give full auto interrupt immunity. i don't see why this would be so broken, especially since classes have plenty of mobility options to circumvent the snare, and there's already a precedence of many classes getting channel interrupt immunity on procs. ours also requires a proc off of a cast ability.


    i still think the bubble should give interrupt immunity baseline for commandos and honestly don't see why that would be so broken either. it's on such a massive cooldown. if not that, then put it lower than 3rd tier combat medic so gunnery/assault specialist can get it without giving up their top tier ability.



    yay commando healing though. infinite trauma probe is the real deal. 9 charges, goes off every 2s, and only heals on inc damage, so it is quite possibly the most effective heal in the game, and now we can share the love with everyone.

    also, good that frontline medic was detached as a requirement for probe medic, even though it has small amount of usefulness now that we can probe ourselves (giggity) along with everyone else at the same time

  3. these buffs are pretty huge. i'm very happy with the buffs to scrapper considering my disappointment over the last buff we got to quick shot, which incidentally doesn't even fit into the rotation now with 100% flying fists (not that it had a huge part of it before).

    every gap that used to be in the rotation is filled out pretty perfectly with the 100% auto-proc for flying fists, and the cadence of the rotation is the smoothest it's ever been.

    and of course damage buffs across the board are nice. with the increase to critical rating and crit multiplier on sucker punch, crit might be a worthwhile stat for scrapper again.


    and the increased duration for vital shot is great for dirty fighting, now that both DOTs are the same duration. i know a lot of people who purposefully use shrab bomb > filler > vital shot whenever they refresh, making vital shot only tick 18s out of every 21.

  4. from what i understand, it's a rare drop, so your best bet is to try the GTN regularly as well as getting lv50 artifact boxes.


    i am not sure if it drops off of lv50 mobs, but that would be a good bet too (so ilum, belsavis daily areas, black hole, etc.)


    it will not be very easy to find unfortunately.

  5. a rework for the energy cost of scamper: lower the initial cost significantly and add a stacking debuff - anytime you use scamper, it adds a stacking debuff that increases the energy cost scamper.


    this allows using one or two (possibly even three) without being so energy intensive and also limits the overall amount that can be used before it's not feasible/possible anymore.


    for example: initial cost 5 energy, using scamper adds a stacking debuff that increases the energy cost of scamper by 20, lasts 10s


    use scamper once, 5 energy. use it again within 10s, 25 energy, use it again within 10, 45 energy, and so on.

    the numbers should be tweaked a bit, but i hope that explains the idea behind it.


    having an initial low-cost scamper with a moderate lockout with the energy cost i think is a good alternative to alleviate the 'lol roll' concerns while also giving us an escape and not having to add a cooldown to it.



    if that change were made, then i would agree that sneak out of combat for scrapper is unnecessary, but as it is now, it's a free movement boost rather than a 21 energy movement boost.



    for scrapper, i would like to see some ability to use shoot first more often. sneak as a way to do this would be my preferred method.







    overall a better energy-managed rotation. as it is, using blaster whip every 6s, sucker punch, back blast when it's up, and vital shot on the target at all times is literally impossible to keep up unless you're extremely lucky with flying fist procs.

    i would still like to see the energy return on flying fists reworked in some way. make it a flat increase over time rather than big chunks of energy, because that's what i feel is the main problem with energy management. when all skills are available, it takes a lot of energy to make sure the big skills are on cooldown and things like upper hand stacks aren't wasted. if all of those skills are on cooldown, only one stack of upper hand, vital shot doesn't need to be refreshed, quick shot is necessary as a resource dump, but it's the high and low energy management that's the problem imo.


    so, a suggestion: after using sucker punch, upper hand will increase energy regeneration by x/s

    this would encourage leaving upper hand up at all times and additionally give us some energy back during movement phases where we still have extra stacks of upper hand (titan-6, for example)


    and i would like a reason to use quick shot in a rotation not just as an energy dump. like for example a proc tied to flying fists that makes the next quick shot free.




    additionally, the massive increase to alacrity is actually a hindrance to the rotation rather than a help. instead of having a 6s rotation with 4 attacks, it's more like a 6.8s rotation with 5 attacks. it's more apm (about 10% extra), but a lot of those extra attacks are flurry of bolts while some blaster whip and back blast uses are pushed back and out of the rotation. i'm not sure it's such a good tradeoff.

    maybe if alacrity were changed to affect the actual cooldown of skills as well as the GCD for even instants, but until then, i have to often delay the use of blaster whip or sit for about a second with no GCD lockout but no available ability to use.



    longer upper hand duration. move the duration increase from healing hand to something everyone takes like no holds barred or bedside manner or make an intrinsic duration increase to upper hand that increase the efficacy of healing hand

    i would honestly like a really long upper hand duration that perhaps expires Xs out of combat or something if that's what's needed for balancing issues.



    more survivability and CC removal/immunity/defenses for scrapper if they're supposed to be more slippery. gaining scramble in the skill swap mentioned in the answers would be a good start. a lowered cooldown on escape. a proc for lowering the cooldown on disappearing act (rather than a flat reduction). a higher chance and/or lower lockout for dodge proc on scamper.

  6. more interrupt immunity (combat shield as a baseline, for example, or interrupt/pushback immunity on full auto)


    more pushback resistance, but i understand the necessity for it in pvp while being directly attacked (maybe just remove it completely from aoe damage and reduce it a fair amount for direct damage)


    an execute for gunnery pretty please?


    a 4-set bonus that is more powerful than the 2-set bonus that equally affects both dps specs (and i don't mean moving the current 2-set bonus to the 4-set position)


    better ammo management for healing


    more available ammo after being rezzed


    some capacity to cast while on the move as a tradeoff for having less range than sages/gunslingers


    an actual reason to use hail of bolts, explosive round, or plasma grenade (auto-trigger plasma cell with hail of bolts and/or explosive round, lowered cost for all three)


    a buff to sticky grenade (a +x% aoe damage skill would be nice and would help with the above issue as well)


    a good utility buff for assault that is comparable to gunnery's easily-applied armor debuff

  7. I don't see why there is so much hate towards the idea of legacy datacron unlocks.


    i don't understand this either. i mean i can understand the logic (from both sides), but there are many specific people who always come out to post on this topic whenever it's posted to rehash the same rhetoric which is just shaming people for making a request.


    i don't see why people can't just disagree and leave it at that. what is the point of resorting to condescending hyperbole just to make a point?


    The changes that are listed in the 2.5 blog are currently all of our planned Class changes for that Game Update. I realize that not all classes or specs received changes. Know that Class changes are something that we will be doing with more frequency moving forward and you should look for more blogs/information such as this when we do.



    The Balance Patch!


    I just want to make sure I set an expectation that we will never really have something that is "a balance patch."



    OOPS. i suppose my expectations were a bit off. i think it had to do with a few things though.

    • a lot of changes that were talked about or hinted at in the answers didn't make it to the 2.5 changes
    • we didn't get many changes after 2.0, so i thought the current model of balancing was big changes less frequently, so i was sort of expecting all of the possible changes that could have happened in 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, etc. to come all at once


    but saying that there will be more frequent changes is very good in my opinion, and i fully welcome it. so even though a larger list of changes was my expectation with 2.5, i would much rather have short lists of balance changes happening more frequently than those big lists that happen every now and then.

  9. confused about this as well and hoping that these aren't the only changes.


    other than the few changes in 2.4, we haven't seen really any big balance changes since 2.0, and if 2.5 is the 'balance' patch, the changes listed so far seem a little light to me.

  10. it's a heroic 2+ and you're unfortunately very undergeared for it if you're still using tionese.


    you should have gotten a lot of 66 gear as you did all of the quests. i'd suggest starting with that as well as getting a mainhand from makeb or CZ-198 rep vendors and find a friend to go with you.


    i'm very well-geared as well as my companion and went with another very well-geared player and companion and still found them a bit tough to handle.

  11. these answers have given me a lot to think about that i couldn't possibly respond without giving it a few days to mull it over. so this one might get a little wordy and wall-of-text...y, but i'll try to make things concise and readable.



    Pushback and Interrupts

    i'm not sure where it happened exactly: moving steadied aim from a 3-pt to a 2-pt skill, and thereby also reducing its efficacy from 75% to 70% or internal changes to the game's pushback mechanics in 2.0, but pushback was never really anything to worry about pre-2.0, and since its release, has been very noticeable.


    i agree that having casts suffer from pushback is a good mechanic overall, but only if you are being directly targeted by skills. arbitrarily suffering from pushback from every AOE is quite frustrating, especially for AOE-damage heavy operation bosses.

    if we are forced to stay outside of a certain distance and can therefore cast without pushback, i could see this as a suitable mechanic. personally, i would love to see lots of things changed with the system itself, and i'm excited that changes to the system are incoming.


    for example: pre-2.0, it seemed that any minor pushback on full auto simply got rid of the channel at the end, where it wasn't doing any damage. other similar channels tick 4 times (speed shot, telekinetic throw) and therefore should be used for the full channel to reach maximum effectiveness. it's a little confusing to me that full auto ticks only 3 times and does tick at the very end. that 5% difference in steadied aim was perhaps enough that any pushback removed the last tick whereas before 2.0, it still went off without any trouble. why not just make it work like the others so that if we suffer from pushback, we lose one quarter of our damage, not one third?


    another point about pushback and how they are balanced between classes. it seems to me that rooting in place with the cover mechanic is a really good trade-off for being able to free cast and additionally make oneself immune to interrupts. it's taken a bit further by requiring many attacks to be usable only while in cover as well.

    but, in the interest of not simply copying and pasting mechanics from one class to another, i feel that commandos and sages need something to compete as a turret class.

    so we have more built-in mobility by virtue of the fact that none of our skills require us to be in cover, but we also don't receive any of the benefits.

    a lot of discussion has been about giving commandos the ability to cast on the move, and i honestly believe that this is the way to go. my expansion of that idea is as follows:

    • channeled abilities still root the player for the full duration and are broken early on movement
    • certain talents should exist in each tree, most likely tied to the pushback talents, that allow the use of certain cast moves to be used while moving (such as grav round for gunnery, charged bolts and plasma grenade for commando). so, for example, a healing commando will still have to stay rooted to cast.
    • however, while moving, the move suffers from a kind of pushback, extending the duration of the cast. as an example, say i was casting charged bolts while on the move, and moved the entire length of the cast, it would take 10% longer to fully cast


    as far as interrupt immunity goes, i think that mental alacrity and tech override work somewhat similarly in that they give the player the ability to cast something free from interruptions. perhaps this could be expanded a fair amount. i still believe that giving interrupt immunity to reactive shield should be baseline for commandos or at least lower in the combat medic tree, available to full dps specs. i also think that curtain of fire should additionally make full auto uninterruptible while casting; enemy players can still LOS the attack, and there are many similar abilities already in the game, and pulse generator for instance even has a built-in snare to prevent people from walking out of it. thinking holistically, such suggestions might be a bit overboard, but that is of course what testing is for.


    but back to tech override, i see its other primary function as a utility cooldown (rather than an offensive one) that allows the commando to use bread-and-butter cast abilities while moving. for this reason, i believe that tech override should be considerably shorter, and perhaps limited in some way if necessary (not usable on heals for instance unless you take a certain talent within combat medic). there are many movement phases in operations, dash'roode being an extreme example where a great portion of the fight involves moving from one point to another. explosive round is simply not a good enough 'filler while moving' ability that warrent using it.

    perhaps if being able to cast while moving was not given as a baseline skill for each spec (per my suggestion above), tech override simply gave a small window where casting while moving was allowed (but still susceptible to interrupts), and would work mechanically similar to, but noticeably different from mental alacrity.

    if the latter approach is taken, i would hope that many more buffs were applied (similar to the alacrity bonus) and many more talents added (such as the ones that reduce mental alacrity's cooldown, extend its duration, etc.). i would also not see the need to lower its intrinsic cooldown if this approach was taken.



    so, two main approach i've suggested so far:

    • adding casting-while-moving as a baseline talent for dps specs with some 'pushback' built in and lowering the intrinsic cooldown of tech override (i don't consider adding two charges to be a comparable buff), limiting its usage if it's deemed overpowered.
    • doing a complete rework of tech override to be a more powerful cooldown ability, allowing cast abilities to be used while moving and additionally adding baseline buffs (+x% of y stat for the duration) as well as talents within each tree (healing and dps) that buff it in some way, lowering the cooldown, adding to its duration/charges, etc.



    another thing about interrupts. i believe that interrupts are a crucial part of PvP, but some classes are simply too greatly affected by them, in the same sense that balance shadows are extremely susceptible to cleanses, while other classes can use them to great effect.

    i'm not sure how to balance this to be honest. i have a lot of weird ideas swirling around like a 'resolve' system for interrupts and things like that, but i'd just like to say that the current system is fairly disproportionate.





    Resource Management


    this is the big one that kept me from replying right away when i read the answers. i had not even considered there could be an overhaul to our energy system. i had been living with it for so long that it just seemed like the norm.

    so, first i'll just say that i agree with a lot of other people that a complete overhaul is not necessary. i will then add a caveat that i do think the system could use some tweaks.


    first, to itemize the problems i have with the system itself:


    it is disproportionate. if we accept that 40 ammo is our intended available ammo that we can use without any penalty in loss of ammo regeneration, why not just give us 40 ammo and call it a day?

    but i like that extra ammo is available in case i need to overextend for burst phases (healing and dps). what i find odd is that there are two extra tiers of overextension. is that really necessary?

    in addition to that, accepting our 40 ammo is 100% of our 'normal', there is 150% more ammo just sitting there. as a new player, i looked at my ammo bar and thought 'look at all this ammo i can use!' i of course had to sit for a full 15s of recharge and reload after every pull and didn't know any better. i know most of the people posting in this thread are very familiar with the ammo mechanics now and don't find that it's overly difficult to manage anymore, but i run into players all the time who still struggle with the concept.




    and i think the salient point is, it's very unforgiving. if i overextend my ammo, or if i die and have to be revived in the middle of a fight, i'm basically stuck without recharge cells, spamming hammershot for extended periods of time while i want for my ammo to slowly come back as i overcome my mistake. i think what odawgg was getting to is that sharpshooter compared to gunnery, for example, uses flurry of bolts significantly less than hammershot.


    just a quick example from the 2.4 DPS leaderboards thread, the top arsenal parse has 250 rapid shots hits (which i know is difficult to tell the exact usage since it hits multiple times and is highly susceptible to misses), however, the top sharpshooter parse has 8 hits with flurry of bolts.


    no amount of misses or multiple hits per attack can make up for that discrepancy, so the point is, gunnery/arsenal have to use our filler much more often than gunslinger's/sniper's similar spec just to stay within the 40 resource grace window. i think a lot of people believe that the main reason for that is the change in set bonus, but i still think the discrepancy would still be there (especially since many arsenal/gunnery still use the old set bonus anyway). i blame a lot of it on curtain of fire not triggering enough.

    you mentioned increasing the rate-limit to curtain of fire if you increase the proc chance, but i don't believe that such a tradeoff is necessary here though. if the damage is too strong, then certain buffs to full auto can be readjusted, but i believe it should be a more integral part of the rotation because of the ammo management it provides, not necessarily the damage it does.


    two short comments before i move on: changing cell charger to act like vanguard's new cell generator would be a very welcome change, breaking up the ammo and distributing it more evenly over time rather than all at once in longer intervals.

    also, especially with the change to incendiary round's ammo, assault has little issue staying within the 40 ammo threshold.


    so back to the overall discussion of resource management. recharge cells seems to me like it's there as an offensive cooldown (or defensive, in the case of healing), giving a lot of ammo that can be used relatively quickly to spend on stronger attacks in lieu of using basic attacks.

    however, there are a few issues with this:

    • first, as i mentioned earlier, it is a necessary skill to use when revived in combat.
    • it provides ammo very quickly. the problem with this is that it sort of encourages players to purposefully overextend and then use recharge cells, and of course we're regenerating ammo at a lower rate the entire time we're attempting to overextend. this is counterintuitive if we're trying to stay within our +60% threshold.
    • for healing, since it is reactive by nature, recharge cells inherently works this way as a way to clean up the mess after having to overextend with healing. i think in this regard, it works fine. but overextension with dps should never be purposeful unless in burst phases, in which case recharge cells should work proactively in that regard instead of reactively.


    for example, i would prefer it if recharge cells lowered the cost of all abilities for X seconds, gave temporary ammo instead (and mechanically worked in such a way that regenerated ammo was not wasted), made it so that all tiers of ammo regenerated the same amount for a short duration, or simply gave the same ammo but in smaller increments over a longer period of time



    so some suggestions i can think of based on my elaborations.

    • give us only one tier of 'oops' regen and one normal tier of regen and lower our overall starting ammo (for example, 60 or 80 total ammo, 40 of which is high-tier regen)
    • the above issue would help a lot with healing in that one, they won't be able to heal indefinitely (that was listed as a concern) and aren't punished as much for overextending because it would limit the intrinsic potential of overextension.
    • give gunnery better tools to stay within that regen that doesn't involve spamming the basic attack: increasing proc chance of full auto and maybe lowering the damage if deemed necessary but not the lock-out timer.
    • improve recharge cells (and similar abilities) so that ammo isn't 'wasted' by design.
    • i still agree that a complete overhaul is unnecessary, but reserve round could probably be removed from the game completely if the ammo system were easier to manage (not that i'm suggesting that, just making an argument that reserve round seems only in place because, as you guys said, the ammo system itself is a bit of a problem.)
    • the reason i don't believe an overhaul is necessary:
      • it would require a lot of development time when simpler fixes and tweaks are probably all that would be necessary
      • many players are so used to the ammo system and have been for so long, drastic changes to it would probably be ill-received, even if after a while players realized that they liked the new system better









    a few misc. comments:

    • item tooltips: is there a way to have republic and imperial-specific tooltips? for example, a republic player looking at the same item sees the tooltips only reference to his or her own abilities and the same for an imperial player, but the item works the same as it does now, affecting both mirror's abilities equally.
    • completely agree with hammershot healing oneself but not building charges. i think it's a fair trade-off. i would additionally throw in my support for a new animation (similar to how treek injects herself with her heal over time but shoots a dart at another player for the same heal)
    • as far as regenerating ammo with diagnostic scan, my girlfriend has informed me that i should warn you of the consequences if you take that away from her scoundrel. she is very serious about this, and i will pray for your souls if you should decide to take it away.
    • 1-100 UI for commando energy. thank you thank you thank you.
    • increased duration of fired up and/or no cooldown if it doesn't trigger. i greatly prefer this and personally don't see the purpose of having it as a 4 minute cooldown (duration if it doesn't trigger)
    • this comment isn't related to much that was discussed in these questions, but it has been mentioned. basically, AOE skills are going to receive an overhaul, and i agree with that approach. what i find odd is that a lot of skills that are often overlooked haven't been mentioned.
      these skills are typically zero cooldown abilities that are similar to basic single-target skills with the exception that they cost a lot of ammo and hit more targets. my suggestions would be to make them more in line with those in terms of ammo.
      just some initial suggestions:
      • hail of bolts, blaster volley, and other similar moves now cost 16 ammo/energy, whirling blow now costs 25 force, bringing their cost in line exactly with their single-target counterparts
      • lower the damage so that it does half as much as their single-target counterparts, so hitting two targets does the same (just evenly distributed) and hitting 3 or more does more and more damage. perhaps remove the max limit or even just lower the damage by 25-30% so that it does slightly more on at least two targets.
      • many talents that affect the single-target skills also affect the AOE skills so that the single-target and AOE rotations can be seamlessly integrated with each other, keeping rolling mechanics of the class going and the only real difference is single-target versus AOE


  12. As a raid leader, if I see someone bringing a pvp spec into one of my raids, I'll politely ask them to respec into something more appropriate to increase their sustained damage. If they are unable to do that, then they are removed from the raid and a replacement is brought in.


    IMO, just because you're addicted to big numbers flashing above a target's head, doesn't mean that it's appropriate in an Op. It's kinda worthless if you blow your wad and are left building energy to do that "big numbers rotation" again.


    i find it very concerning that you feel there are 'pvp' specs and don't see the value of burst dps specs in an ops setting, especially certain fights like styrak, operator IX, and terror from beyond.

    i think this is really a symptom of the overall problem the OP is referring to, though, so you're just further proving his point.


    my suggestion to the OP. you're going to have to work for it, but it can be done. in addition to playing your class exceptionally well, you'll need to find like-minded individuals who will take the player, not the class and allow for players to play the specs they want. that said, scrapper's sustained damage is not nearly as bad as everyone thinks it is, and it has enormous burst potential. of course the inherent problem is dirty fighting has much better sustained, and slightly higher burst windows (after setup, of course). but there are still fights where scrapper comes out ahead of dirty fighting, and it is still perfectly capable of completing nightmare content.


    as for pvp, i don't pvp much on my scoundrel. it seems to be that scrappers are considered in a bad place at the moment, but as far as fixes for that, you can expect something in 2.5 that will hopefully alleviate that.

  13. why is it that every time there's a post about datacrons, all the usual trolls come out to berate others about things they would like to see added to the game?


    this thread didn't even start as a legacy datacron request. it was an offhand comment in an actual reply to topic.




    as for the topic, i did not experience the same issues on my body type 3 commando with regards to having my cannon catch on walls and overhangs and things like that, but i did get stuck in the landscape many times (on all of the characters i've used to get them), and yes, it's extremely frustrating doing /stuck or the game autostucking me back at the beginning

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