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Posts posted by Qaoz

  1. Le sigh...

    • Holster is still missing in the actual cutscenes.
    • Holster's crystal turns white after cutscenes.
    • Holster randomly disappears during combat (possibly related to mission updates during combat).

    All of this tested with the item equipped, fighting some random mobs on Tython and talking to the first person I came across. It took me less than 5 minutes to verify that you have, indeed, not fixed the item. Makes me wonder if there's any sort of testing done after applying 'fixes'.

    Edit: Sorry for the sour tone, but some of us spent real money on this crap, and it's been broken for three years, and you guys couldn't even spend 5 minutes checking if the bug was actually fixed.

  2. Do you get more comms per warzone at low levels? Or is it just that the matches are faster? Regardless, the system sucks. Yeah, I said it. It's an arbitrary time sink. We can stack 200,000 Warzone Commendations, but once we hit 65, the flood turns into a trickle. What's the point, even?


    Meh, I should transition over to PvE and just be done with it. Complete the story arcs and unsubscribe until things change. BioWare isn't doing much to keep me interested, and I suppose that's fair enough. Just disappointed in the lack of attention to PvP.

  3. There needs to be another way to grind Warzone Commendations besides queuing up for warzones. And yes, I get that they're called Warzone Commendations, but really, would it hurt to have a secondary source of comms while we wait for the dev team (or guy, I'm not sure how many people are left on that team) to balance things out?


    I last maybe 5 warzones, and then I have to log off to recuperate. There's nothing fun about regular warzones right now. You either join a match with healers on your side, in which case you win, or their side, in which case you lose, or both sides, in which case you win/lose after 40 minutes (unless you're playing Voidstar), making the comms/hour ratio truly terrible.


    It's exhausting when you push yourself to the limit for 40 minutes and then lose because the opposing team had more healers. There's no skill involved, it's just a dice roll to see who gets the healers and the win.

  4. Wither is one of those AOE attacks that require a target to activate, and the target will always get hit by Wither, regardless of CC. It's the same with the Juggernaut's Crushing Blow. Primary target will always get hit.


    Oddly enough, Discharge (Dark Charge) works in much the same way, except it hits everything, including CC'd targets. No idea why they were so inconsistent when they made it like that, but it's better than nothing, I suppose.

  5. The ordered list of planets looks like this:



    1. Korriban

    2. Dromund Kaas


    ACT I

    3. Balmorra

    4. Nar Shaddaa

    5. Tatooine

    6. Alderaan


    ACT II

    7. Taris

    8. Quesh

    9. Hoth



    8. Belsavis

    9. Voss

    10. Corellia



    11. Ilum



    12. Makeb


    After this, it gets a bit muddied, because some planets are only visited via Flashpoints/Operations, and I haven't yet progressed beyond Makeb, myself.

  6. And while they're at it, they should allow us to mix and match between classes for abilities with identical functions. My Assassin would like to switch out Shock for Project, Electrocute for Force Choke, Dark Ward for Kinetic Ward, and Overload for Force Push.


    Just the animations, mind you, not the abilities themselves. And it's grounded in existing lore (even non-Legends lore), because Darth Vader, Darth Maul, and Darth Sidious all used Project in the movies, and Luke used Force Choke in Return of the Jedi.


    Also, it's time to get rid of the horrible visual cues. Yes, PvP requires visual cues, because ranked arenas depend on coordination, but the giant, purple bubble that appears around my Assassin whenever I pop Deflection has got to go. I don't know where in the lore they picked up that horrible thing, but it needs to die. Now.


    The cooldown is called "Deflection" - bubbles don't deflect, they absorb. There has to be a better way to animate "I'm deflecting all yer stuff now!" than a freakin' bubble. The deflection animation is already in the game, so all you'd need is a discreet visual cue for the PvP crowd (that is not me, because I don't ever pay attention to the visual cues, I just mash buttons and hope to win).

  7. If you are copy/paste'ing code, you're doing it wrong.


    If you write out identical lines of code, you're also doing it wrong. You increase the likelihood of mistakes by 100% every time you write the same line again compared to copying the original one.


    Well, 100% give and take a little for muscle memory.

  8. Again. The enemies you just described are terrible. Not for not killing you. For not CCing and capping. Even that heal 2 full bubble is CC without adding resolve.


    One of them tried to recap while I was bubbled, but I just let it run and then interrupted him once my bubble faded (to get the largest shield and self-heal possible). 99% cap is still not a cap in Novare Coast. :p


    Herein lies the problem with OP classes. When they describe it as a L2P issue, they are generally half right. Not because they are not OP, but because people try to just beat them with brute force rather than thinking


    True, but still... it should not take advanced tactics and three random people working together to kill one healer. If that's the case, they would need to buff Operatives and Mercenaries to be on par with Sages/Sorcerers. When the name of the game is node-capping, Sorcerers are just too damn strong. Their control of the battle, coupled with their ability to reset the fight through invulnerability, roots, and massive instant-cast self-heals makes them kings of the node game.


    That being said, I think BioWare should use this as an opportunity to move away from nodes in Warzones. Huttball is my favorite type of Warzone, because even a team full of Sorcerers can be beaten if you've got a competent ball carrier (or they don't). The lack of creativity in Warzone design is making me so sad. "Cap this node and defend it while your friends are having fun in middle." Such a snooze fest where the outcome is decided by the pushing power of the team (i.e. who has the most healers).

  9. Don't make much sense to me. A tank should absorb crap loads of damage and not be able to do any. So over time a DPS would/should through attrition win. If the tank is doing dmg especially enough to beat a dps you create a situation where we all might as well just all be tanks no need for DPS. I get that it might be boring cause your not really do dmg and hence we end up with t the hybrid a tank/dps. Now logic should dictate that if your tank/dps your not a full tank and your not a full DPS so you should not be able to out tank or out protect a full tank and you shouldn't be able to out DPS a full DPS.


    I know that game... it was called SWTOR, right? Or WoW? Or any other MMORPG pre-simplification due to balancing issues.


    Hybrids never worked, because developers can't handle multiple variables, because apparently math isn't a requirement for that job.

  10. However.. how on Earth can such game breaking situations emerge in a AAA game running for 4 years is beyond my comprehension.


    It's not that uncommon. Sometimes, **** happens and there's not a damn thing to do about it, which is naturally frustrating as all hell.


    However, I've never experienced a company go "oh, well" in response to it. Some symbolic CC reward or free playtime should be given as compensation, if only to show that BioWare gives a damn about its players.

  11. If it's truly 3v1 and you can't drop the 1 below 75percent, you're part of the problem, but yes; there is a problem pub side.


    Holding your own against 3 DPS, or 2 DPS and 1 tank, is pretty easy as a healing Sorcerer/Sage. At least until you've blown through your cooldowns, but you can stay alive for up to a minute due to roots, LOS, stuns, invulnerability, and massive self-healing.


    I ran to the enemy's side in that Novare Coast thing and interrupted their cap. I then proceeded to stay alive until my buddies arrived to help secure it. The enemy team had 2 Juggernauts and a Sniper there. With all the instant, or uninterruptable, heals, not to mention that ridiculous self-heal-while-bubbled thing, I healed myself for around 180,000 while interrupting their cap over and over again.


    As soon as I see cross-healing from two Sorcs/Sages in a Warzone, I bail. If their team has two, and we don't, it's a lost cause 9 out of 10 times.


    BioWare should put some more effort into whatever POS algorithm is used for the Warzone matchmaking. There should always be an equal amount of tanks and healers on both sides. Having an extra damage-dealer does not make up for a healer. A tank, sometimes, but never a healer. Hell, I'd trade two damage-dealers for a healer. Most pewpew players are hovering around 50% of the top damage/kill score, anyway.

  12. Why can't you group with people?


    Who says we can't? I consider myself a casual, but I still do random flashpoints and warzones. That being said, trying to enjoy the story of the game while grouped up is not always the easiest thing. The "SKIP PLZ **** SKIP SKIP SKIP!" spam gets on your nerves, even when you know that they can't see that you're the one holding back the group.


    I may be harsh and blunt on these forums, but I'm asking you to run a heroic with me. I'm a great tank, and even after the nerf, my lvl 20 influence Xalek is better then nothing. Bring your favorite dps character and we'll go obliterate the enemy, or something. COMEON!


    What does this have to do with casuals? How about the hardcore players who sit on the fleet station 24/7 while waiting for their ranked warzones and operations? They could run heroics with you while they wait, but they don't.


    I don't see the point of your rant here. Are you dissatisfied with people disliking the companion nerfs? Or are you dissatisfied with the lack of people wanting to run heroics with you? :confused:

  13. Probably an oldie, but it's been bugging me enough lately that I thought I'd write it up.


    The Dark Charge animation of Assassins appear to have a separate blade model attached to it. When you ignite the saber in combat, the color of your saber is overwritten by a white blade model. Now, I don't mind the model, except it appears even when your saber isn't ignited - for instance when you're mounted up and are put into combat. It also appears to not be properly anchored to the weapon model, because it will glitch out and exist outside the weapon if you get stunned during an attack and such.


    Screenshot: Animation existing while saber blade is not ignited.


    Preferred solution would be to change the animation to not include the white blade model and just roll with the lightning (preferably matching the color of your crystal) and darkness effects of the blade. While I mentioned that I don't mind the white blade model, it does seem odd for something called Dark Charge to make my saber brighter than it is with any of the other Charges active.

  14. Take away unique skills, take away interaction, now they follow along like ghosts, spitting out one liners if you accidentally click on them while picking something up.


    Not sure how the interaction is any different from pre-expansion. Your companion stories unfold as you level up, not as you gain influence. Once you do all the companion missions, their interaction is very limited, but it's been like that always.

  15. "At least we can now choose companions based on whether we want to roll with them or not. Didn't much care for the "congrats, you can't heal, so you have to roll with this companion who can" setup pre-4.0."


    Thats very true and can appreciate that but for me that added to their individual characteristics. Just like we are one class so were they. Thinking on that, in a sense they are more powerful than us being able to switch between all classes!


    Besides, now with all the companions you get, if they had split them between the classes that would be about 6 in each class to choose from?


    Still a 33% chance of being able to run with the companion you want to run with. I prefer 100%. You can still put gear on them, and you can still turn them back to their "original" roles. The only thing I miss are companion flavor abilities, like Khem's self-heal AOE attack, or Jaesa's Force Lightning attack.


    Here's hoping they add some flavor down the line.

  16. At least we can now choose companions based on whether we want to roll with them or not. Didn't much care for the "congrats, you can't heal, so you have to roll with this companion who can" setup pre-4.0.


    And I love that they made tanking companions viable (sans the bug). I've rolled with Khem from level 1 to 63 now, as a tank, and it is much less painful than pre-expansion where Khem had to heal up after every pull. Even with the nerf to his self-healing while tanking, I can pull stuff ad libitum without having to worry about him falling over suddenly.


    My only complaint is that he's still struggling to hold aggro, but I'm a tank, so I guess that's not a valid complaint, really.

  17. Mind Trap is the only ability that can only be used from stealth if you compare across all 3 disciplines.


    I'll be sure to keep that in mind for when BioWare allows us to play all three disciplines at once. Until then, though, I'd appreciate an optional stealth bar for my three abilities that serve no purpose out of stealth. :rolleyes:

  18. It always perplexes me why some people read a suggestion like this and decide to argue against it. If they created a stealth bar, and made it optional like the cover bar, how would that in any way hurt the game? It would be a win/win situation, since it's optional.


    And don't tell me it's because it would dumb down the game. Turning 6 keybindings into 3 would not dumb down the game. I'm using 37 keybinds right now, and I'll reach 40 by the time I have all my abilities. I can't use Spike, Blackout, and Mind Trap out of combat, so they're dead weight 90% of the time, but they still need a keybind, because clicking is so 2005.


    I'd kill a room full of younglings to get a stealth bar.

  19. I leveled over 2,500 levels in SWTOR with Treek as my primary companion. (57 characters from Lv10 to Lv60-65)


    Damn, that's what I call conviction.


    I couldn't even do 20 levels with Treek before dumping her for another companion. The constant spam of Ewok language was making my ears bleed.

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