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Everything posted by Propanelgen

  1. Seems to have minimized loading times, but does nothing for fps.
  2. Absolutely, they didnt fix the warzone wins counting towards your daily at all. What they did do though, was make the client crash. Incompetance you say? /me nods
  3. Totally agree. The fancy materials for stim- and medpacs should be obtainable from alternative sources.
  4. Really Bioware, really? Todays patch has screwed up what was a rocksolid client that didnt crash or freeze or nothing. Now its almost unplayable, I just dont get why companies wont spend money on QA to make sure they dont release patches that are borking the main purpose of the client, ie playing the game. I guess some of that voiceover budget should have gone towards a proper QA department, huh?
  5. At the moment my highest char is lvl 45 so I havent reached the GAME OVER screen yet.
  6. No, we dont need a deserter debuff. What we need is for BioWare to prevent premades going against randoms. 2 completely seperate queues for those who queue as a group, and those who queue as solo.
  7. Sorry OP, but most MMO-players arent roleplayers, and just dont give a horses arse about the story. We do not wear a cape and wizards hat while playing, and we wear out our spacebar when playing SWTOR. It's just the way things are. And also why SWTOR wont be a big MMO in the future, unless Bioware changes their focus.
  8. Huttball is awesome. The only thing that sucks is all the bad players in it, that couldnt care less about helping with the ball.
  9. A lot of times, winning a Warzone does not count towards your daily pvp quest. "Warzone Matches won 0/1" I mean, how hard can it be? if (warzone_result = 1) then (daily_pvp_quest.status = 1) Or whatever. Fix it?
  10. Actually there should be more medals for defending. Reason being that all these clueless people running around doing nothing but hunting enemies to kill never bother to defend objectives. Whether it be doors in Voidstar, turrets in Civil War or goal lines in Huttball. A game that rewards defending objectives is just better. But seeing as how these players run around like headless chicken, we should have an even bigger reason to stay and defend, this will benefit everyone.
  11. I would rather say: Remove Voidstar and give us a better WZ. Or: Let us choose which Warzones we queue for.
  12. if I bother to vote, I just pick one on random.
  13. How did they remove it? I get ported to fleet when I get kicked from a WZ.
  14. Just die and stay behind the barrier, you will be kicked in 60 seconds. Another thing they have to fix if they are gonna implement a lockout debuff, is the barrier at the spawn point. Especially in Voidstar it bugs out, and you get kicked from the match even tho you didnt do anything wrong (barrier bugging and wont let you out).
  15. I want a Queen title for my male Sith. He likes wearing dresses and prefers the light side.
  16. Get a life outside the computer, might be good for you.
  17. Nope, played since early access and I am lvl 43. Having a life outside of the game helps.
  18. There's nothing they can do and nothing they should do. People will play whatever faction they want.
  19. What do you want those titles for anyway, most of them are utterly stupid!
  20. Nope, he is your pet and not a NPC (ie you are controlling him). Did anyone miss this was on a PvE server btw?
  21. They are pve'ing NPCs on a PvE server. I dont see your logic.
  22. Why should they get flagged for pvp? Are you saying you are pvp'ing the NPCs?
  23. Wow reporting everyone you see. You must have quite the life outside of the computer.
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