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Everything posted by Thelgow

  1. I was about to say similar. I've had that happen as well. I've come to the conclusion that if you aren't hurting him, and he's not hurting you, you are both not contributing. Whereas you have range to scare him back away in the event you opt to cap a point or some such. It's hard to break that mentality KILLKILLKILL. That's one reason I'm a little happy with huttball not having any indicators of who scored. There's less ball hogging and passing issues.
  2. Well it was taken on most servers day one, but Mystique was a perfect Chiss operative female name. I went with Confirmative for my sniper.
  3. Best move is Maul, and it's not that great. Any relation to Darth Maul?
  4. Hilarious. I popped him out for 30 secs and thought the exact same thing. Back to the kitchen! He knows his place, with his culinary skills.
  5. You are in the perfect range for pvp, trust me. You get xp and credits. Not to mention pvp commendations, which you can buy gear. And its not pvp based gear, its regular gear. they have equip at lvls 20, 40 and 50. So once I hit 18 or so like you, I start pvping like crazy to get enough commendations for the lvl 20 gear. Plus the pvp daily is great. Note 1000 is limit on commendations so spend them before that point. Also the spacemissions are great. If its your first time doing them, you get the initial introductory quest for them, that gives great xp. Then normally you get 2 or so new ones every few lvls, and a daily to complete both. At home I had a sheet of paper with the run times of each mission and the cred/xp reward. Ive gotten a sniper to 35, Juggernaut to 34 so far. I had an 16 assassin I didnt like the look of and wanted to try something, so deleted and redid, and hit 12 yesterday in about 3.5 hours. Once I get around 16, its pvp time. Still not sure how you're so many lvls under. Im always on par or 1 lvl under but I avoid and circumvent a lot of unnecessary fighting.
  6. I like space combat a lot and actually keep with all the yellow and up dailys. Taspan ambush be damned. However I rebound A and D to strafe instead of turn left and right, and I noticed a side effect is I cant dodge left and right in the space missions anymore. What would be the proper channel for a fix like this? Also I see the 1.0.2 note about blowing up space stations. After I blew up my first one on Ezran. I got my game down so well I was finishing with 20+ missiles so I figured lets lace up the bottom of the station. 30 secs left or so I popped it. message said something along the lines I blew it up, then froze, crashed. I was happy to log in and see I had the pending mission, but i was stuck flying forever with my char standing on top of the ship. Funny considering it's a juggernaut with the vader body armor and cape flowing behind him. Just like when someone comes back from a crew mission, they keep spawning on top of the ship and flying by me.
  7. I have my Jugg lvl 34 with Artifice so far, and have it at 310. Been debating maybe trying something else. I dont play with the crystals much, and making hilts is nice, enchancements seem to have too many missing gaps per lvl bracket. Is it worth scrapping to go bio? I feel bad getting this far and then ditching it. The shields are few and far between. So far I haven't even bothered selling any of my product either. I have a 33 sniper with 300+ cybertech and was just making earpieces and armoring for the jugg which worked well.
  8. I played a Sniper to 33 then opted to try tanking, so I got my Juggernaut to 34 last night. I'm enjoying it so far. I'll admit, its mostly solo. Sometimes just group up for a heroic quest. I get a little fear of performance anxiety ever since i tried tanking in wow and kept wiping. Later I concluded my rl friends are all morons and even pugs I could get through with no deaths. But yesterday I went to squeeze in a FP on sniper to use up my full rested bar. First time doing Cademimu and the last boss, its just 1 guy, no adds. Jigg tTank could not keep aggro. And im not saying i busted crazy moves. 60 solid secs of just running and default attack and him just chasing it... I also broke one of my rules and the other dps was a sniper. I passed all rolls except last and of course lost it. Damn fine black trench coat..
  9. Diplomacy gives alignment and repeating Flashpoints.
  10. Anyone have or know of a spot with in depth info on the data cron cubes? Some have locations but does anyone know which codex entries are for which? Mostly playing across a few diff alts and don't recall which ones I did or didn't get.
  11. Anyone have some recommended leveling specs and basic rotations/priority lists? I've gotten a sniper and juggernaut to 30 and wanted to give Assassin a shot.
  12. By this 7 year logic, should we also expect all new models of tvs to be crts, and the latest and greatest pc's have 2gb of memory?
  13. I would hope they think the Marauder is dps. That is the only function they can do, like snipers.
  14. Buddy, do some pvp. You get about 40-80 commendations per game. There's an orange upgradeable Chest piece at the pvp vendor, I think a round 100-150 badges. They have lvl 20, 40 and 50 gear. Go pvp up and at least get the orange chest and pants. Those you can just keep sliding in Armoring, mods and enhancements to keep up with everyone else.
  15. Just because the force was used to initiate an aspect of it, doesn't mean that it's a force attack. If you fall and break your arm, do you blame the crack in the floor you tripped on, the hard floor your arm made impact with or gravity? OOC, I've seen the Consular's do that telekinetic rock toss. Since its the rock hitting you which is natural, that shouldn't be classified as a force attack either.
  16. You can't even auto stack items into the bank. This won't even be thought of until Spring/Summer.
  17. Can I interest you in those 2 datacron cubes on Tatooine? You have to wait for a hot air balloon which takes 20 mins from where you get on to destination. However you could wait 20-30 minutes or so just for it to arrive.
  18. I got the philosophical point. As well as the fact he got you in real good. I've been to restaurants where if there was any aspect you weren't fond of, they would remedy or offer something else. I'm still here, aren't I? I have a list of gripes and issues with it so far, but still playing it and enjoying it. My group of 6 friends that jumped on, I'm the highest on my main, and now nearly same level on an alt. I've pumped in over 100 hours already most likely. Not mention time at work (it's dead, argh) of forum browsing. It's human nature to focus on the bad, especially when paying. Diet soda? Argh, tastes horrible, I don't want to pay. Complimentary drinks at work, take what you want. This diet soda ain't bad.
  19. Exactly what I was thinking. I have a feeling those speeders on Endor are a hair faster than 90%.
  20. They do help, I can say that much. I was learning to Tank in wow with 4 rl friends and we kept wiping. I felt horrible about it, thinking I sucked really bad. Almost passed up on it. So I geared up hard and tried again, kept wiping. What gives? So one day I decided to tank a random pug, usually the worst idea you can do it. No problems. I tanked a bunch that day, no problems. That night we grouped up again, wipes. I got a dps meter.. This was a few months ago so my Rogue was doing about 21k. I was pulling 22-23 as dps on my DK. My friends were all doing 7-9k. So here I have 4 people blaming me, when in fact I was the only one technically doing whats proper. I told them to read up on some rotations, etc. These guys never research anything and it's amazing they even hit 85.. I for one am a fan of the meters. Im not big on "j00 must pull 24k", but in a case like mine it was a tool to try and fix what was going on.
  21. This is a big issue to me as well. I had to think of a name that didnt compliment my main char 100%, because then all my alts would seem awkward. So I had to think of something fairly decent, rolls of the tongue and seems plausibly universal. And no, there was no confirmation. Because I had a list of about 5 names I wanted to check, and then narrow down, and the 2nd one I tried went right through. I'm sure they can just reset the flag giving back the option to name. But yes, I find it unsettling seeing people with Same first and legacy names. I saw a guy Darthdarth. I dread to see him get the Darth title and then put Darth for a legacy. Or DarthDarth as a legacy. Lord Hog Tied. I had a chuckle out of that, but now he's doomed to Tied on everyone else.
  22. Great salesman. Suckered you real good.
  23. Working as intended. I have to txt my friends on the phone to find out whos on when everyone at the same times decided to make an alt.
  24. Caught me a couple times as well. A 12.5 Kaliyo customization. I wanted to see what it would like, BRRRRRRP! Bye bye credits. I don't even like her to give her vendor trash to wear, Im going to drop 12k on her... Also went to buy pvp badge gear for Juggernaut. Thought the white looked a lil more interesting then the purple chestplate. BRRRRP! Ha! The white armor was medium, the purple was heavy.. Bought a lvl 40 orange boots, thinking I could swap out the mods to bring the level down. BRRRP! And I'm fairly certain I did just this on my Sniper for boots but didn't work on the Juggernaut. I'll have to check the item names on my Sniper to confirm that.
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