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Everything posted by Sangrar

  1. once in a while that will come up as an error message, but that's not really happening
  2. um what? what's this got to do with new server transfers?
  3. Alderaan Hutta ( I know, its polluted and dirty but the effects are stunning and its really well done aesthetically) Korriban ( Ancient Sith temples!!! ) Dromund Kaas Tython Corellia Coruscant Rishi
  4. Huh. Gree Event is returning, nice. Anyway, thank you oh glorious and noble Tait, keep of the forums and holder of the dignified yellow lettering! *throws confetti*
  5. they weren't as close to the comics as you might think, the "Galactus cloud" especially was just... no The comics aren't an issue. I get that there have to be differences between the comics and the movies in order to make the movie viable, I get that. But there is a line between making it so it makes sense for a movie, like The Winter Soldier which didn't follow the comics that closely but still kept the essence of the comics, and just going wild with it, since after all, the source material IS what made those characters popular enough to merit a movie. its just the bad writing, script, and directing that ruined the first movies. How bad was the directing you may ask? let me tell you a little story from the set of Rise of the Silver Surfer Jessica Alba is filming a scene where she is supposed to be emotional and crying. She looks legitimately hurt and is conveying genuine emotion. The director, Tim Story, sees this, and calls for a do-over. He wants it done DIFFERENTLY. He says it looks "too real" and "too panful" in that scene, and instead she should just focus on looking pretty and asks her "Can you be prettier when you cry?", and then just said that tears can be CGI'ed in. Just be pretty. No joke, that is what happened. The director was such an idiot he told a professional actress to not act so much and to pretty much just be there. Jessica Alba says it was one of the worst filming experiences ever, and that she nearly quit acting over the humiliation that was. THAT is the kind of person Fox put in charge for 2 out of those 3 movies. And this was just one thing that Story did to Alba, he did all sorts of stuff, including sexist stuff by for instance teasing her being naked without actually showing nudity and then saying "why does this always happen to me" just to get more attention, giving her dialogue like " I am so hot right now " when Reed asserts himself rather than just telling him " I am proud of you ", showing Reed as the genius and barely using her much of the time even though she is a genius scientist herself, and again making her stuff more and more emotionless, though to be fair that was because she stopped caring after a while over how awful it was. I am giving it a chance, but it should be recognizable as the Fantastic Four beyond just powers. The fact that the director said the actors shouldn't look on the source material for their characters as they will be doing stuff differently from that, is a bit unsettling.
  6. Yes, you can dispute a ban. But that isn't a magic way to get out of a ban either. That person disputed it, but Bioware looked into it and knows that its not a mistake. That doesn't mean their right was taken away, it means that they exploited and that while they disputed it that doesn't make the ban any less real and doesn't make what they did go away.
  7. yeah, I'd keep the chat off.... like really to be fair though, when I started to play this game originally since it was my first MMO it took a longer time than I care to admit to figure out that there was a chat... yeah I know.... I was 14 when I started though so when I started reading chat it was nothing worse than what I heard in school on a daily basis for years ( yes, school is full of that kind of talk, though no one tells their parents or anything like an unwritten rule practically, at least where I live, and I know as a teen, I think there was one movie a few years ago that showed the uncensored footage of what kids do and say like on the bus for instance and it was rated R as a result, forget the name though ) but yeah, as others have said, keep chat off, turn on autodecline for invites, unless you want to play with your kid, I think they would love that, and you would be able to monitor them personally all the while spending some quality family time, and being able to guide your kid through different types of content together ( tried to get my dad to play once, but he just did not understand how to play, like every time he tried to move forward, he kept tapping the arrow key taking one step at a time. In the end we just watch superhero and action movies together) oh and give her an F2P account to start with. If she still likes playing on the account throughout an entire month, upgrade her. but don't forget to use your refferal link on her account if you do convert it to a sub so you can make extra cartel coins free of charge just a good tip there
  8. yeah, I am not excited for "blogger doom", ughh. I know the reason they are making this film is just so the rights don't revert back to Marvel, cause Fox wants to keep it and milk it a bit longer apparently ( and try to crossover with X-men eventually). The trailer has the most downvotes I have seen for a superhero movie. I get it's based off the Ultimate Version of the team, and I am perfectly ok with that, just hope it is recognizable as a superhero film in the end, cause the trailer did not make it look superhero-related at all. Still though, if its good then I will probably take back any doubts I had.
  9. So yeah, today they released the . What are you guys's thoughts? honestly, I am mixed here. It looks like a good trailer and such, but its unclear how much they are following the comics, and the fact that the director told his cast NOT to look at the source material for their characters as it probably wouldn't match what they are doing anyway is a bit unsettling. That and the news of "blogger doom". But again, it looks like a good trailer following along the lines of the Ultimate universe version of the Fantastic Four. So, again, what do you guys think? Personally my biggest hang up of this trailer is that, without the Marvel logo and knowing who the Fantastic Four are, I could never tell this was a superhero movie
  10. Ziost is coming in 3 months, I think that counts as introducing people to this time period.
  11. here you go https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CB4QFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.swtor-spy.com%2Fdatacrons%2F&ei=tNrGVPGTKtWfyASU0YLoBg&usg=AFQjCNElCv7B1dzUzqg_FFtgirvLoHyQyw&sig2=JgNkD_Oem3_MXKgRLhnHbw&bvm=bv.84349003,d.aWw this is what helped me get the datacron master legacy title and achievement
  12. .... OR... people can just read and be careful, like seriously, are we at the point where we can't take 2 seconds just to finish looking over our purchase before hitting click? I mean I have never fallen for these scams because I actually bother to look, I almost did 3 times which is why its important just to take a sec to look it over rather than to take 2 hours trying to re-earn those credits.
  13. since the next update where we are supposed to get stuff is 3.2, maybe there? I don't know, but if I had to guess, probably somewhere in one of the 2 new expansions they said we would be getting this year
  14. before the slot machines, I either had to go to planets and get to gathering nodes, or use mission skills in order to get crafting materials for war supplies for guild conquest. Typically I went with mission skills, cause I got to do content while waiting. after a week of playing slots, I won't have to spend money on missions skills for a while in order to get materials I need for crafting that stuff. so yeah, there are many materials that you get from other places, but much of the stuff I needed for that anyway I did get before from crew skill missions and now I don't have to do that. And if the machines weren't nerfed I honestly wouldn't even bother with crew skill missions to get those materials when I could just spend 10 minutes at a slot machine and earn more than what the mission would have gotten me.
  15. and what about all the other items you and others got from those packs? what about stuff from those packs that people already sold? I don't think that realistically a CC refund is going to happen, especially since it would be hard to tell who was buying the pack just for the pack items , and who was buying specifically for the slot machine. Either way, you did recieve the random items as advertised from those packs. I think a better solution is to ask for compensation to be given for people who SPECIFICALLY got the slot machines from the packs and have them. Like something very valuable but not to the point where it disrupts the games economy or balance. cause again, you still got all that other stuff from those hypercrates, its not like you came out of it with nothing either. no offense to anyone.
  16. um.... the way this works is that people pay for items a price that they are willing to pay for. Supply increases with demand. The more demand there is for an item, the more people are willing to pay for it, and the more people are willing to pay for something the more people will want to sell it, YET the more people try to sell it the less valuable it becomes and demand drops, and so on and so forth. For example, someone might be willing to spend only 100k on an orobird mount because its not too rare at the moment and supply is high, meanwhile for a rancor from the packs last year someone would probably be willing to pay 15 mill for it, because it is incredibly rare and from a pack that is no longer available. But that is the trick, if people don't have the money and/or don't want it enough, they won't get it. For example, you see 2 augments of the same type and stats for sale. One is 100k, another is 500k. Obviously as a consumer you are going to pay 100k rather than 500k when you get the same benefit from either of them. Its the job of the supplier ( the gtn seller) to market at a reasonable cost that people are willing to pay for while making a decent profit, and to match or exceed the offers of their competitors by selling the same item or more for less of a pricetag so the GTN does NOT need a cap. It self-regulates in this respect. If people are not willing to pay so much for augments and such, it will show in the sales, and the sellers will have to lower their price, but at the same time people know they have to be willing to spend money on them, after all with a cap a crafter might sell an augment for UNDER the cost to produce it, and then what would be the motivation to sell them in the first place? so NO. The GTN does not need a cap and never will need a cap
  17. what do you mean exactly? like there are many games I have been in recently where its not been one sided ( up until some idiot or idiots made a bad mistake ) and where its been a battle for every inch. True there are games that feel like its one sided, because sometimes you are facing people who are just terrible ( like seriously, the other day I was in Novare Coast, went up to West to try to cap it as mid was taking a while, and, they left West abandoned and I was just able to cap it, and it took like another minute before any of them even attacked to try to take it back, and they were so disorganized they sent everyone to west when there was only me and 2 just arrived guys, so mid fell to us before west fell to them, and it just kept going on like that ). but anyway, any specific examples? like I can understand imbalance being a big enough issue in arenas ( unranked a lot) but every pvp?
  18. I think that even if you get off of someones refferal list that you can't get referred by a new person but I don't remember if thats for sure or not, just so you know.
  19. that does bring up a good point, I mean I knew this was probably going to be nerfed from the start, and that post, though it said it WAS INTENDED, did say they will make changes accordingly, but in the MEANTIME to have fun. I am not trying to offend anyone or sound condescending but I do not understand why people spent so much real life money for this, I just used the ones on a guildship yesterday knowing it was about to be nerfed.
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