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Everything posted by GrandMasterOteg

  1. If it's because for RP purposes becaus you don't want 50 running around the fleet then by that logic we certainly shouldn't have the Barsen'thor title. "You are the only Living Barsen'thor one of 3 to ever hold the title in history" *meanwhile on the Republic Fleet 40 Barsen'thors run by you.
  2. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Palpatine "He was a Dark Lord of the Sith who followed the Rule of Two, an ancient tenet of the Order of the Sith Lords, and was the most powerful Sith Lord in galactic history." Palps is the strongest
  3. Anyone miss the old Jedi Council? Like Master Vandar, Master Kavar, and sometimes even...Master Vrook. I mean don't get me wrong I love Master Kaedan and Satele but those guys really had the power and respect of the PT Jedi Council.
  4. The Inquisitor's story takes place before the Knights. Dialogue seems to indicate such. "Will I get to meet the Emperor? Why isn't he here?"-Darth Nox "The Emperor will summon you if and when he wishes it."- Darth Mortis If the Emperor had gone silent as Grand Moff Regus said during the Battle Ilum then this conversation should have gone more like. "Will I get to met the Emperor? Why isn't he here?" "The Emperor has gone silent after a massive attack on Dromund Kaas, neither the Dark Council nor the Wrath of the Emperor are aware of his status, we are currently in full command of the Empire."
  5. Not in canon. In canon there is: One Trooper One JK One Barsen'thor One Wrath One Lord Kallig One BH One Agent One Smuggler
  6. True, but he certainly won't be sitting on the Council again. That's quite the blow to the Jedi Order
  7. That's impossible, otherwise that would mean we killed out counterparts during that FP
  8. Uhh no, the only classes that do something on a force altering galactic scale are the JK and JC. JK beats the Emperor to the point of him going silent and the JC defeats the first son. Also LOL at the Children being weak. Augin Blaseus states that at a toddler he was able to do what most Sith can't dream of doing.
  9. The Jedi Council gets devastated throughout stories. 1. Syo Bakarn was the First Son 2. Master Braga turned to the Dark Side (Extreme morale killer for the conscious of the order, the most peace loving master to be broken and turned to the Dark Side) 3. Master Kaedan the man who defeated the Dread Masters singlehandedly is killed on Illum (This may be the single greatest loss the Jedi Order had during Galactic War II in my opinion) 4. Master Orgus Din Add to that the six masters killed during the Sacking of Coruscant and you have a total of 10 Council Members killed/ defeated during the course of the war. Although with Master Barsen'thor joining their ranks they recoup some power.
  10. Agreed. Marr is likely the strongest on the Council, he and Vowrawn have been on the Council for the longest amount of time. Marr is pretty much a ******, putting Ravage in his place, while being humble towards the Emperor. Mortis was also pretty awesome.
  11. The First Son shielded his fellow children from a galaxy of Jedi. Name a single Dark Council Member capable of this.
  12. You are wrong. Master Coleman Trebor Master Ki-Adi Mundi Master Plo Koon Master Eeth Koth Master Shaak Ti Master Luminara Unduli Master Saasee Tiin all participated in the battle. And look at what happened to Master Coleman Trebor; fodderized by a Mandalorian bounty hunter. So yes a Force Prodigy can defeat Masters after the trials if they are gifted. I am sure Anakin in Attack of the Clones would defeat Coleman Trebor, so would Kenobi in TPM
  13. Right the one who defeated them was the JC.
  14. The Consular defeats the First Son, at the end of the Imperial Campaign, Grand Moff Regus states that the loss of the Children of the Emperor is on par with the loss of the Dark Council and the intelligence agency.
  15. Doesn't the Sith Warrior spend a good chunk of their story wiping out Republic High Command?
  16. Look at 1:11 Darth Acharon is alive and well next to Darth Vowrawn, and here He can be seen in his seat next to Darth Marr and Vowrawn in the Sith Warrior ending. Since the Republic kills Acharon in their quest line, all 4 Republic quest lines have to take place after the SW and SI endings.
  17. I mean I found the Jedi Consular stories to be very cool if you are a fan of the lore of Star Wars. I mean finding the Noeticons on Coruscant and being able to interact with luminaries like Bastilla Shan, Vandar Tokare, Arca Jeth and Nomi Sunrider was awesome! The mystery behind Parkanas and the truth behind Lord Vivicar was much better than a hack and slash story. Even during the "slow" parts on Tython, you were discovering the history of the Jedi order. I mean come on defeating Vivicar saved the Jedi Order's hundreds of Masters. And this is all while you are just a Knight. Starting Act II, I don't know what the JK do on Balmorra, but defeating Darth Lacrus the Vice President of the Government on Balmorra and the ruler of the Sith on that planet was epic. When your companion tries to snipe her and she casually blocks them and attempts to vaporize him with a blast of lightning only to see your character block it with his blade. Epic! And not to mention that you are actually given the rank of Master so you can enjoy it for most of the story unlike the JK who only gets the title at the end. I have been thoroughly enjoying my Consular. I may not have directly fought the Empire until Act II, but I sure as hell saved the Jedi Order from extermination and brought a Jedi back to the light while I was at it.
  18. GrandMasterOteg


    Master Oteg Killed off screen to rescue Revan. Not even in a lightsaber duel. It's a sad day indeed.
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