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Everything posted by Leweegibo

  1. Absolutely signed! Although i think the speeders attained thru cartel packs should just be legacy bound anyway
  2. Jeez is that necessary? looking at the number of players tally GD and MD are roughly in the same boat
  3. They are waiting to sort the APAC server issue before 1.7 ....bahahahahaha
  4. Well that will be "fine" as the server transfers should be out by then. They really need to do this, had 2 friends un-sub due to the low pop, its got to the point where something must be done very soon. I however have the feeling they arent even really looking into it.
  5. Yeh logged into old Harbinger character the other day and there were 250 x3 instances on republic fleet. ...we will have no issue
  6. Isnt this what "rocket boost" is for? haha
  7. how about bioware make a survey with the questions they want answered. ...or they just read the thread and take action...
  8. A whole 23 people, keep in mind most people will only do the survey if they believe strongly in a certain way. Or for all you know mr sad Rp up there just got some friends to do it
  9. The low pop has increased some peoples experience and made them consider subscribing? its an mmo lol
  10. bah they got em for 3.5mil on my server, although they have dropped 1.5 in the last 2 days so heres hoping it continues in that fashion
  11. and that sort of stuff just helps the whole process soooo much
  12. Ran so very bad for me on win8, mega fps drops for a second very about 15. was unplayable. same with a few games, went straight back to win7 and was smooth as silk, on higher settings too (due to long overdue format). Win 8 is for fools
  13. haha friend of a friend, im sure will be 1st level friend soon...no landline but its cool, only wanted to go on and tell jokes n have a laugh. If you all saw how many edits i had to do to that sentence, you would be able to guess how many beers i had....
  14. Well i got 100s of DNA samples, and 100s of Tokens, so bring them on...with some new stuff added in:cool:
  15. So just spent Australia Day at the pub, had so many beers and went to a friend of a friends place after. Pouring with rain here, flood stuff.......and i left my phone there, no way i can get it! Point being my security key app is on there, so i cant log in, nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Hahaha lifes a *****
  16. Oh i hate Taris, so much. Just seems so very boring and lasts forever
  17. Me n my mates have an "Up High" game we play whenever one of the group goes AFK, goes without saying haha usually cant get very far but sometimes the effort gets put in: Unfotunatley couldnt get any higher, kept falling to death! http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/612755607824339249/9D7B13704F3C54F154C6342569EDF2B198DFF7D0/ haha http://i831.photobucket.com/albums/zz232/Leweegibo/SWTOR/swtor2012-02-1918-44-32-71.jpg
  18. when i needed my security key removed i just called them on skype, cost nothing. i had to because the number they give u for oceania isnt real
  19. Just a note, if you get the black text that is unreadable, turn your device sideways
  20. Definitely needs to be done if they are going to continue with the absurd prices. Any directly purchased from the CM at least.
  21. Looks great but that price is absurd! Have only seen 2 people who bought the life day bundle on my server, so clearly the pricing is too high. Unfortunately now that its out we wont see it changed otherwise get tears from those who have purchased already. ...wel unless they get refund EDIT: i mean i already pay $15 a month, either up the sub cartel coin grant or make everything on the market 50% for subs
  22. Yeah that is madness. Got so much stuff on my main characters, not gonna throw away Black-Green Crystals or my Korrealis. Would have re rolled yonks ago otherwise.
  23. Well both factions can hang out and you can duel, has GTN too
  24. Um i didnt say that at all and you are just picking as surely they would offer to any server. I clearly said it is the first stage.
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