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Posts posted by monkeydud

  1. I take it SWTOR is the only game you have ever played then?


    Personally being a Rhakghoul with a ton of fun abilities is hilarious.


    The list of `worse in gaming history` probably starts with E.T on the Atari, has Dakitania somewhere in the middle, Possibly includes the long-awaited reboot of Duke Nukem and has to end with No Mans Sky and or Destiny 1 for sheer B.S hyperbole.

  2. Hey there new people and welcome to the game :)


    My fansite has tips and tricks for new players, Humorous Videos, Awesome Fan Art from Evanyell and links to the side activities you can do when you fancy a change of pace.


    The Link is : http://john-rhys32.wixsite.com/starwarsfan


    I hope you find it helpful :rak_03:


    If you are on Darth Malgus feel free to whisper me if you have any questions.


    Republic: Huya'Gonacall of Eternal Serenity


    Imperial : Ivana'Hurchu or Anne'Droid of Eternal Insanity


    Our Guilds are probably the Oldest in the game with their lineage stretching back to 2011 when we were known as Pulse L'cie on the Goluud Corridor Server. We then merged with the Force Junkies when the transfer took place to Red Eclipse and was known as Force Serenity Deathbringers for a while. Feel free to ask me to join and if a recruiter is on I will get them to add you :)

  3. Because a long gone now returning "founder" is upset that the game he abandoned long ago is not like what it was then?


    I think it is great that long gone veterans are returning to try the game again. But to begin that effort by complaining and demanding changes to a game they never really supported to any persistence.... I find that kind of silly and open to pushback from players in discussion here. You can of course ignore any feedback or discussion you do not like.. but such feedback is just as valid as the premise for this thread.


    Who said I was demanding changes? I am just saying it's been dumbed down too far. What is the point of calling a mission a `Heroic 2+` or a `Heroic 4+` when they are able to be finished solo with no discernible effort? I remember the challenge of doing something like `Trouble In deed` that did need four competent people to complete. When I can solo that mission the whole `heroic` label becomes redundant.


    What is the point of a tactical flashpoint that scatters healing stations around like sweeties? Added to the fact that you can now have a healing companion regardless of your level or class going from a `tactical` flashpoint to a HM FP or god forbid an Operation is too much of a culture shock for new players. It's all very well if a group member is specced as a healer (or worse listed as one but NOT specced) and yelling at them `hey you need to heal` but if they haven't had to do that during all the ahem `training` that a TFP offers then you may as well ask them to fly as well.


    As for `not supported`.. well if me subscribing on and off since launch and dropping crap loads of money in the cartel shop isn't `supporting` the game then i'm stuffed if I know how one qualifies for that.

  4. I have played this game since launch day on and off and have recently resubbed as I wanted to see the new KoTFE content. I figured it would be as close as I was ever going to get to KOTOR 3 and have been back 3 weeks after roughly 18 months away.


    I realize that there have been a lot of quality of life changes such as being able to hand in missions without having to go to a terminal, multi role companions etc. However having given it some thought the game only appears to be the one I loved and knew on the surface. Sure multi role companions are all fine and dandy. But now I keep thinking to myself that they are all just walking, talking clones of each other. They spit out the same phrases pretty much when healing ("You'll be alright !!!" shouts Kira/Doc/Scourge in a desperate voice when I have the teeniest flesh wound).


    Thinking back however I managed perfectly fine for nigh on 5 yrs with the companions I was supplied with for each class. Has there been some mass wave of players all dying every 15 seconds that prompted the developers to say `Gosh we must make all the companions multi role before the player base utterly deserts the game`? I truly don`t understand the need to do this. The only answer I have is that they are pandering to the lowest common denominator which is a trend I deplore in gaming.


    I feel that the *cough* `Tactical` *cough* Flashpoints are a horrendous mistake. Once upon a time these were level gated and gradually introduced different boss patterns, fight mechanics and required better and better teamwork between the trinity (Tank,DPS, Healer). Once you started to hit mid 30's you had been given plenty of practice in your given class and could carry on learning about it as you got to even tougher content and they were good training grounds for what is required in Operations.


    Now though sub 65 you can pretty much spank and tank from start to finish and if you are required to think its content is `Where is the nearest Kolto Station?` Press button... insta group heal, repeat to fade. Now you too can `rolfstomp` every Flashpoint all the way up to level 65 regardless of class, gear, specs or indeed much thought. Presenting the worst idea in an MMO ever Level 65 Bolster ! The great leveller.. hooray??


    Now that's all fine and dandy, now everyone regardless of skill can all kill the nasty 'ol monsters together. Yay for not being killjoys and making you well, you know practice or anything. Then we hit Level 65... wups no more Kolto stations, suddenly you have to actually (shh) know how to play your class.


    Joins first HM 65 False Emperor. Commando is listed as `healer`. Not one heal, nada, zip, not even sure they healed themselves. We get to miniboss... not even a bandaid. Everyone shockingly dies. Healer ragequits for being told to heal, tank follows, then the DPS leaving me all alone. Whee !


    Chalks it up to the gods of PUGs....


    Joins second HM FP. I say to the `Tank` after you Mr Tank. He quits. Then the DPS quits. We relist for replacements. Ok another `Tank` and a DPS. I CC the big droid so we can leave him until last. Three Guesses who the Tank goes for..


    I say four times `please don't wake up anything that is CCd, look I will even put a huge great flame marker on anything I am going to put out of the fight temporarily` Thankfully the Tank listens on the fifth time. SO the DPS runs near it and spams loads of AOE attacks. Whee !


    Last, but by no means least we get to a mini boss. Pop Quiz for you. When the healer says `don't stand in the red circles or the indicators when hes charging up a blast attack` do they A. Listen B. Hear `blah, blah, wibbet, squeeble,`?


    Tactical Flashpoints.. training a whole generation of clueless characters. Go Progress !



    "A friendly word of advice: Don't click anyone's referral link for free. People will pay you big credits in-game for that favor. Don't waste it on forum spammers."


    Or you know, use your own brains and just click someones FREE link on the forums unlike the sad ***** who spam General chat every 30 seconds cos they want the Cartel coins or the Kurtob Alliance. Referral spammers are one step down the foodchain from Gold Sellers imo.



    Why you chose to tell all and sundry is beyond me.


    Feel free to mail all your unbound stuff and credits to me on the way out, that way I can keep the remainder of your awesome legacy alive in some small way...:rak_01:

  7. I like , I like :D


    what are you using to make it ? cose it look so smooth...


    But you need more stuff in there though .


    Good luck !


    I use the WIX HTML 5 editor which is very nice and easy to use. I have just had a major redesign and taken some of my older content out. I am looking to add some more content, which is one reason I am looking for some more contributors :0


    Thanks for the kind words.

  8. I have a little 'ol fansite on the World Wide Wait if you would like to have a look. It features some guides, fan art, useful links, tips etc. The address is : http://tiny.cc/swfan or http://john-rhys32.wix.com/starwarsfan if your browser blocks the short URL.


    I have a couple of contributors at present and If you would like to be one just let me know. Either message me via the forums or in game if you are on Red Eclipse. My characters are Anna-Matronix (Bounty Hunter) and Huya'Gonacall (Sentinel)


    Take care all :)



  9. Wired or wireless connection? Any error message?


    Its a wired connection. I don`t get any error messages just blammo... server selection screen and a little box telling me to contact customer service if my issue continues. Sometimes its ok for a few hours but yesterday it was about 4-5 times in 30 minutes.


    Like I say its only with SWTOR. I have been playing the new Alpha of Atlas Reactor for hours on end with not even a hint of connection issues.

  10. So I have just come back and subbed after about a year away. In the last couple of days I have been getting randomly disconnected on story mode missions, PvP, Flash points and had a a few times were the game has hung on the loading screen.


    I am sure when I last played it wasn't this bad and it is starting to get on my nerves. I know its not my internet as that is fine on other games and is a 1GB fiber connection. I never get any lag or ping issues, it just cuts off with no warning or indication that things are slowing down etc.


    Is it just me or is this a common problem ?



  11. I have absolutely no idea why legacy name is now a column in the guild window. Is it hideable? It certainly should be. I run a guild, and I have a secret alt because #1 I like to play the game without having to answer a ton of guild questions sometimes and #2 people act differently when they think mom and dad aren't around.


    Forcing my legacy name to show will now out that toon. I think that's BS.


    Oh no ! Now people will know the pretend last name and pretend first name of your pretend person that has no links whatsoever back to who you are in real life.


    The unspeakable horror !

  12. I just came back after taking a 2 month break, and after running through the 2 new chapters. and being told by many that the game is dead. I would have to somewhat agree, at least on the server that I am on. And no I wont transfer servers, I have put way to much time and money into a game just to lose the names i have along with the guilds and so on. If they do a server merger fine, I would accept that. But from what they have said there is not one in the works so when my 3 months are up I will be leaving again. I really miss the way this game was when it was in its hay day.


    I have played since day one on and off. I have been away for about 14 - 15 months and have just re - subbed. The planets I have been on always seem full, there are plenty of guilds and always something to do. I love the quality of life changes that have been made, from the multi-spec companions all the way to the fast-pass items to heroics.


    One thing that NEVER changes is the doom and gloom brigade quoting random made up statistics about the game not being profitable all the way to the number of active players. Of course if one dares to disagree with the moaning minnys you are branded a `fan boy` or are told you are deluded. I for one do not miss the `hay day` of SWTOR... crappy non adaptive armor, No strongholds, very few speeders or vanity items, truly ugly PvP consular gear, class locked armor, no dye modules.. yeah thanks, but no thanks.


    I will tell you when the game is dead. When the servers shut down for good and the game is dead, buried and forgotten. Until then I for one intend to have fun and be happy that the game is still active, whatever form that may be in.


    Of course I am not sure some people remember that games are supposed to be `fun`....

  13. Hello and Greetings fellow SW:TOR players.


    I have a fansite at http://john-rhys32.wix.com/starwarsfan which I have been working away on now for a while. Recently I have added a load of new content driven by the Raptr community. (Thank you Miss Vyris and Vulkk :) )


    I am looking for tips and tricks, Screenshots, Fan art, Fan fiction, Useful links.. anything will be considered from players new or old. Of course all credit will be given (or privacy considered if you wish)


    I have no wish to compete with Noxxic, Dulfy, TORhead or any of the excellent well know sites. My site is purely a personal project aimed mainly at trying to make the overall community a slightly happier place.


    Please feel free to visit my ickle corner of the World Wide Wait and may the Schwartz be with you :)


    Tanks'alott (Powertech), Rann'domm (Sniper), Coman'Havago (Marauder), Stabbu'Qytalot (Assassin) of Spaceballs Strikes Back


    Heal'zabit (Commando), Helen'Bakk (Guardian), Sneak'sabout (Scoundrel) of Axari Delta


    Red Eclipse Server

  14. Well my counter seems to have jumped up somewhat so I assume some people are looking at my site...


    I want to compile a list of tips and tricks for a new article/feature on my site. I am looking for things along the lines of `things I wish I had known when I first started playing SW:TOR`. I will give credit to all contributors and am happy to link to any sites/blogs you may have on the subject.


    Full details can be found on my homepage :)




    Helen'Bakk / Tanks'Alott / Sneak'sabout / Rann'domm / Heal'Zabit / Coman'Havago :D

  15. If you don't want to invest any time or effort into a character and just want to `faceroll` mobs then I humbly suggest you may have the wrong game.


    ALL classes require you to invest a certain amount of time and effort. The main investment in any character you play is that they have up to date gear for that toon and his/her companion. If you don't take the time to check that your gear is level appropriate or that your companions skills are all turned on then the only `facerolling` that will take place will be you kissing the dirt on a regular basis.


    From the sound of it it lack of attachment to your characters, not wanting to `invest` in them in any way and impatiently swapping classes to find the `perfect` solo character is at the root of your problem. ALL the classes are perfectly capable of soloing through the main story mission and single player side quests.


    If you want a game where you don't want to really invest in the character you are playing then perhaps Smite, Marvel Heroes or VIndictus might be more your speed?

  16. That website is bugged and can't be viewed on mobile devices or tablets that use Chrome for Android as web browser.


    Big part of the text on both left side and right side goes outside the screen and nothing we can do will make it visible.


    Apologies if you cant see it on a tablet.. I have had a word with Dave, Steve and Bob (The monkeys who design my site). On the threat of no more Bananas I have got them to painstakingly move the text about so that people can now see it properly on their mobile device of choice.


    Hope that helps.

  17. Nice site but i don't think your allowed to advertise in forums. I may be wrong. Just a for warning.



    1 .I`m not selling anything so how can I be advertising? The developers actively encourage fan sites (seeing as how last year I sent the developers details of my fansite and got a really nice reply)


    2. says the person who has a signature advertising their refer a friend link.... irony much...

  18. Aloha, greetings etc etc


    Just a self plug for my fansite




    It is primarily aimed at new players or those looking for a few tips and tricks. I have an excellent keybind guide from Chrysus , Tanking vanguard guide from Justcae and amazing fan art from Evanyell.


    If you would like to contribute any screenshots, gems of wisdom or mini tips I am happy to publish them with full credits.


    And before I get the inevitable comment, yes I am fully aware of the existence of Noxxic, Dulfy etc etc. Like it says its a FAN site :D

  19. Now it could just be me... but...


    I could really use two new pages on the collections interface. One to show all the items you can transfer to your characters and one to show all the items you need to spend CC on in order to unlock.


    With all the different packs, pre-order items, toys, collectors edition items, new Stronghold items etc it is getting more and more cluttered and thus harder to keep track of what is what.


    Just and idea ...:D

  20. Ahem.. after my hilariously bad HM Battle of Illum...


    Oh yeah I,m really great and I'm really tough

    I can Take on 30 mobs cos 20 ain't enough.


    I can run around this Flashpoint without any healing,

    Whats that noise you say ? Why it's all the Eilte Mobs squealing !!


    I'm so awesome I dont need to stay near the Tank with his stupid 30 metre guard,

    I'm gonna mess up all these mobs cos they are in ma yard !


    What's that you are QQ ing? `Oi ! Let me Tank` ??

    As far as I'm concerned thats total WA.. Rubbish !!

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