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  1. Interesting spec. I posted a thread a while back about the viability of the top end of gunnery. My question was more in the pure DPS direction, but it's good to see other folks exploring the hybrid road.
  2. That's exactly how I play, though I'm only level 28-29: Kill the adds, let companion die, cloak, res the companion, take the end boss (or not; sometimes I die once if I get it wrong). I'm doing the bonus series for the planets I'm on and have picked up three or so datacrons. I'm keeping my gear up and my companion when I get drops for him. I'm finding Khem Val to be lackluster compared to Revel, mainly because Revel doesn't have to move to switch targets and he seems to do higher damage than Khem. Too bad as I like the big psycho. I'm deception, almost all points so far. Not asking for a fix, just reporting what I see.
  3. That's interesting. I was looking to the burn effect to do that, but if grav round also does it, the target doesn't need to be on fire. Many thanks!
  4. It's not the fire damage so much as it is the ability to use HIB as much as possible, as well as everything except demo round. I'm totally down with demo in PvP, where burst damage is key. That would follow the same pattern as most PvP systems. HIB has 15 sec CD. How hard does that hit for you guys? Crit? Demo has 21 sec CD. That means you get more chances to crit with HIB than demo round, in a given time period longer than 30 seconds. It'll also be 30% armor piercing and benefit from charged barrel. Sounded interesting to me, and a non-obvious combination of stuff. May be worthless, but we'll see when we get there! Sure do wish we had more instrumentation available to us in this game!
  5. I named mine Gowan. He's a commando.
  6. That's cool. Can you venture a guess at average damage over 100 shots? What's your crit percentage at? Is that with a stack of gravity?
  7. I'll give it a whirl. Not sure how long it'll take me, but should be interesting. I saw the potential to keep targets on fire. That and the decent rate of fire on high impact bolt looked pretty nifty. Also, incendiary round is pretty close in damage to demo round, except that it's a DOT. What I can't know until I test is whether that DoT and the increase in damage from using high impact bolt is more than being able to stack grav vortex and shoot demo rounds.
  8. Yeah, PvE is what I'm talking about. Have not PvP in this game as yet. I have trouble with a citation for bounty hunters as applied to troopers. Can you point out specifically what you are saying?
  9. What if you don't go all the way up the gunnery tree? Any use in doing a hybrid commando? I was thinking something like this: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#8000cZRfkrordokZMIMbz.1 Not a healer, more for damage. You get incendiary round (another DoT) and high friction bolts. You lose some full auto bonus (but do you use FA after getting charged bolts?) and demo round. Does anyone spend any time in plasma cell at high level? In most skill tree systems, hybrid builds are not what the designers want you to do. However, sometimes, there are efficiencies to be found. Has anyone tried this? Constructive comments welcome. Math welcome too, if you have any to offer. Thanks.
  10. I remember much worse launches. This is going well actually. I understand why Bioware is doing what they are doing (I think) and it makes sense to me. If this works, it'll set the standard for trouble free launches. Have the servers gone baibai yet? No? Already better than WoW launch.
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