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Posts posted by YeknomStun

  1. So does my m11x R3


    WHY PLEASE WHY people saying cpu key LOL gpu is key now no laptop you can buy now will ever get a bottleneck in the cpu NEVER this game will lag bad on a I7 2.6Ghz cpu if its got a intel 3000 gpu but pair it with a GT540m and boom playable in high!


    I should know my laptop has switch able graphics tried with intel one on low 15-20fps even lower on fleet but with GT540m 45-70fps on high!


    Because the intel graphics are integrated into the processor....

  2. I recently bought an HP laptop as a second PC for $400, and it runs this game fine with the intel onboard graphics (3000), not at max settings of course, but good enough where it looks decent and maintains decent fps.


    Also my desktop is an old dual core with an 8800gt and it runs the game well too. You don't need a rediculous machine to play this game.

  3. I've run them all several times, what I have done to create groups which works fairly well is:


    post in fleet/server made lfg channel along with

    /who the level range of the FP(shows you people of that level no matter what planet they're on)

    start whispering people in level range that are the class needed


    usually can fill a group within 10 minutes.

  4. Madness does plenty of damage when played right. Gotta be sure to keep your dots up, watch for raze procs to use crushing darkness, use death field on cd, etc.


    As a dps spec you won't have the survivability against a tough mob to use andronikos. As others suggested, try using Talos, or even Khem.

  5. Players: Hey! What are you going to do about faction imbalance!


    BioWare: Well... we don't know what we can really do. What incentive could we give to get players to roll Republic?


    Players: You could...


    BioWare: BTW! The next Warzone will be mixed factions for all those poor Imperials who are forced to play Huttball. Herp Derp!


    Players: *Facepalm*


    Name one GOOD player suggestion to address population imbalance.

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