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Posts posted by Khechari

  1. maybe they havent finished all the high rez textures and animations and hence they dont want to screw it up?



    i truly feel for those of you that play at 2k resolutions on a 60 inch tv, yes you can see the textures really bad there, but for the rest of the general pop. that play in sub 40 inch/sub 2k resolutions its barely noticable tbh, i can barely notice them and i play at 1080p res (true 1.9k x 1080p , if i go any higher i can really start noticing the pixels on armors)


    relax people , they are coming spamming this thread every day wont make em go any faster


    Also, ill be laughing and quoting people from this very same thread when they whine in a months time about how their FPS sucks after high rez textures...yes , you can bet on it that its going to happen , just wait and see


    I have a 40" 1080p lcd, and I find it VERY noticeable.


    On your last point, yes, that will happen. But if it happens to people with good gaming rigs, then it's a valid complaint.


    The point here is that in 2012, low resolution graphics are NOT an acceptable option to cover up a bad engine, poor coding, or whatever incompetence got us into this mess.


    The even greater point is that Bioware has shown the honesty of a middle school brat on this issue.


    You can notice it specially on the boots and belts of the characters. I'm wearing the same boots on some of my chars and they look like a blurry mess instead.


    As mad as I am about all the false advertisement, these are NOT high resolution textures-




    That's a screenshot I took of 1:21 in the vid. They clearly show low resolution textures.

  3. Palpatine's plans involved intricate manipulation of the Jedi order. The chaos and doubt brought on by knowing of the Sith's return had the council making moves that they would not have made otherwise... Moves that Palpatine had foreseen as part of his plans. Revealing the Sith's return at just the right time was a crucial part of his plans. It wasn't a blunder of incompetence or an act of impatience. It was calculated psychological warfare.


    In greater detail-


    It's all about doubt. It wasn't until they knew the sith had returned that they knew they had been 'blind'. What else weren't they seeing?! The inner turmoil caused by this level of doubt gave rise to paranoia so subtle, that they themselves couldn't tell the difference between intuition and unfounded doubt.


    Without knowlege of the Sith's return, the risk of training Anakin would have seemed far less. There is a huge psychological difference between a scholarly understanding that the Sith existed LONG ago in the past, and knowing they exist NOW. Knowing they are blind to the Sith, they begin to fear what they would normally not fear, seeing things in the shadows, fumbling in the dark.


    Like Anakin's fear of loosing Padme being the very thing that lead to loosing her, so was the council's fear of loosing Anakin to the dark side the very thing that lead to them loosing him. By pushing him away, distrusting him, and treating him like a timebomb, they gave Palpatine the opportunity to be to Anakin what the council had not been.



    So what if the council had never been alerted to the Sith's return? Was the fear and danger they saw in Anakin colored by their own fear of the Sith? Was it their fear of him that drove him away? There is no way to prove a 'what if', but I believe this is what really happened.

  4. Palpatine's plans involved intricate manipulation of the Jedi order. The chaos and doubt brought on by knowing of the Sith's return had the council making moves that they would not have made otherwise... Moves that Palpatine had foreseen as part of his plans. Revealing the Sith's return at just the right time was a crucial part of his plans. It wasn't a blunder of incompetence or an act of impatience. It was calculated psychological warfare.
  5. Don't remember the exact name of this in the settings, but it is completely useless. What's the point of having mouse acceleration that goes from 0% to 100%, but everything above 2% is like going speed of light?!


    :confused: :confused: :confused:


    I agree, it was the first thing I noticed in the game. I set it to 1-2% and moved on, but now that you bring it up, it IS quite ridiculous.

  6. You're complaining because a 2012ish game doesn't run on your crappy computer as well as a 2005ish game.




    I'll admit, this game could be running better, but maybe you should have more than a gig of ram if you want to play videogames ;)

  7. Is it supposed to look this bad in character select screen?





    When i first got the game (christmas eve) im sure it wasnt this bad but i have just noticed it in the last few days.


    Im using windows 7 64 bit on my 2011 iMac. Please no 'you should have got a PC'. I want to play the game just like everybody else and this is the only computer i have.




    lol, did you take a picture of your screen with a camera?

  8. better races to choose from


    better customization options (sliders for body, nose, eyes, head shape...etc)


    more open world planets to explore (none of this stuck on a track stuff that most planets are right now)


    dx11, better textures, more graphics options for higher settings, better optimization


    more color crystal colors


    neutral gear



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