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Everything posted by Mookz

  1. I am looking for a high-full population server that has a majority of Empire. I like being outnumbered, but I also don't want to end up on a dead server where world PvP/queue times/etc ruin my gameplay. Any suggestions? Have a 50 on The Swiftsure, but I am done sitting in these 800+ person queues.
  2. I kind of lol @ the fact create a ticket has a hard hotkey. Guess they were assuming people would be making a lot of tickets and would be tired of opening the menu via clicking.
  3. Anything is worth $15 a month. I am going to pay $15 a month just to complain about bugs on the forums and/or just to talk to my hundreds of brahs on guild chat. I piss $15, CEO'in 10k/day u mirin ya u mirin
  4. The difference on multiple High-Pop servers is staggering. I am on my third 50 (he's almost level 40) and I have YET to see a single Republic character, and I am doing full world questing (no flashpoints/warzones). Albeit my first 50 did do a lot of Warzones, but he was 50 on day 3-4 of release, so I didn't see much of anyone out leveling.
  5. Voice overs have been done before. Questing is only the journey to get to the actual content of the game. End game in SWTOR is awful, buggy, and downright broken. It is not fun.
  6. Where did I say I was talking about code in that excerpt of my post? This is the problem with 99% of this forum. They read someone's post, then interpret it in however works for them to have an argument. Disregard actual post meaning, become e-****** with an awesome rebuttal to an argument you made up in your own head. gjdm
  7. Lol this post went over so many peoples' heads, and in turn they instantly go to their defend SWTOR til death modes, that or are just so ridiculously argumentative that you read what you want to see, and not what's actually posted. I think the SWTOR fanbois are worse than the WoW fanbois that play this game, srs. At least the WoW fanbois have legit complaints, the SWTOR fanboi "defense" are so out there that they always bring some irrelevant argument in to try to defend what they say. Also, I'm not saying this game is better than that, or vice versa. I was simply stating that using WoW as the standard for a release game is retarded at best. Also, I played WoW at release - Bleeding Hollow server. I know how buggy WoW was. I also know what worked in it. Comparing a 2004 release to a 2011/12 release is apples to oranges. You guys are idiots (srs).
  8. I am sick of people bringing up WoW being released with bugs as a rebuttal to people saying how buggy SWTOR's release is. Let's bring up some facts: WoW was released nearly a DECADE ago. WoW did not have nearly as much resources as SWTOR WoW had nothing to use as a "perfect" standard - EQ/UO/SWG/etc were nowhere near what WoW was at release. SWTOR has 7 YEARS of WoW's dos and don'ts, what gained and lost customers, what people hated and liked. WoW didn't have this kind of feedback on aspects of the game. There are probably many more, but this is enough to make your argument a moot point. Comparing WoW release to SWTOR release is utterly retarded, as the difference in not only time, resources, etc. is massive, but the fact SWTOR has a game so huge to simply "copy/paste" from (which they did, you can't deny it, unfortunately they didn't do it in the areas that count) that is 100% proven to WORK, yet didn't take advantage of it, just shows poor development. They took bits and pieces of a working system and instead of making it their own, literally left it as bits and pieces. That creates bugs.
  9. Someone in our guild just had a forced name change, so they are enforcing it. Play on a PvP (non-RP) server.
  10. I agree if that's how it was from the beginning, but changing the system so drastically like they did causes nothing but negatives in an economy. They could have slightly toned it down over the course of a few months to it's current state and it probably would have been fine. Not all at once, though. That's what killed it.
  11. Just another slicing rant, nothing to see here. Oh wait, except I'm not a slicer, and I am asking for a slicing buff. That's new. By nerfing slicing I have noticed my income cut from 200-250k/day to barely hitting the 100k/day mark from the Galactic Trade Network. Note I am a huge AH player in WoW, so it obviously rolled over to SWTOR. This just shows the sheer volume at which the slicing hit the GTN - over half of my income is completely destroyed, think about what it did to the casual seller that isn't constantly undercutting competition. By nerfing slicing you did not stabilize the economy, you cut all player spending in fear of not having credits again. With the ridiculously high cost of everything at high levels, the income from Slicing was nothing near "insane", and was in fact supplemental. People saw making that much money as crazy, but when I am selling my Grade 6 materials at 2k/each, and they were moving, I see nothing wrong with that. Now? I can't sell them for half that. And actual crafted gear? Yeah, you might as well go ahead and sell it to a vendor, because that sure as hell is not moving now. Also, to add, the GTN without slicing is COMPLETELY OVERSATURATED now. We went from around 60 pages of scavenging materials to over 200 overnight. Now obviously something is wrong there, and the number just keeps growing. Supply/demand is nowhere near what it should be. And don't come in saying "it's early, markets are stabilizing". Yeah, it is, and they SHOULD be, but they won't with this skewed of a system. Supply will continue to grow and grow as demand sits at 0. What's that called? Oh yeah, deflation. People know, even if they aren't fully aware that they do, that if they hold their money now that the prices will plummet to where things are near-vendoring price. For those of us who play games for strong economies, this slicing nerf was a slap in the face. Even those of us without Slicing but knows general economic principles feel it, and it's not a good feeling. It's that angus not peppered, coming in dry feeling - and it hurts. Please buff Slicing to be profitable. And not 15k credits in 5 hours "profitable", I mean actually profitable to where it's worth a 50's time to send 3 companions out on lockbox missions. That also doesn't mean it needs to be 5Cr/second like it was before, just meet somewhere in the middle.
  12. 15k credits at 25? notsureifsrs If so, don't take any money advice from this guy.
  13. brb at level 11 I was topping all charts - the only thing that matters in full pug warzones gotta get them commendations brah
  14. This is probably effecting PvP the most, even at non-competitive levels. Hate to cross-forum, but this issue needs all of the community support it can get. Please keep it bumped. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=967715
  15. We need a developer/CSR response, and not some automated "thanks for your concerns" deal. Post actual information that you are aware and post updates on how you are addressing this issue. Keep this thread bumped until it is fixed. Character Responsiveness and Animation Cast Times is going to kill this game, and it needs to be patched asap. I play a Sniper, so Sniper will be used as a model. ALL classes suffer from this, however. Do not bring up "oh Sniper QQ you do enough damage", that's not what this is about. This thread is about 2 mechanics of the game that are in serious need of fixing. I am all for class balancing, however these two issues are much bigger than class balancing at the moment. For those of you who are unaware, the current model for using abilities is based on the animation of the ability, and not the actual cast time (cast bar). This is making some classes, maybe the biggest being Sniper who relies on long(er) casts for everything and is not mobile, unable to be played on a competitive level. How To See First Hand How Bad Cast Animation Times Are As soon as your mount's cast bar hits 100%, try moving. You will notice you INSTANTLY get dismounted, even though the cast was "finished". That is because your mount's animation wasn't finished, thus cancelling the cast completely. This false indication of cast time is seen across every single ability, EVEN INSTANT ABILITIES, in the game. Your cast bar does not correctly show how long the actual cast time of an ability is. Read on for more details. More details - redundancy incoming. Some "instant casts" are actually 2+ seconds long due to the huge amount of animation involved in them, and the damage does not register until AFTER the animation. This is poor development and needs to be changed to where when the cast is finished, whether instant or has a cast time, the damage registers. If we proceed to cast something else afterwards, cancel the current animation and start the new one. I should not have to wait longer than my global cooldown on an instant ability to be able to cast my next ability. Character Responsiveness also needs tuned. Currently there is delay, which is caused neither by FPS nor Latency, in our characters every movement. One big one is the Cover mechanic in PvP. When I hit my Cover keybind, it is not instant as it should be, which causes a delay in my action bar switches. If I hit Cover multiple times, sometimes the game will completely glitch out due to delayed response, and will think I am already in Cover when I am not, and prevent me from actually going in to cover for a good 10-15 seconds. Do you know how many core abilities I can use while out of cover? Almost none. Other classes, like I said, hurt from this Character Responsiveness as well. I am not an expert on other classes, nor claim to know the magnitude of effect that it has on them, but I would assume any with any type of timing/regeneration/etc. DO suffer at least some at even a somewhat competitive level of play. So again, these two problems equally need to be on the top of your to-do list as priority #1 in your next patch. The animation casting needs to go, seriously, I can not stress how awful this makes some classes gameplay. Character responsiveness the way it is should have never made it out of beta. Nearly everyone (minus the awful/inexperienced) in my guild notice this, as well as thousands of others. Please respond.
  16. Limit crew skills to two. Right now, with us being able to have all three, we are completely self-sufficient with crafting. No use for GTN, as if we need something we just send our companions out and make it. There is currently an abundance of supply and literally zero demand due to this. Credits from mobs will continue inflating the Credit, and we will have nothing to spend it on outside of in-game money sinks. I am currently sitting on nearly 5,000,000 Credits, and I was gone for 2 days for vacation. Slicing initially cranking up the total Credits in game definitely did not help matters. So yeah, unless you want the Credit to be the next Diablo II gold, then you better make some drastic changes that require us to actually use them.
  17. Compliments to ForceWelder - Akavi Spaar: +10 Armormech, +2 Bioanalysis Critical Andronikus Revel: +2 Slicing Critical, +2 Underworld Trading Critical Aric Jorgan: +10 Armstech Efficiency, +2 Diplomacy Critical Ashara Zavros: +10 Synthweaving Efficiency, +10 Diplomacy Efficiency Blizz: +15 Armormech Efficiency, +1 Armstech Critical Bowdaar: +10 Cybertech Efficiency, +10 Scavenging Efficiency Broonmark: +10 Scavenging Efficiency, +2 Bioanalysis Critical Corso Riggs: +5 Underworld Trading Efficiency, +5 Armstech Critical Doc: +5 Underworld Trading Efficiency, +5 Biochemistry Critical Doctor Lokin: +15 Biochemistry Efficiency, +10 Investigation Efficiency Elara Dorne: +10 Biochemistry Efficiency, +10 Bioanalysis Efficiency Ensign Raina Temple: +10 Scavenging Efficiency, +2 Armormech Critical Gault Rennow: +10 Underworld Trading Efficiency, +2 Biochemistry Critical Guss Tuno: +10 Archaeology, +2 Treasure Hunting Critical Jaesa Willsam: +5 Archaeology Efficiency, +5 Synthweaving Critical Kaliyo Djannis: +10 Armstech Efficiency, +2 Underworld Trading Critical Khem Val: +15 Artifice Efficiency, +5 Research Efficiency Kira Carsen: +5 Synthweaving Critical, +1 Research Critical Lt. Talos Drelik: +5 Treasure Hunting Efficiency, +5 Archaeology Critical Lt. Iresso: +2 Armstech Critical, +2 Scavenging Critical Lt. Pierce: +10 Cybertech Efficiency, +2 Research Critical Lord Scourge: +10 Artifice, +10 Archaeology M1-4X: +5 Cybertech Efficiency, +5 Scavenging Critical Mako: +5 Cybertech Efficiency, +15 Slicing Efficiency Malavi Quinn: +10 Armstech Efficiency, +10 Diplomacy Efficiency Nadia Grill: +10 Synthweaving, +2 Diplomacy Critical Qyzen Fess: +5 Biochemistry Efficiency, +15 Archaeology Risha: +15 Diplomacy, +1 Slicing Critical Scorpio: +10 Cybertech, +2 Slicing Sgt. Rusk: +10 Armstech Efficiency, +10 Scavenging Efficiency Sgt. Yuun: +10 Investigation, +10 Slicing Skadge: +10 Scavenging Efficiency, +2 Treasure Hunting Critical T7-01: +10 Bioanalysis, +2 Slicing Tanno Vik: +5 Armor Critical, +1 Underworld Trading Critical Theran Cedrex: +10 Cybertech, +10 Slicing Torian Cadera: +10 Research Efficiency, +2 Bioanalysis Critical Vette: +5 Underworld Trading Efficiency, +5 Treasure Hunting Critical Victor Hyllis: +5 Bioanalysis, +5 Diplomacy Critical Xalek: +10 Bioanalysis Efficiency, +2 Scavenging Critical Zenith: +15 Investigation Efficiency, +1 Underworld Trading Critical
  18. So as we all know each companion has 2 crew skill bonuses, either Efficiency or Critical. Would you consider +2 Critical better than +10 Efficiency in the long run? +5 Critical better than +15 Efficiency? +2 Critical better than +15 Efficiency? +10 Efficiency better than +5 Critical? What do you weigh them as?
  19. Test it yourself. Do the mission with the Efficient/affectionate person, check the time, then abandon and do it with your spaceship droid (0 affection and no bonuses) and record the time. See what % difference it is.
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