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Everything posted by SEANeD

  1. A good sorc can beat a melee, but like i said earlier, there is never just one smasher on a sorc. Ive had games where 3 sentinels and 1 gunslinger would leave their targets and focus me. Even if it meant leaving the door in a voidstar they chased me everywhere for as long as it took.
  2. The Unnatural Preservation with 25% damage reduction is a good idea. With that sorcs can counter the smash/ force weep used after force choke. I'm usually never in favor of buffing sorcs or nerfing other classes because i know that this class is already better than most, but its the hardest to play and most aren't very good, so they'll complain on the forums that we need more dps and smashers don't, but damage isn't the problem.The problem is sorcs are targeted more than any other class by a lot. At the end of every game i'll out damage smashers easily, but I'll take at least over 100k damage than everyone else. The problem is Smasher are so concerned with chasing sorcs all over so they can get a 7k hit bc they know sorcs wear light armor. I can give a smasher the slip with force speed, stuns and roots but there is never just one smasher on a sorc. A 6 second damage reduction would make this class fair and would balance out the damage taken amoungst dps in a wz because smashers won't want to target them. And when this happens you'll see that good sorcs will out damge any sniper or marauder because now they can stay alive just as long as them.
  3. As a sorc dps i take at least 100k more damage than any other player on my team every game so i believe we are the easiest target. Vanguards shouldn't need to run away but if 2 or more are attacking you should be fine with your stun, group cc, and heavy armor.
  4. I am now madness spec and i think Teamluckyseven would be interested.
  5. My guild does ranked and always has room for another pvper. Mail Seane for more info. the guild name is teamluckyseven
  6. My guild (Teamluckyseven) does ranked wzs and can always use another player. We use teamspeak and a mic is recommended. Message Seane in game for an invite. We'll be going tuesday night at 9 against our repub guild. If you have any questions just Mail Seane or Raycoto.
  7. Teamluckyseven is looking for Tank Assassins, Merc healers, and Snipers for our ranked wz team. We use teamspeak and are looking for players with headsets. Please be at or near full BM. Mail Raycoto or Seane if interested.
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