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Everything posted by Cosch

  1. Hi I'm Cosch and i like to party. PvP Guild, maybe ranked if we can find competent players(not likely). PM me or whisper Coschh in game to be judged for worthiness.(Space Jam enthusiasts only)
  2. Jealous/bad sorcs and sages all up in this thread.
  3. If you guys need a node guard let me know. I'll need some time to gear up but it shouldn't take long.
  4. You should publish this story. You could probably win the Pulitzer prize.
  5. Cosch

    A Lie about Bastion .

    Until LegendaryQuan rolls on POT5 you guys will remain a joke.
  6. Every time Caeliux posts i put a few coins in a jar for my "Transfer Off of The Bastion" fund.
  7. I'm coming back to this game and just want to get an idea of whether or not I have to join an RP guild or make my own. Republic only.
  8. We prefer the term "objective players".
  9. This is probably the most heavily edited SWTOR pvp movie I've ever seen(not hating, just an observation). Gameplay was good too.
  10. Cosch

    "Objective Players"

    The only person who seems to understand this post. Nowhere in my original post did i say "ignore objectives to tunnel and get high damage". Most of you must be ESL or something because I've already said twice that 1) In Huttball damage/prot/healing are secondary to making plays on the ball(but still important) and 2) You can still focus on an objective while still putting up high damage, healing or protection. This post was directed at that focus sentinel that was fighting with you at mid the whole game, finished with 130k damage in a full length game, and when asked about it claimed that he was an "objective player". Also, to those of you saying that "I guess node guarding isn't important", congratulations on being so intelligent that you found the error in my post.
  11. Cosch

    "Objective Players"

    ITT: "Objective Players" Read this before you post something stupid.
  12. Cosch

    "Objective Players"

    You can get a lot of damage/prot/healing without tunneling and ignoring objectives. This post mostly refers to those people who i see in the fray the whole game but come out with low stats. When you ask these people how they did 90k damage when they were at mid the whole game and they respond that they're an "objective player", that's where I'm confused.
  13. Cosch

    "Objective Players"

    What does that even mean? Just because you're terrible and can't break 200k damage doesn't make you an "objective oriented" player. Most of the players that I know who do a lot of damage/healing/protection share this incredible "objective oriented" talent of yours where you can tab target to someone capping a node and CC/attack them. Stop pretending that this excuses how terrible you are and just admit that you're bad. Huttball is the obvious exception to this rule.
  14. I heard that Game'of'Pwns beat Palmsolo 2-1 and they were really close, intense duels
  15. Cosch

    Hulk smash

    Your fake huttball ability isn't bound. 2/10 bad player.
  16. I was not on Warriors of the Shadow. Not even close.
  17. Only if your opponent has force shroud/resilience up.
  18. Let's see if we can make my fan thread as good as Ryere's
  19. http://www.reactiongifs.com/lol/portman-lol.gif
  20. Why don't you go sign up for Scold's 1v1 tourney? I'm sure we'll all get a good laugh out of who you actually are.
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