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Everything posted by Tribain

  1. Ok so i just hit 50 on my concealment ops. Wow what a change in Pvp. I was doing ok in the pre-50 bracket, generally an even fight vs other classes. Now i can't even get shiv, laserate, backstab, or hidden stricken to go over 1000 on crits. is lethality or healing/lethality better for under geared ops?
  2. Does anyone actually still take cover and use Snipe or Explosive Probe in WZ or PVP?
  3. I never use Eviscerate. I don't have it keybond. It's not in my rotation. It's not even on my tool bar. I just want to check to see if any other Ops use Eviscerate in PvP?
  4. Just tried the spec. Can't get use to not front loading my dmg. I die so quick without my cooldowns to save me. How do other Lethality spec survive while their DOTs do their work? Also do most of you open with Hidden Strike or do you just open with a acid nad and/or acid dart and just run in afterward? I've been trying the HS, BS, Acid Dart, nad, shiv, and cull...but I get worked on before I can finish my rotation. Any Advise?
  5. Well there goes my plan of trying Lethality for a PvP spec. Anyone have any success PvPing with a Lethality spec?
  6. Sadly I don't know of any tools for TOR that track numbers. But it it's good for a couple of thousand points of damage. I can be wrong, but it seems like there's a hard limit of how much the probe with absorb before stops working, even though the probe is still spinning around you.
  7. Does this also apply to PvP. I know how hectic PvP and WZs can be. Is it difficult to keep your DOTs up, Stim Boost, Cull, and weakening blast up. It seems like a pretty intensive setup to get a good Cull hit.
  8. I use it for those OHH ***** moments in PvE. In PvP 1vs1 battle it's helpful, but if you're getting jumped by a group, nothing is going to save you (outside of cloak screen).
  9. I've been thinking of respecing from Concealment to Lethality or Medici hybrid. There are a bunch of threads about the medic tree and medic hybrid spec, but almost none on a Lethality spec. Is Lethality really that broken? Has anyone gone Lethality with any success?
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