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Posts posted by Turn-XGundam

  1. guess the truth hurts..this is the source of the cancer..biofail is at fault for much of this stupidity..protect the ones at fault..sigh..well this playing out across the country..so oh well..


    biocrap hasn't had a good game in years, all their recent games have failed. even this failed lol

  2. Right now? Ya its terrible. Health pools are too large and too many classes have self healing skills now.


    like i said overall balance is fine, they need to decrease time to kill across the board, that requires buffs to all damage abilities


    will they do it??

  3. smash monkeys was bad, it was op trash. i made a jugg during that time. it was so easy to dominate in pvp lmao especially scound/merc/sorc ez prey


    now the classes are balanced, it just that TTK is to high. they need to buff the crit and damage on all abilities across the board. 50~70k common crits will let you melt people fast

  4. Premades don't kill pvp, bad players kill pvp. Good players group up, teach bad players lesson. bang bang bang on head. ouch, hurt, cry. make post about premades, unfair they better.

    All the while ignoring the fact that team play has proven successful and they still refuse to play like a team, therefore they lose.

    not premades fault individuals are ignorant


    premades should be matched with each other, but those cowards would cry about getting stomped by better premades. any pvp/multiplayer where you match pubs/regs with premades is a terrible design. it has never worked for any other game. no different story in swtor.

  5. You left the match. You are the one to blame and deservedly got the quitters penalty.


    i go stealth and go afk in the matches. what are you gonna do ?? how is the system working out for ya :p


    premades and same terrible wz maps is what kills pvp

  6. Yup, yesterday I had a game with 4 operatives on the same team. A few days ago, I had a game against 4 powertechs on the same team.


    How do you win those games??


    class stacking is a problem for all classes 4 mercs/sorc will also be annoying to deal with it. they just need to block class stacking

  7. Balanced? No. Homogeneous? Yes = Unfun


    i'll take it over any one class stomping everything cough sins/juggs/mara/snipers cough

    excuse me i think i got that 19 thing :rak_03:


    remember when juggs could force smash teams to death


    pepper ridge farm remembers

  8. Sroc has rly good dcds if you use the correct combat utilities. And for pve acid lash is way better tactical.


    force barrier is the biggest double edged sword in the game. i just wait it out before stomping the idiot sorcs in their face once it ends.

  9. I think the only reason 90% of us even consider ranked is because it offers better rewards. Offer the same rewards in unranked and suddenly we wouldn’t need this PSA as the only people playing it would be in it for the challenge. Then again, the queue would be really dead, at which point people might finally begin to understand the concept of attrition.


    ranked has always been a joke in swtor and not meant to be taken seriously

    i only did for the rewards back in 2017

  10. the game is much more balanced then it was years ago, pretty much every class has at-least one viable spec for pvp.


    you still have some issues like guarding, heal/tank combos and class stacking.

  11. I understand that yet i don't want to play 4v4 most of the times since its very unbalanced. 3 healers vs 2 tanks etc.....


    No that i want to play into premades........ I want a choice to leave the game without being punished for auto loss of a game.


    just play stealth, any time you run into premades in 4vs4 just go stealth afk :rak_03:

    they usually get upset and leave lol

  12. overall i saw an increase in teamplay *******s now actually play objectives and call incs. number of premades went through the roof though. everyone is grouping now....



    some losers still ruin the games by going afk or leaving, causing you to fight opponents while out numbered

  13. I have had Apex Predator chestpiece drop twice at the Kai Zykken Merchant (weekly vendor on fleet at supplies section) when buying the "Unidentified Unique Item" for 500k in credits and 1000 tech fragments (I will not be responsible if your RNG is disappointing - Make sure it is your commando or mercenary buying it) but the drop rate wasn´t that bad for me. The other 3 pieces dropped at the Nature of Progress Op sm and Terror from Beyond VM and Explosive Conflict VM.



    yesterday kai had the chest piece on sale as an actual item not the unidentified, so i finally got my first piece of apex :rak_03: only 5 more to go:eek:

  14. What is their limits, and/or what system set-up do other games use? I am just asking out of curiosity I never seen a game but SWTOR with this premade problem tbh.


    league only lets you duo, you can do more but then you go to a completely different queue.


    they had a system similar to swtor for 1 season(1yr) i think it was 2017 or 2018, you could have 5 people premade and stomp randoms. the result was everyone's ranked rating was super inflated.


    wot only allows 3 people in a platoon, they are marked. anyone on your team and other can see if you're premade or not. generally premades are looked down upon in wot. list goes on for lots of games

  15. Just coming back (like so many!) and was wondering...


    So I know ops got nerfed. They still pretty good in pvp? They pretty much only duelists now or do they still have usefulness in a group?


    Hard to find useful recent info. Thanks!


    ops got nerfed long time ago, then they became alright and now they are probably the best melee class in the game. better than any other force melee class

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