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Everything posted by Ragico

  1. Wait wait wait....you are telling me that you don't already have WoW chat on your server? LIES!
  2. There are always space missions however I find those to be just as tedious. Honestly I think the best way is to mix everything up so you aren't doing the same thing for too long. Or better yet if you have not played the other faction yet give their zones a try, then go back to your other characters at a later date when it seems less stale. Frankly though if none of that helps then maybe this isn't the game for you, it is tedious in many ways and the game isn't afraid to demonstrate this with boring and repeated quest objectives.
  3. As a fellow healer I agree with all that you have said. Countless times i've been attacked by the weak mobs in HMs and although its no big deal since I can deal with it...I should not have to deal with it all the time. One other thing, for the love of god DPS will you please learn to interrupt mobs! I've lost track of the amount of times i've been in Kaon almost permanently stun locked by the mercenary mobs, because the group is too busy killing the other mobs <.<
  4. And here we have yet another example of the human race finishing last. /facepalm Makes me wonder how some of these people get to such high levels using the wrong gear and not even grasping the basics of their class.
  5. Exactly. Though it would seem that ever since I started this topic my experience using the DF has improved quite a bit. Sure we still sometimes get the odd person who makes things harder than they need to be, but overall not so many problems. Starting to look like it was an unlucky streak or something.
  6. I have yet to even try Operations out. But it's nice to know that there are at least some people willing to put the effort in if things go wrong. Starting to look like me and my friend are just unlucky when it comes to randoms, maybe we should look into joining a guild or something. Would fix the problem I guess. Kudos for finishing the operation though, my palm may have been permanently attached to my face if something like that happened to me.
  7. I agree with you on that last part. But when all is said and done if people insist on being immature and rage quitting groups after wipes or before we even get started on the flashpoint (We had one of those today, apparently our gear wasn't up to par for HM false emperor so he left, we then proceeded to do a flawless run and one of the fastest to date.) then they will be ignored by the majority of people. Personally I can see cross server being added at some point down the line, I don't want it to be added because there are some really great people on my server, but I just get this feeling that it is on the way.
  8. Same server. I was of the same opinion as you until recently, it seems that for every smooth run me and my friend get we get maybe one or two "derpy" runs. We sometimes run into much worse problems doing the daily normal for the 5 commendations, but we can carry a group through that even with bad DPS because there is no timer on boss fights. But when it happens in HM it just makes me facepalm. I would like to add that I also attempt to add my own DPS during the low damage spikes, corrosive dart, orbital bombard, maybe even a shiv and backstab depending on the boss. I don't do this all the time, since my role is to heal but if the damage is low and everyone is topped up, why not right? But sometimes even with me doing that it still isn't enough, really does make me wonder how the damage can be so low at times.
  9. Let me start by saying that I love the dungeon finder. It has added more of an "instant action" feel to the game and allows easy access to FPs and even Ops...but at the same time I hate the system so much. I regularly queue as a healer Op with my Jugg tank friend for hard modes, so the only thing we need are two "competent" DPS people. Oh boy are they so hard to find. My ignore list is full of quite a few names, not because they couldn't crank out the numbers but simply because they insulted me and blamed me for hitting the enrage timers "*** healer?" "omg no heals?" . Add to that them refusing to accept the fact that the reason we hit enrage timers on 20% is because the DPS is not there...hell someone even called me a crappy tank, pointed out I was the healer they then simply called me a crappy healer. /facepalm I give people chances, explain the tactics for anyone who is new but it just seems like nobody listens. I guess in a way another reason I enjoy the dungeon finder is that it lets me know who the "bads" are and I can safely put them in my ignore list. TLDR: DPS only have to do damage and maybe one CC while not standing in crap...is that so hard compared to tanking and healing?
  10. Yes it sucks that the last few servers (one of which I am on) have to wait a few more days, and even then there is no guarantee where we will end up. But look on the bright side, no matter what happens it should still be a better ending than Mass Effect 3...although it is still Bioware so don't hold me to that.
  11. This basically. I have always felt that a better way to "keep things balanced" is to have skills react differently when used in pvp scenarios as opposed to using them in pve. That way you essentially have two different skill sets but with the same skills...if that makes any sense at all. Just thinking out loud, I know its never going to happen.
  12. Fixed...but god how I would have loved the kit idea instead of what we have now.
  13. I believe he means to say that he did the bosses in one attempt....not literally one shot them
  14. Ragico


    Yes because comparing PVP encounters to PVE ones is a good idea right? How many bosses in PVE can adapt to the situation by communicating via a third party voice system and can use exploits or smart use of LOS...well you get the idea. You're logic is severely flawed if you ask me. However I feel the OP's pain, premades are fine and all but seeing the same ones in every single warzone gets rather tiresome pretty quickly. The solution of "join a guild and make a premade" is a short sighted one at best, so you're solution is just to constantly have premades vs premades? While the idea sounds nice it is never going to happen unless BW adds a bracket for that, which most premades would never join as they enjoy steamrolling randoms for easy wins.
  15. I get that you think this isn't a big deal, but I can't for the life of me figure out why.
  16. Kira for questing, Doc for champions. Sure it takes a hell of a long time to kill champions as defense spec...but atleast its doable with Doc healing. But questing is so much better with Kira as she really does mow stuff down, I was looking forward to getting Doc and realised just how much a difference Kira makes. So as I said previously, I only bring him out for soloing champions or 2+ elites.
  17. This...omg this! My friend plays a trooper and watching him kill stuff makes me roll my eyes...killing all standard and weak enemies with 1 skill or near enough then mopping up whats left. Meanwhile i'm fumbling around generating focus, prioritising my targets and rotating my cooldowns just to stay alive.
  18. Seems to me that if its just a +# then it simply means you perform better overall in that craft, for example if you had diplomacy at 100 and sent someone that has +10 in it, the mission would be treated as though you were at 110 diplomacy. This should technically make it easier for them to complete and possibly yield better results aswell. Again this is just my assumption of how it works I could be wrong...but it seems to make sense to me. And I believe you are correct when it comes to crit, however the numbers themselves make no sense as there is no way to measure how much +5 in crit effects something, unless it is a % increase.
  19. Oh hell no, i'm glad someone struck a match just now so I can be burnt to a cinder before this gets taken the wrong way by someone
  20. LIES! Everyone in the US is sleeping, didn't you get the memo?
  21. I'll trade your 10 minute queue for my 560 person queue...eta of 30mins. Seriously this is just stupid, either increase the server caps or offer free transfers. I've been on my server since my first day of EGA as have my friends, and we are not going to reroll because everyone suddenly decides to join it on launch day. This should have been handled better...and this is at 11AM on a "work day" what the hell is it going to be like at peak time?
  22. Yet some days 4h can sure as hell feel like it huh?
  23. This. The same in every MMO all I can say is get used to it.
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