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10 Good
  1. It's supply and demand and people make the items that profit them the most. If more people sold those hilts the price would come down. In the end, all tradeskills will end up selling purple RE'd mods and not much else.
  2. That logic goes the same for every trade i don't see why people keep using that logic. The other trades can open world farm and get mats for free as well so it isn't a perk of slicing. Any other trade makes significantly more $$/hour by running missions and selling the results than slicing. Imagine 60% of your gathering missions coming back empty handed and the other 40% would only give 1-3 units, not fluctuating from moderate to rich. Would you be okay with people telling you to shut up and go open world farm and thats the price you pay for being lazy and doing missions?
  3. Option 1 would make it profitible without being able to flood the market. I agree though. If I had it my way I would want to do both options. In the end I would be fine with either as either are better than the current 80% useless gathering skill.
  4. Under option 1 it would be unaffected completely. With option 2 you would replace cash boxes with random augs and slice kits. In both scenarios you could just sprinkle mission drops across the available mission types.
  5. Either: Fix the current returns with option 1: Make each slicing mission be profitible, somewhere in the middle of where it is now and where it was then. Then extend the mission run time to counteract the profitiability. Make it take 2 hours to run one mission and you've just cut the credit flow by 400% without making people pissed that half the missions cost more money than they make. Remove credit missions with option 2: Take out all direct credit missions. Implement a "Slicing Kit" mission that gives a consumable green, blue, orange or purple slicing kit of the appropriate level that can be used on equal or less gear to create an available aug slot on that item. This would kill a few birds with one stone (Making augs useful, preventing credit farming etc.) and this tradeskill would be like any others, a money sink and not a money oasis. Thoughts?
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