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Everything posted by Sylvane

  1. Sounds good, earlier is usually better for us with our time schedules. I'll hit you guys up if I see you on and we can run a team because the matches were a lot of fun last night, even with our sage heals lol. Again we'd like to invite any other teams who want to play to hop in our fun fests, the more the merrier!
  2. For sure, do you guys have days set you can play cause we can try and round people up when we don't have raids to do? We're probably out of it til Tuesday unfortunately but we can try if we gets a heads up.
  3. Alright we'll have to swap healers but hopefully i can get everyone else to stick around.
  4. Apparently fus forgot to eat so yeah i guess it'll be 8pm..
  5. RG is going to have a team in queue at around 7pm server, maybe a little earlier but no promises on that part since we all gotta make food still. Hopefully we can get some more teams queuing up tonight, we've had games popping for a few days in a row now so lets keep it going!
  6. Sylvane

    10K+ Biggest Hit

    14.9k hits are better imo
  7. Gametype - Warzones Section - Damage Taken Class - Sentinel Rank - 1 Toon name - Brohawk Record - 856,157 http://i.imgur.com/ik7eLue.jpg
  8. Chracter Name: Every one on the board Server: Every server Date we last played: from the time it broke until now Date it last updated: Dec 26th is most peoples best guess
  9. Don't reveal my trade secrets dammit.. Also the Bucket of Destiny increases damage output by 20% for all smashes.
  10. Cause smash is apparently hard for some people, for the spec that apparently is the easiest around very few people know how to actually play it and do substantial damage.
  11. You had to get ratings to get access to the best pieces of gear. It also determined how many points, for lack of a better word, you got to spend on gear when they were awarded weekly. This games system of you don't need a rating and you don't have to do ranked to get the comms is a large portion of why people don't bother with arena. It's easier to roll around through warzones against weaker competition for most people than to work on arena comps/yolo-solo queue.
  12. The OH rail shot hit makes CGC proc a 2nd time, so you're going to see a ~120 dps swing in the Mercs favor in most fights.
  13. There really isn't a nice way to word this, but to be blunt the geared people we never see in arena don't step outside of warzones because they can't hide behind objectives in arenas. It's straight smash into each other until someone wins, and judging by some of the more boisterous trash talkers that have popped up recently that style of play doesn't fit their skill sets. So until there is some incentive for them to swap over we won't see them in arenas. Whether its dailies or achievements they pretty much have to bribe people into doing them at this point.
  14. Sadly if you did that when the game first came out it worked out pretty well in warzones.
  15. Pretty much it's if I see someone with 37k+ hp I'm going to grab an expertise pack, pop enrage while using charge, then sunder and smash them for over 14k. I never really looked into it too much but it definitely feels like i smash harder on the jugg than i do my sentinel, granted the jugg has on demand armor debuff. I agree though it's fairly ridiculous.
  16. In an ideal world there would be solo queue and team queue going on at the same time for both sets of people but on a PvE server, and its creeping into every server now, there just aren't enough people to do arena frequently enough to sustain it at random times of the day. Queues have been popping in the evening the past couple of nights, primarily due to lock running around gathering people up, so it's pretty much the time to play if its what you are looking to do. To the solo vs team ranked part, some classes/specs just don't perform as well in solo as they do in team because they are reliant on team support. Commando dps is not great at solo queue, it's easily kicked and has no aoe damage reduction, but in team ranked it can be successful with good team support. If you look at whats normally in a solo arena it's typically an op healer and then a bunch of sentinels and vanguards, primarily due to the fact that the classes have strong abilities/talents that allow them to be effective even without a solid team to back them up. The best thing that could happen for us all is that we get some new blood queuing into both categories of ranked so it doesn't become the same 20 people whacking away at each other, and judging by regular warzones there seems to be a lot of new faces.
  17. Gametype - Warzones Section - biggest hit Class - Jugg Rank - 1 Toon name - Xämot Record - 14,927 http://i.imgur.com/VUjHxIm.jpg One day I will get that 15k hit...
  18. Random note for the progression website, you have RG's speed run date for TFB date/time wrong by about a month. We killed it, by the utc thing, 8/26/2013 at 1:46:58pm which is in the SS provided on the front page.
  19. I don't see my name in his game, so i don't really get the point? I mean I was playing my jugg full time basically back then so i guess we can count that if it helps you sleep.
  20. There has never been a commando dps that could beat me, just saying.
  21. Will do, I know Lock has tried pretty much every day I've asked to help us get a team to play against he just hasn't had much luck. It seems we pretty much just aren't on at the same times which would explain why we never see each other asking then. We almost need to do a 4v4 sign up sheet and see who can/will play and when they are available, I'd like to see a large variety like we had at the start in preseason play when it first came out.
  22. We've gotten 10 games over the last week or 2, we've been advertising on pub and imp side regularly, it's just when we can play most teams don't seem to have the numbers to field. Pretty much 3-5pm we can queue any weekday ,except Friday because my organic chem lab is that day, after that we have to wait for the next healer to be around. Sunday before raid time we can play, fair warning that's when I do my drinking normally so don't expect much, also Saturday is usually a good time for us since we normally just sit around playing games on Steam then anyways. Also yes we took a break, our sage and commando healer had RL stuff going on until recently. I swapped to a sentinel so we at least have 1 flavor class so our comp is differentish. We feel your pain on the time zone since Cloud lives in Austria his availability is wonky.
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