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Everything posted by dontbeswg

  1. SO DRDISRESPECT getting 40k views a day is nothing.... LoL players making 5-6 mil a year meh nobody cares...
  2. there are a large segment of the gaming population making a living through this medium... like it or not there are facts.
  3. you didn't need a ship in 1.0 all the operations were on the flag ship, as far as leveling once you get to the fleet you can (could) flashpoint to 50.
  4. It's a shame triple A companies don't feel the same, like it or not if a game isn't trending on twitch it's got a short shelf-life
  5. Sadly mmos never work out unless they are triple A funded, but my hope is that the sandbox is revived and expanded on in this genre. Not impressed with ashes, but I'm glad to see the features returning.
  6. You could Flashpoint your way to level cap even at 50, It's what I did for half my characters because I didn't play this game to fall in love with a twi'lek being that i'm no longer 13.
  7. Hey but we have a raid that is not even half complete... they are focusing on raid content... Oh well maybe Anthem won't be terrible...
  8. Uprisings are fine, they are just as good as any flashpoints... it must be that you people don't want 4 player content huh? Maybe something more massive hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?!!!!!!!!
  9. at that point spud you can be the last jedi huh?! won't that be fun an mmo with no players on it <eyeroll>
  10. The joke is on you, you got the game you wanted and it's still no good. You have a countdown to death for this game spuddy, when Anthem is released the budget for this game will be erased. When that happens there will be no content because they will pull the F^&*ing plug!
  11. Exactly the point, most kids in the 90s want a lambo and even though they grew up and never could afford it they still admire the nature of it. Again, raids are what makes these game special, and it's being neglected. Ultimately it doesn't matter, this game will be over by the time anthem is released as it will take the rest of EA's mmo development budget. So enjoy the dead game while you can.
  12. That's a good lesson for everyone, never kickstart without any kind of back investment.
  13. ultimate the day an mmo feels massive again, i'll sing it's praises.
  14. You're exactly right, but sadly the game devs won't figure out and just go with people not wanting the class of game. I hope with the demand for sandbox we can get another great mmo that advanced the sandbox features of the past and evolves world pvp and large scale raiding.
  15. You see any hot new MMOs being developed? No? I wonder if that's because the fidget spinner populace is playing hearthstone, League of Legends, CS go, and PUBG... I love MMOs, I miss the days of a failed WoW killer coming out every 4 months, but tis genre is dead because people don't care about it. Beyond that, this new base of players that want a single player game out of a multiplayer is giving it cancer. At this point I've concluded that most of you are that player base, and I'm tired of reading the ignorance.
  16. you talking about that raid they haven't completed yet? yes, great focus.
  17. It happened in 4.0, they had announced ops when the game launched and we got EV and KP soon after. 1.0 didn't do what 4.0 did and thus the game was healthy.
  18. This happened at 4.0, so this group you want to S%^& on lasted four years, and like it or not when they left in 4.0 the game died... But feel free EA to continue on this path of minimizing raid content, it's working beautifully. <eyeroll>
  19. Are you kidding me!?!?! Those uprisings are as good as any flashpoints that have ever been put out, the story content has never been better in this game. NOBODY IS SATISFIED WITH THAT!
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