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Posts posted by DragonDai

  1. I finally got a character to 70 today (because of the Heroic Quests thing I posted about) and did LITERALLY all the heroic quests IN THE ENTIRE GAME (with the exception of the 4+ Heroic in Sector X and Makeb's Heroic and it's Dailies cause those aren't part of the GC thing for some reason...basically everything else, including Revan stuff, is). I also did all the daily hubs (again, except Makeb). I did all this after I hit 70 and I also did 1 Uprising in Story Mode.


    That was enough to get me from GC Level 1 to GC level almost 11 (I need like another 200). I disintegrated any duplicate green items I got and ALL cosmetic shells (because I didn't like them) and Jawa Junk (only green). Everything else I kept. Probably about 1k GCEXP in disintegration, aka not very much. The levels are getting bigger and bigger at a noticeable rate even this far down (remember, cap is 300). And come this tuesday, the majority of what I did today can only be done once a week (you'll be able to do CZ-149, Oricron, Black Hole, Sector X, and Zoist every day and still get the 450 CEXP bonus, cause the Planetary GC quests for those places only care about the dailies).


    So yeah, I'll be able to keep doing completely solo content for a small # of GCEXP every day for the rest of the week if I want (each of those daily areas has 4 daily quests, I think, + the bonuses, so that's 530 x 5 GCEXP from doing all 5 daily areas every day). But still, even if you could get 11ish levels every week from doing all the Heroics, that'd be bloody awful. But you can't, as the requirements for getting your next chest keep going up and yeah, it's going up pretty quickly.


    Once I'm done with ALL the heroics once a week, I can get that measly 2700ish a day from the doing all 5 daily hubs and if I want to keep soloing, I can either do Story or...uhm...nothing. That basically leaves PvP (I hate PvP) or grinding out the same Flashpoints I've already played a bunch. Sure, there are the new Uprisings too, but the Storymode is crazy boring easy and I doubt I'll have the gear for Veteran for a long, long while, giving that gear is RNG and if my first 10 levels are any indication, I'm screwed.


    So yeah, I'm adding my voice here. I was pretty sure I would hate this new system. It's out now and after getting my first 10 GC levels, I do, in fact, hate it. I just came back semi-recently (beginning of October). I was a Founder and pre-ordered the deluxe mega edition of the game back in the day (the one with the Malgus statue I think?) When I returned, I got a month of normal subscription which I canceled after I heard about the 5.0 changes. Got a 3 month Amazon deal so I could see the new content and stay subbed through Nov for the bonuses, but yeah, that'll be the end of my sub again.


    And that's a real shame. I was having a lot of fun and was so happy to be back. But seriously, I said it before 5.0 was released and I'll say it now that I know it to be true for sure:, "Galactic Command is the worst decision any major western MMO has ever made ever in the history of major western MMOs." It's awful, and the ONLY solution is to scrap THE ENTIRE THING and take things back the way they were. Since there's absolutely no way that's gana happen...well...I guess we'll see how well this game survives with no subscribers or players in a couple months, won't we?

  2. Wow...this is REALLY disappointing. Seriously, there hasn't been a single piece of good news about the future of the game since 5.0 was announced. Everything, from gearing to new content to this, has been a complete and total disappointment.


    Devs, there is NO reason to revert this change. FIX the bug, do NOT remove the ability to customise her. Seriously. There's NO reason to justify removing the ability to customise her outfit. None. Knock it off.

  3. This isn't a thread to talk about the changes, for, against, etc. There are a ton of those elsewhere. This isn't a thread for anything but "Yeah, this is me too. No more sub until this is fixed." Feel free to leave your name and a personal message for the dev team, but that's the entire purpose of this thread. Nothing else.


    So yeah, Bioware, I got just enough sub time left to get me the new expansion. I won't resub until Galactic Command is completely removed. It's the worst gearing solution I've ever seen for any MMO ever. It's awful, you know it's awful, get rid of it before it kills your game.

  4. Yeah, basically, what just happened is Eric said something awful is a very nice way. The fact that we can modify the armoring of an item is worthless 99.9% of the time unless that armoring is NOT bound to slot. Having modifiable Armoring but making it bound to slot fixes NOTHING, does not decrease RNG AT ALL, and is, in no way, a beneficial or useful feature for the vast majority of players.
  5. 83 pages and I've yet to see a single positive post on the new gearing system.


    Is this being taken on board or are you still hitting us with someone that clearly no-one wants?


    This is actually a great opportunity to get folk on side.

    All you need to do is listen and act.


    I'm REALLY hoping that this is gana be the eventual result. Just someone coming here and saying "Well thanks for your feedback, guys. We've heard you and we're scrapping the whole thing."


    That'd result in the biggest positive swing imaginable. There'd be so much positive press and positive sentiment among the community. And all the devs would have to do is not change **** from how it is now. In effect, they'd get a MASSIVE boost in popularity by actually doing basically no work.

  6. Anyone thinking that simply needs to take a look at the Heroic Armor boxes and Alliance Crates. Both of those are RNG systems in-game, that demonstrate just how poorly RNG gearing works. This good thing is, neither of those and necessary to participate in any activity...but end game gear is.


    Whether you're comparing the new system, to old school pvp bag or to these new systems, it doesn't matter. There is no way that this change is designed with the best intention of the players or the long term health of the game in mind. It's just bad. There's no other way to put it. Just bad.

  7. Eric, I really appreciate your clarification so far. It's not making things better, but it is good to know you're here, wading through the muck ( in truth, some of which I have thrown). That being said, you've clarified a couple things, but you've yet to answer the big question.


    Why Eric? Why, when this has already been tried and failed horribly in this very game? Why?


    Seriously, we NEED an answer to this. We need an HONEST answer to this. As someone who left shortly after PvP bags stopped being awful and JUST came back (literally less than a week ago), this seems like the worst decision ever. So please, please please please please please, just tell us why?


    So if I am a pvper that had a full 208, but will start at command rate 0 as all at 70 lvl. Let me get it right. Since there is one set of gear for all pvp and pve, ill be at a disadvantage on getting best gear for pvp just because someone has more time to put in tot he game by getting to command level 100? Am i right here? Eric?


    You are 100% right.

  8. A guaranteed piece of loot is IDENTICAL to nothing if you can't use the loot and it's vendor trash/disintegrate trash. To all the people saying "This isn't as bad as PvP bags, cause you always get something." I say, no, that's just not true. If you get something you don't want, you got nothing. In fact, I'd argue that to a player who just retrieved his 17th belt when all he needs is a chest piece, getting that belt is actually WORSE than getting nothing.


    So seriously, knock it off. This is effectively as bad, if not worse, than the previous PvP bag system.

  9. I have only one question: why?


    Could we please get a statement of the one, who thought that thi is a good idea? He or she doesn't even have to post it him/herself. I also don't want a name. Just why this person thought, that this is a good idea, because there was a similar system from 1.0 to 1.1 which got removed because it was bad. And there you got tokens, which you could at least change against the one with the right setbonus.


    This is the big question. It's really the only one that matters at this point, because I honestly don't see them changing their minds on any of this. And if this launches as detailed here, it's really all I want to know. Why? Why would you do this? Why oh why oh why?

  10. It's like they've been ordered to kill the game or something. This gearing revamp is a god-awful idea. Scrap it right now or you're going to lose so many subs, hardcore players, streamers like myself. Don't try to fix what isn't broken. The commendation system is good. Stop this foolishness.


    This is actually my theory. Someone said "Hey guys, we're gana pull the plug on SWTOR in a year or two. How can we make the most money possible before we do?"


    I know it SEEMS like this won't make the game money, but wait until they start offering CEXP boosts in the Cartel Store. Or single use items that allow you to increase your chances to get a piece of gear for your Discipline. **** like that.


    Short term, the amount of monetization bull they can pull via the Cartel Market and this new system is through the roof. Long term? This game is d-e-d dead.


    I know it's a totally crazy conspiracy theory (and if we're being 100% honest, even I'll admit it's likely not true), but man it sure seems like this is the only reason they could be pulling this kinda crap.

  11. I believe we’re just not wanted anymore. :(


    It's not JUST serious raiders who aren't wanted anymore. This change says that people dedicated to a single playstyle (ops, ranked warzones, etc) aren't wanted anymore. And it also says that F2P/Prefered players aren't wanted anymore.


    That's like, what, 85% of the community?

  12. I see a LOT of people looking for ways to turn this sow into a silk purse (stupid droid). Sadly, it's just a sow.


    NO, you likely can't mod Armoring/Hilt/Barrel. That would COMPLETELY negate the point of the ENTIRE system.


    NO, you can't get items specifically for your Discipline. That would COMPLETELY negate the point of the ENTIRE system.


    NO, you can't get specific item slots with any regularity or guarantee. That would COMPLETELY negate the point of the ENTIRE system.


    NO, you can't share the important parts of the gear across guilds/alts. That would COMPLETELY negate the point of the ENTIRE system.


    Basically, if you're reading this thread and you have a question, stop. Ask yourself this:


    Does the way I want my question to be answered result in the system, as established currently, being meaningless? Does the "positive" answer I am hoping for stop me from having to grind endlessly on every single character I want to get gear on? Does it alleviate some of the tedium of the system? Does it give me any choice in what loot I receive or how I use that loot? Is the prefered answer to my question a net positive for any type of player, at all, even a little?


    If you find that you can answer yes to any of the above, then the answer to your question is almost certainly not the answer you'd like it to be. In short, unless this system is changed dramatically from what has been presented, expect to be disappointed in every conceivable way when this goes live.

  13. This is an important question to have an official answer on. Speculation, educated guesses and what some folks feel is "logical" unfortunately isn't good enough.


    They have dodged the specifics of this question twice now. I doubt we'll see a straightforward answer or that the answer is going to be something anyone but the devs is happy with.

  14. Will it be possible to leave the crates in the 'stash' and open them on another character/class?


    They have said that the crates are an actual item you'll get in your inventory that are BoP, AND that GC level is character based, not legacy based or account based. So while they haven't specifically addressed this, I think it's pretty likely that, no, you won't be able to send the closed crate to another character.

  15. Just to clarify, this includes the armorings that hold the set bonus correct? So we can remove the armorings and put that in legacy gear as well? (side note, you guys should change the name of "mod" to something else like "refinement" or something like that, so when you say mods, you mean everything, and it's not confusing (especially given you released the gear for DVL that did not have removable armorings.

    Will the set bonus be stackable with the 4.0 set bonuses?


    I expect this question to get dodged. The DvL armor is a new thing, right? There hasn't been armor like that before? How can we possibly assume that the new stuff won't be like it? If it wasn't like that, if it was the old way, then it would completely defeat the point of making the gear BoP and making the GC level character based instead of legacy based.


    No, there's absolutely no way the Armoring/Barrel/Hilt is moddable on the new gear. Not as it stands now anyway.

  16. I think that we really need Eric or someone on the dev team to answer this simple question:


    "Why would you go back to AND expand on a system that has failed utterly in the past?"


    Because that's what this is. This is PvP bags from Launch all over again. Those failed, big time. EVERYONE hated them. And yet they're being brought back and applied universally to everything. W...T...F? Seriously, this question NEEDS an answer.

  17. Please let me know if there is some safeguard in the system


    Eric has already said that loot will always be random within your Advanced Class. There are currently no plans for a "safeguard."


    Will the gear drop be a set bonus piece or is is a chance for Xrating gear with a smaller chance at it also containing a set bonus?


    Set bonuses have been confirmed as ONLY existing on the random gear. Crafting gear will never have set bonuses.

  18. They're modded... so logically, pull the mods out and put them into transferrable legacy gear like usual.


    The DvL armor set is TECHNICALLY moddable too...except you can't pull out the important part. I'd bet money that when Eric says that this gear is "moddable" he means "like DvL stuff is moddable," not like what you're thinking.

  19. What about an issue of getting dps gear while tanking or healing


    As of this moment, Eric has made it very clear that getting DPS pieces on your tank or healing pieces on your DPS in 100% working as intended. Why they are making this decision, he hasn't explained. It IS basically the worst part of this entirely irredeemable crapfest. But as of now, DPS WILL get non-DPS gear, Tanks WILL get non-Tank gear, Heals WILL get non-Healer gear, and that is 100% by design.

  20. Eric, basically everything you wrote in that clarification box a few posts back? It's all bad. No. Bad doesn't begin to describe it. It's all so awful that it will, almost for sure, kill your game. Seriously, this is the single worst major design change any major MMO has ever done ever. You're not JUST resetting your game back to square one, undoing all the good, progressive measures your game has taken to modernize itself over the years, you're actually regressing to a point so very anti-player, so very anti-consumer that it's hard to remember the last time a game had mechanics THIS awful for the player.


    I think that without a few key changes, 5.0 isn't just going to be a complete disaster, it's gana be the end of SWTOR. It will certainly be the end for me and likely the majority of people in my guild (no joke, there's a thread on our forums of people simply saying "I'm out if this is in").


    • Loot has to be somewhat player-controlled. Some randomness is fine, but there needs to be a "fail safe" for ****** luck so that players can get EXACTLY what they want, eventually, with 100% guarantee.
    • Loot needs to be 100% transferable to any of our alts and usable by said alts regardless of their class/faction (aka look likely needs to be based on tokens that you turn in, not actual loot)
    • There needs to be SOME way for Prefered members to access this content WITHOUT subscribing (weekly passes or some such)
    • There needs to be a hard rule that CEXP boosts will NEVER be avaliable by ANY means for Cartel Coins


    These are the sort of "hard" sticking points that your new system fails to meet. And there can't be any real compromise on these things. If these fixes aren't part of the system, that's it for me for sure, and for a lot of people I know. Please don't drive us out of your game by making some of the worst decisions you could possibly be making. PLEASE listen to your community who is telling you this is the worst idea ever. And please please please please PLEASE don't push this out and think you can fix it later if it's a real problem. Because you won't be able to fix this later. "Later" will be far, far too late.

  21. You will...and so will a TINY % of the player base...and the rest of us will leave. And you'll be left with an empty game, no one to play with, and the devs announcing the closure of the game 6 months to a year after the implementation of the system.


    Seriously, all the people on these forums and elsewhere who have absolutely no idea how F2P games work, who think that dumping on F2P players over and over and over again is a sound business decision...man, they are gana be in for a really rude awaking...

  22. This is, for sure, the biggest unspoken fear I have with these changes.


    That is not to say that if CEXP boosts are NOT a thing that I will suddenly be 100% okay with the changes. I'm pretty sure the changes, even without CEXP boosts, will be plenty to drive me out of the game...again.


    Seriously, Bioware, I JUST came back to the game after leaving it a few short months after launch...could you wait at least a TINY bit before announcing **** that will completely destroy the game? I'm enjoying myself again! Why you gata ruin that?

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